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Chapter 338: Extra Story 3

After observing the man for three seconds, Ling Chunann firmly shook his head and refused, "Sorry, I already have a candidate for my agent. If you're interested, try to come earlier next time."

"Alright then, here's my business card, maybe we can collaborate in the future." The man took out a business card and handed it to Ling Chunann, then turned and left without further ado.

Ling Chunann glanced at the tall figure of the man walking away, then got back into his car, looked at the business card in his hand which had black background with golden letters, and felt its high quality. It had only a name and a phone number.

Xing Yihong, one of the male leads, the president of Xingyu Entertainment. Why has he come to be an agent? Ling Chunann scanned the name and casually threw the business card aside, sensing something odd about this world.

"Host, was that person an adult just now?" 098 was still shaken.

Ling Chunann shook his head, "Doesn't seem like it." If it had been Helian Feng, he wouldn't have given him a chance to refuse.

It was getting late, street lights started lighting up one by one, and Ling Chunann leisurely drove around the streets before leisurely driving back to Tan Anyue's apartment building.

The garage was quiet, and despite the good ventilation of the high-end apartment, there was a slight smell of gasoline which Ling Chunann disliked. He took out the apartment keys, prepared to go upstairs, and stopped in his tracks about twenty meters from the elevator, noticing a dark figure in a corner nearby.

"Host, that's one of the male leads, he must have been chased here," but isn't this underworld boss supposed to be chased to the female lead and then saved by her? Why did he end up here with Ling Chunann?

"Oh." Ling Chunann simply responded and then quickened his pace towards the elevator.

"Host, aren't you going to save him?" 098 looked back at the fallen dark figure.

By then, Ling Chunann had already entered the elevator and pressed the button to close the doors, "Isn't he one of the male leads? Don't worry, he won't die."

Unaffected by the earlier event, Ling Chunann locked the door of his apartment upon returning, then put away the things he bought in the afternoon, took a glass of water, and went to his study to start working on his computer once again.

After spending half an hour, Ling Chunann finally organized most of the information about the male leads of this world.

There were a total of eleven male leads, encompassing excellent men from all walks of life, each fitting Ling Chunann's aesthetic perfectly. From the photos of these men that Ling Chunann found, they all bore a resemblance to Helian Feng, including this body's brother, who looked somewhat like Helian Feng.

Seeing the first man on the street today, Ling Chunann had already suspected, and now it seemed, it was indeed a grand collection of Helian Feng's clones.

Even though Ling Chunann was incredibly strong mentally, he couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed by this revelation. What was all this about?

"Host, host, maybe we should stop playing and go back," thinking about so many people similar to the adult coming around, 098 couldn't help but feel scared. One adult was scary enough, what if a dozen came at once...

"I don't think I can go back until the mission is completed." Ling Chunann said, "Haven't you noticed? This world has been sealed."

098 felt like the sky was falling.

Relatively, Ling Chunann was much stronger mentally than 098. After the initial shock, he quickly adjusted his mindset, prepared his resume, and sent it to the new agent. He even made an appointment with the agent for a meeting the next day, then went to sleep after washing up.

The next morning, Ling Chunann freshened up and left the house. Passing by the garage, the dark figure was gone, and he didn't care where it went. He drove towards his agency company.

As a super-rich second-generation, although he was only the second young master of the Tan family, he still held significant assets, including shares in several entertainment companies, and he was the second-largest shareholder of Boyue Entertainment, the agency he was now signed with.

No one had told Tan Anyue about this before, and he naturally did not know. However, Ling Chunann had already sorted it out two days ago. As the company's second-largest shareholder, he naturally had the right to change his agent and even kick He Deyuan out of the company without anyone daring to say a peep.

In Ling Chunann's view, bullying by power was not a derogatory term.

As soon as Ling Chunann entered the company building, he saw his new agent waiting for him in the lobby.

The man

 had short, neat brown-black hair, deep and handsome features, and a smile that looked very loyal and reliable.

This was the least Helian Feng-like man he had seen in this world so far! 098 was very satisfied with the agent its master had chosen. At this point, it had completely ignored the baby-faced kid from yesterday.

While Ling Chunann was observing the man, Zhong Lian was also looking at him. The young man in front of him looked quite different from the resume he received yesterday, "Tan Anyue?"

Ling Chunann nodded.

Zhong Lian smiled, "Black hair suits you well."

"Thank you."

"Since you've appointed me as your agent, you must be aware of my work style. If there are no doubts, we can go upstairs and sign the contract now."

Ling Chunann had no objections to Zhong Lian's statement.

The reason Ling Chunann chose Zhong Lian as his agent was firstly because of his capabilities; although young, he had good connections in the circle and had managed only a few artists so far, all of whom were now international superstars. Secondly, he appreciated his character; he never let his artists go out to socialize and would not get them involved in shady deals; most importantly, this person had no relationship with any of the male or female leads, and his background seemed very profound.

Ling Chunann's height in this world was almost the same as his real body, close to 1.8 meters, but he looked rather "petite" compared to Zhong Lian. Standing together, Ling Chunann seemed like a typical undeveloped child.

The two did not continue talking. They entered the elevator one after the other, with Ling Chunann standing on the inside and Zhong Lian pressing the floor button.

Just as the elevator doors were about to close, suddenly a hand stopped them, "Xiao Ke, hurry up, we're going to be late." Two people quickly squeezed in.

The newcomers were Ling Chunann's former agent, He Deyuan, and another artist under his management, named Ke Qining. Ling Chunann remembered that he had probably seen them twice before, but this Ke Qining seemed to have a strangely hostile attitude towards him, and the hostility seemed to come out of nowhere.

The original host might not know the reason for this hostility, but Ling Chunann was clear about it—it was simply jealousy.

Only those who are excellent have the right to be envied, so Ling Chunann never minded being envied. Seeing Ke Qining looking over, he even threw a smile at him, which twisted Ke Qining's expression for a moment.

He Deyuan also noticed Ling Chunann, "What are you doing here?" Then he remembered what Ling Chunann mentioned yesterday about changing agents, and his face turned dark, "If you think about changing agents, forget it, I won't agree. I'm telling you, Tan Anyue, don't think you can do whatever you want just because you have a background. If you piss me off, I can still make sure you can't survive in this circle!"

Ling Chunann glanced at the current floor, ignoring He Deyuan's words as if they were just wind. At this moment, the elevator just reached the fortieth floor, half way to the top floor.

"You were Anyue's former agent? I'm Zhong Lian, his current agent." Zhong Lian turned to face He Deyuan.

"Zhong, Zhong Lian? What are you doing here?" He Deyuan was shocked, "Didn't you announce your retirement from the circle two months ago?"

"The gentleman might need to check his ears. I just mentioned that I am Tan Anyue's new agent," Zhong Lian's speech was far less straightforward than his appearance suggested, and He Deyuan's face turned red with the blatant sarcasm.

Ke Qining was also shocked, "How is that possible?" Everyone in the entertainment industry knew that Zhong Lian was a quirky character who rarely managed artists, but anyone he did manage, no matter their acting skills or any dark history, would end up very successful. It was imaginable that someone with Ling Chunann's looks under his management, even if his acting skills were poor, would probably become globally famous in no time.

Why was this guy so lucky?

Ling Chunann took in their reactions, feeling even more satisfied, "098, look, I really picked the right agent."

098 wholeheartedly agreed, "Host is wise."

Boyue Entertainment had a total of eighty-two floors, and the president's office was located on the eighty-first floor. The elevator 'dinged' and stopped, Ling Chunann was the first to walk out, followed by Zhong Lian, then He Deyuan and Ke Qining.

A sweet-looking secretary came up to greet them, "Mr. Tan, Mr. Zhong, the president has been

 waiting for you in the office. Please go in." Then she looked back at the other two, "Do you two have an appointment?"

He Deyuan, who usually threw his weight around in front of artists, could only behave submissively in front of the company president. He glared at the backs of the two men, then turned to the secretary with a smile, "I had an appointment yesterday. I'm He Deyuan, I'm here to discuss terminating an artist's contract with the president."

"Mr. He Deyuan, please wait a moment." The secretary checked the visitor records, and after a moment, she looked up still with a sweet smile, "Sorry, Mr. He Deyuan, there is no record of your appointment. Also, if you have an artist terminating their contract, I suggest you go directly to the human resources department on the sixty-seventh floor."

Thinking about his grandiose declaration to sideline Ling Chunann yesterday, only to realize he couldn't even enter the president's office, and with the whole process witnessed by the person behind him, He Deyuan's face alternated between red and white, growing somewhat annoyed with Ke Qining as well.

Just then, the secretary's phone rang, she quickly answered, "Yes, they are still here, okay." After hanging up, she looked at the two men, "Mr. He Deyuan, the president has asked you to come in."


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