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Chapter 188: Striking a Stone with an Egg

The fragments of memories that flooded in informed Luo about many things concerning Stajy that neither ancient texts nor historical records had mentioned; he alone knew these secrets in the whole world.

He had not experienced them firsthand, yet he became a confidante.

A young girl, burdened with heavy responsibilities, had forsaken all her hobbies and interests, forgoing a life typical of women, to ultimately live solely for her citizens. She devoted countless efforts during her tenure, only to be tragically betrayed in the end.

The cause of her untimely death was clear to Luo—it was due to the harp version of the Dark Sonata.

Because the player had to pay with their lifespan, and Stajy had performed many times, her lifespan correspondingly diminished with each use of the Sonata's powers.

The cost was merely a reduction in lifespan, which, compared to other solo pieces, could perhaps be considered a gentler price.

This score was now deeply etched in Luo’s mind.

After understanding everything, Luo felt deeply that Stajy’s sacrifices were not worth it, but it was a personal choice, regardless of its nature, and one that she had to bear the consequences for.

Moreover, this place was indeed an even more ancient relic, but it was also Stajy’s mausoleum.

Using the method of a dove occupying a magpie's nest, treating ancient relics as one's posthumous mausoleum was a practice that didn’t need to harm the people or waste resources. It was a decision made by Stajy after discovering the relics.

Regarding this, Luo had nothing more to say. On one hand, he admired and respected Stajy, and on the other, he found her naïvely charming.

Regardless, Luo became the sole confidant, and having gained considerable benefits from Stajy, he would not allow Antomu to take her body.

He could do without the stone harp, the gem pendant, or any of the items from the collapsed palace, but Stajy’s body was off-limits to everyone else.

In response to Luo’s demands, Antomu just stared at him expressionlessly and said coolly, “Kid, you have great talent and a future ahead. With your Nen exorcism skills, making money is easy. It would be foolish to lose your life over money now.”

In the entire mausoleum, the most valuable item was not the gold or silver treasures, nor the highly collectible antiquities, but Stajy’s well-preserved body!

Antomu acknowledged Luo’s eye for value but thought him foolish nonetheless.

There were many valuable things in the mausoleum, and Antomu only wanted the stone harp, Stajy, and the gem pendant, allowing Luo to take whatever else he wished. This was his grace to Luo.

However, Luo dared to contest him, which was simply courting death.

“Keep Stajy, and take whatever else you want,” Luo replied calmly.

Antomu’s expression turned cold, and he said icily, “Considering the effort you've made, I'll give you another chance to choose.”

If it weren’t for Luo clearing the Nen from the mausoleum, Antomu wouldn’t have been able to access such treasures, and that was why he continued to entertain Luo’s company.

He believed Luo deserved to enjoy the spoils of their venture, but priority should be determined by strength, and he was the strongest among the three present.

Luo took a deep breath, could he really beat Antomu…?

Harboring doubts, he looked at Antomu and said in a very serious and solemn tone, “I choose Stajy.”

With those words, the hall fell into utter silence.

Bisky slightly shook her head, distancing herself from Luo. She only wanted the gem pendant and would snatch it from Antomu later, but seeing Luo so boldly stepping into the line of fire, she decided to let him go ahead and face the music.

“To make such a foolish decision over a corpse, not considering your own capabilities, is truly foolish!”

Bisky watched the standoff between Luo and Antomu, unable to comprehend Luo’s decision. The three fallen individuals should have been enough for Luo to recognize the gap. Yet, he still stubbornly went against the odds.

Bisky wiped the slate clean of any previous positive assessment she had of Luo.

It’s good to challenge strong opponents, but it’s stupid to throw an egg against a rock out of greed.

However, Bisky would not let Luo die at Antomu’s hands. She would watch from the sidelines, ready to intervene if necessary, dismissing the chairman’s request.

Bisky thought Luo was foolish, and Antomu was no less so. They both possessed strength far surpassing Luo’s, so such thoughts were not unusual, and they weren’t aware of the real reason behind Luo’s choice


It wasn’t for money, just a matter of principle.

Antomu turned and walked towards the collapsed palace, placing the stone harp and Stajy on the ground before slowly approaching Luo. During this process, he gradually released his aura.

Standing a hundred meters from Luo, Antomu stopped, his visible aura at its peak. His massive physique, like that of a gorilla, exuded an overwhelming sense of oppression.

Luo’s expression was grave, and he too released his aura, though it was visibly weaker than Antomu’s.

Antomu, standing in front of Luo, gave him a sense of what Uvogin might feel like in a decade.

Antomu didn’t immediately attack. He glanced sideways at Bisky, who was ready to enjoy the spectacle, and said coldly, “Your strength is decent too.”

He raised his arm, pointing with his thumb towards the stone harp and Stajy in front of the palace, and said, “If you make the same choice as this kid, you can join in too.”

Noticing Antomu’s attention on her, Bisky immediately put on a frail and frightened demeanor, her hands clenched in fists and covered her mouth, saying, “I can’t beat you, so I won’t compete with you.”

“You’re much wiser than this kid.” Bisky had a hint of acting cute, but Antomu’s expression remained blank.

Seeing Bisky pretending again, Luo’s mouth twitched, and he suddenly said, “Bisky, aren’t you a gem hunter? You came to the mausoleum just for Stajy’s Tears, right?”

Bisky was momentarily stunned, then realizing Antomu was looking at her, she quickly said, “I do want the gem, but I need to be alive to take it, so I don’t want that gem anymore. You wouldn’t hurt me, right?”

Antomu snorted coldly and said lightly, “I’m not interested in little girls.”

“That’s good.” Bisky feigned a relieved expression, gently patting her chest, then glared fiercely at Luo.

Luo was speechless, unable to spare any more thought for anything else, as Antomu’s killing intent was now locked on him!

Unquestionably, once this battle commenced, Antomu would not hold back, and would coldly and mercilessly kill him.

Not wanting to waste any more time, Antomu suddenly moved, his aura evenly distributed throughout his body, not specifically concentrated in his feet, yet his speed was incredibly fast, aided by his aura and based on sheer strength.

The hundred meters, a short distance for a Nen user, could be crossed in mere seconds.

Despite not knowing the full extent of Nen abilities, daring to charge directly at a target demonstrated Antomu’s confidence, typical of the Enhancer type.

Watching Antomu charge at him, Luo felt like he was facing a ferocious beast.

The gap in aura and physical strength was clearly visible.

Yet, despite this, Luo still chose to trust his Nen and the True Master!

In the first round of confrontation, skillfully utilizing God's Hand, even if walking on the razor's edge, he had to seize this chance!

Luo remained motionless, his expression calm, his breathing steady and strong, as he stared intently at the charging Antomu.

Antomu, seeing Luo intent on a direct confrontation, scoffed internally, and considered Luo’s fate sealed.


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