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Chapter 493: The Founding Ceremony of Ireland

Under the escort of the world's strongest warship, Joseph Bonaparte arrived at Carroll Port in Ireland, where he was warmly welcomed by the high-level officials of the Unified Irishmen Federation, including Russell.

As the warship entered the harbor, the Irish fired 24 salutes to welcome Joseph, who, though not a head of state of any country, is theoretically the Caesar of the Roman Empire. However, Caesar is a vice-emperor, not a head of state.

Russell personally greeted Joseph at the dock. As Joseph walked up the gangway, the military band immediately played the "Slave War Song." Joseph slightly frowned at the song, which now made him somewhat uncomfortable. Nevertheless, he quickly regained his smile, raised his right hand, and waved to the cheering crowd below.

Stepping off the gangway, Joseph and Russell's hands tightly clasped together. Overwhelmed with excitement, Russell gripped Joseph's right hand with both of his, vigorously shaking it. Considering that Russell often trained with soldiers and labored with farmers over the years, while Joseph, well, had always lived in luxury, Russell had barely applied any force before Joseph’s mouth twisted in pain.

"Rus...s...ell comrade... gently... gently... it hurts so much..." Joseph groaned with his mouth askew.

Realizing he might have been overly enthusiastic, Russell quickly loosened his grip, apologizing, "Dean Bonaparte, I'm terribly sorry, I hurt you."

Joseph slightly moved his right hand; now that it was like this, all he could do was forgive him.

The two then walked forward on the red carpet laid out for them, with the crowd on both sides cheering them on.

Both ascended a platform. Russell, as the host, spoke first. He reviewed the Irish people’s suffering under British colonial rule and then highly praised, “'The sound of the French Revolution's cannon brought us revolutionary thoughts, showing us the direction forward for Ireland' – just like ‘the sun shines everywhere, the revolutionary thoughts glitter like gold; the sun warms our bodies, the brilliance of revolutionary thoughts enlightens our hearts.’ Since then, the Irish people have had a stance, a direction. The victory of the Irish revolution is inseparable from the guidance of the French Revolution.

Dean Bonaparte is not only a scientist, a general but also a revolutionary warrior, a thinker. His contributions to the Irish revolution and his thoughts have more than once saved the federation, saved the Irish revolution during the most critical times.

Dean Bonaparte has guided us in thought and supported us in action. Our victory is inseparably linked to the victory of revolutionary France. Without the French comrades bringing us wild boar repellers, we could not best protect our crops from English wild boars; without the French fleet, we could not break the English blockade; without French cannon barrels, we could not achieve independence and freedom now.

However, our enemies have not been completely defeated. Although temporarily forced back to their dens, they are constantly thinking of returning, re-exploiting us, enslaving us, so we must stand firmly together with our friends to thoroughly eliminate this harmful wolf...”

After Russell's speech, Joseph also gave a relatively brief speech. He first highly praised the bravery and resilience of the Irish people, lauding them as diligent and courageous, like the French, among the greatest people in the world. He stated, “An egg can hatch a chick because it has the potential. Replace it with a pebble, and even if the hen exhausts itself, it is futile. The Irish people’s own struggle is the primary reason for gaining independence and freedom.”

He then emphasized that the world is united; everyone’s liberation is the liberation of many more. France cannot be an island of freedom and democracy alone; France needs friends, true friends who share their ideals. Ireland is such a friend, and the Irish and French peoples should be forever friends, generation after generation.

Finally, Joseph took Russell’s hand, and together they raised their clasped hands, shouting, “Long live Ireland, long live the great solidarity of the Irish and French peoples!”

After the speeches, Joseph stayed at the “Independence Hotel” in Carroll Port. The next morning, he attended the founding meeting of the Unified Irishmen Federation.

As everyone decided to set the capital in Dublin, naturally, the founding ceremony should take place there. However, Joseph strongly opposed this.

“Comrade Russell, you must understand, we do not have naval supremacy in the Irish Sea, the British have mined the entrance to this sea area, our warships can't get through, but the British ships can. What should we do if, during our founding ceremony, British warships suddenly appear and bombard the city?

The founding ceremony is a grand event, likely to be attended by many people and friends. If we are bombarded during such an occasion, it could cause great casualties among the people. Therefore,

 I believe the capital of Ireland can traditionally be in Dublin, but the founding ceremony should be held in a safer place. Additionally, including central government institutions, I mean, until we are capable of ensuring Dublin's safety, they should not be set up in Dublin either. We have waited many years to establish an independent nation, and we should have the patience for this. And it won't take too long. Once Dublin's defensive facilities, especially those against the sea, are strengthened, then the central government of Ireland can move to Dublin.”

Joseph’s suggestion was unanimously agreed upon. Therefore, the location of the founding ceremony was set at Carroll Port. This place is the stronghold of the Irish independence movement, where the masses are very supportive of the revolution, and it's very difficult for British spies to infiltrate. And with the French fleet at sea and French-built artillery on land, it would be outright masochism for the British Navy to come here.

Besides attending the founding ceremony of Ireland, Joseph also had another mission, which was to discuss the reconstruction of Ireland with the Irish people.


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