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Chapter 185: Unidentified Object

Within the pitch-black Nen field, two auras emerged, both ice-cold and malevolent, leading to a misjudgment among those in the hall.

They thought the aura bursting from the Nen field was Stajy's Nen; however, it was not, thus raising their awareness of Stajy's Nen to a new level.

The explosion was sudden, followed by an equally sudden silence, like the rise and fall of a knife's momentum.

Although they couldn't see what was happening within the Nen field, they concluded that Luo was likely killed by the force of Stajy's eruption.

"We can only give up now."

Uncle Li and his group watched helplessly as the relentless pitch-black Nen field surged like a colossal beast, ruthlessly blocking their path to wealth.

Both Bisky and Antomu also harbored thoughts of giving up, aware that the post-mortem Nen made no sense due to their strong abilities.

Facing this Nen field, they had no countermeasures unless someone more powerful than Luo, a Nen exorcist, collaborated in battle.

But wait... no need to give up, now is a great opportunity!

As thoughts of giving up surfaced in everyone's minds, they were quickly snuffed out.

Almost simultaneously, everyone's gaze turned to Stajy's gem pendant and the nearby stone harp.

Once the post-mortem Nen left her body, Stajy became a cold corpse, no longer a threat, while the pitch-black Nen field seemed to be digesting Luo, too busy to bother with them.

This meant... now was the perfect time to take the stone harp and gem pendant!

These items were of immense value; acquiring them would mean this trip wasn’t in vain.


Apart from Bisky, everyone suddenly moved, trying to seize the stone harp and gem pendant before the Nen targeted them.

"Greed blinds the eyes, and it's often the root cause of many untimely deaths," Bisky did not move; she simply observed the others calmly.

The Nen field indeed wasn’t targeting them, presenting an opportunity to take the treasures, but only the strongest could laugh last.

When Antomu blocked the stone door and Uncle Li used his Nen to attack Antomu, the seeds of conflict were sown. Given the current situation, the weaker party, if not recognizing the circumstances, would only doom themselves.

As a bystander, Bisky could only regret Uncle Li's behavior, a regret that seemed more like pity.

Her pity came as Uncle Li, in a flash, chose a bomb-laden cake, having painfully forgone numerous such cakes over decades, always opting for the fewer safe ones, a practice she had maintained until now, when she faltered.

Antomu watched the three who rushed forward and coldly smiled as he charged at Uncle Li.

He was eyeing the gem pendant and stone harp, and even Stajy’s corpse, but unlike Uncle Li, he didn’t rush towards the treasures but towards Uncle Li instead.

Attracted by this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Uncle Li made a strategic blunder, the cost of which was his life.

A powerful surge of Nen came from behind, and in an instant, Uncle Li felt a chilling sensation all over, only managing to muster his energy for defense and to barely turn his head.

What met his gaze, however, was a hand as large as a fan brimming with abundant energy.

One second? No, not even a second.

This was the time before death.

Thinking thus, Uncle Li didn’t even have time to feel despair when his consciousness plunged into darkness.


Ruby and Aya were startled and turned around, only to see Antomu’s left hand covering Uncle Li’s face, brutally twisting his head off.

"Uncle Li!" Both cried out in alarm.

Antomu, holding Uncle Li’s head in his big hand, slid back a few feet, revealing a chilling smile with gleaming white teeth.


After a moment, a jet of blood sprayed into the sky from Uncle Li’s neck, his corpulent body falling forward onto the ground.


Ruby and Aya glared at Antomu.

"Money or life, it's a simple choice, don’t you think?"

With a fierce squeeze of his left hand, Uncle Li’s head burst open like a watermelon.

Watching this, Ruby and Aya’s bodies shook violently, but they immediately continued rushing towards the harp and gem pendant without hesitation.

Seeing their choice, Antomu snorted coldly, flung the blood from his hand onto the ground, and then chased after them.

His reason for killing Uncle Li first was simple—to unlock the seal on his right hand.

At this moment, each had their own plans, all rushing towards the treasures.

"Go ahead and steal, after all, Stajy's tears will be mine," Bisky held her arms, calmly watching everything unfolding in the hall.

"It's a pity about that young man, though. His evaluation wasn't even over before he died. Chairman, this isn't me slacking off," she thought quietly to herself.

Everyone assumed Luo was dead, but Luo was not dead.

At this moment, he was utterly confused, unaware that people outside were scrambling for the stone harp and the gem pendant.

The damage initially inflicted on him by the Nen field seemed to vanish into thin air after an aura emanated from a book, placing him undoubtedly within an illusion.

Deafening cheers filled the monochrome sky.

Luo stood on top of a building, observing a bustling ancient city below. The crowd surged along the main street, many holding flowers, casting reverent and awestruck glances toward the central roadway.

A long procession approached slowly from the other end of the street, with onlookers cheering loudly for the horse-riding leader, tossing flowers in their proximity.

No one stood on the balconies or rooftops of the houses flanking the streets, as doing so would be considered disrespectful from such an elevated position.

Luo watched the horse-riding woman, then turned to glance at Stajy nearby.

This was the same person, but different. The one on horseback wore armor, her expression solemn like a warrior goddess.

The nearby Stajy, in contrast, was lightly made-up and dressed in red-toned garments, resembling a bride-to-be, and also resembled the Stajy from the tomb.

Finally, Luo looked ahead at a quirky, cat-like creature floating before him.

Its silver vertical pupils stared intently at him, assessing him like food on a plate, contemplating where to bite first.

Luo wasn’t sure if this creature could actually be called a cat, as it merely resembled one.

This creature was about the size of a normal house cat but entirely black, except for its silver eyes. Its appearance was cat-like, yet distinctively different.

Its ears were long and pointed, and it lacked a nose and whiskers, with three sharp spikes protruding from each side of its cheeks, seemingly in place of whiskers. Its mouth was concealed within its black fur, making it hard to see.

Apart from its unique eyes, its long tail was also unusual, twice the length of its body and curled into a spiral.

This black cat had emerged from a book and was the source of the malevolent aura.

After it appeared, Luo was dragged into the illusion. He felt that the cat might be considering him as food.

Possibly due to the cat's presence, Stajy nearby kept whispering, emitting strong hostility but made no move to attack him.

"What in the world is going on...!" Luo was completely baffled.


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