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Chapter 173: Mr. Mighty

From the very beginning, when Uncle Li invited ordinary people who didn't understand Nen into the team, he had his own calculations.

On one hand, having more people made things easier to handle, and on the other, there were unknown dangers hidden in the tomb, which made it feasible to use less important team members as pathfinders, just like what had happened moments ago, where short-sighted ordinary team members died instantaneously.

About a dozen lives were lost just like that, and Uncle Li and the others didn’t even bat an eyelid. Now, seeing a swarm of human-faced bugs flying towards them, they remained utterly calm.

“These bugs are highly poisonous, do not let them get close!”

Uncle Li concluded this from the way the team members had died and voiced out a warning, simultaneously releasing a weak Nen shot to attack the incoming swarm.

The Nen shot hit the swarm and instantly knocked down several bugs at the forefront. With a soft pop, the bodies of the bugs exploded, and their body fluids splashed onto the ground and walls, leaving behind trails of green luminescent stains.

Over a hundred bugs had emerged from the pearl, and losing a few did not break their formation.

Without needing Uncle Li’s reminder, the others also used Nen shots as their method of long-range attack, bombarding the swarm of bugs. Inside the passage, the fluid from the bugs splattered everywhere.

Those who were not from the Emission category also concentrated their aura into Nen shots, but due to the mismatch in categories, the power of their Nen shots was reduced and could not form a lethal force during fights among Nen users.

However, using them on the highly toxic human-faced bugs was the best opportunity.

Among the ten Nen users present, two had not mastered their skills and could only awkwardly watch from the side. There was also one person who did not act, and that was Biscuit. She pretended to be scared and was visibly slacking.

Luo also attacked the bugs with ordinary Nen shots. Unlike the others, who wasted a lot of aura with their crude methods, he compressed the size of his Nen shots to the size of marbles. With a flick of his fingers, he precisely hit one bug after another.

The defense of the human-faced poison bugs was not great, and they could not sense the presence of aura. They didn’t even dodge and were blasted to pieces in just a few moments, causing the passage to be filled with luminescent bodily fluid.

While Biscuit was slacking, she was also quietly observing the seven people using Nen shots to attack the swarm.

Apart from Luo, the other six, including the hidden powerhouse Antomu, had too crude a method of releasing Nen shots. They only needed to inflict 10 points of damage to kill a bug but used 100 points of damage to injure two or three bugs at a time.

Such behavior not only wasted aura but was also inefficient in killing.

Only Luo’s condensed Nen shots were perfect, not only killing the bugs but also because they required less aura, which meant they could be condensed faster, thus increasing the killing efficiency.

With Luo’s stark contrast, Biscuit discerned that the other six were not from the Emission category, while Luo was very likely to be, hence his mastery of Emission techniques.

“Not bad on the details, this kid…” Biscuit thought to herself, watching Luo’s significantly higher killing efficiency and silently gave Luo an extra point in her evaluation.

Other than Biscuit, everyone else focused on attacking the bugs, not noticing Luo’s precise control since the threat of the bugs was significant.

These bugs, capable of instantly poisoning ordinary people to death, had no chance against Nen users. Not a single one got close before being blasted to pieces by Nen shots, quickly diminishing in numbers.

Inside the passage, the bug’s bodily fluid covered the ground and walls, creating a hundred-meter long path of light, also a path of deadly poison.

“How are we going to get past this?” Aya said.

The toxin that could instantly claim lives was challenging to clean up and posed a significant risk; how to get past was indeed a problem.

The group looked at each other in silence, wordlessly exchanging glances.

Killing the bugs was one thing, but dealing with the terrifying unknown toxin smeared everywhere was not so simple.

The corpses of those who had died out of greed were not far away, constantly reminding them not to recklessly contact this poison.

Uncle Li’s face showed his dilemma, genuinely at a loss for a moment.

No one had expected that such easy-to-deal-with bugs would leave behind such troublesome sequelae, stumping them.

“You should have thought of this consequence when you killed the first bug. If it had been done in Luo’s way, you wouldn’t be facing such a predicament now,” Biscuit muttered to herself, her lips curling


Because the power of the Nen shots was too strong, it made the bug’s bodily fluid splash like paint, and now they were stuck.

The area fell into a deathly silence. Not to mention the reduction in their numbers by more than half, they were also blocked by a pile of bug corpses, truly distressing.

“Let me do it,” Luo then stood up.

Everyone looked at him.

Uncle Li’s eyes lit up, asking, “Luo, you have a way?”

Luo nodded, seriously saying, “My Nen is just right for this.”

“Your Nen?” Aya asked instinctively.


Luo blinked and quipped, “My Nen is called Mr. Mighty, which can clean up grease stains 360 degrees all around, efficiently, saving money and effort!”


A cold wind blew, and an awkward silence followed.

“Minus one point,” Biscuit thought to herself.

Seeing everyone’s speechless reaction, Luo didn’t mind, showing off his least important Nen ability while keeping his most potent Nen ability as his trump card, to be used at the right moment for the best effect.

Luo stood in front of the toxin-covered passage, his aura flowing all over his body, and the domain of God moved, a faint halo spreading out, enveloping the area with the toxin. With a slight intention, the toxin was wiped to the sides like an invisible cloth had done it.

“Brother… quite homely,” Ruby muttered, watching this scene.

Having a Nen specifically for cleaning was indeed a talent, and one had to acknowledge that.

Everyone was speechless, but it was undeniable that Luo had once again helped enormously, whether it was removing Nen or now…

Vaguely, Luo’s importance in everyone’s hearts rose, even though that Nen seemed very trivial and unrelated to fighting, it might play many key roles later on.

“Cancel the previous minus one point.”

Seeing Luo’s ability to clear the toxin, Biscuit’s eyes brightened, feeling a kinship.

She belonged to the Transmuter category, but her Nen, named Magic Beautician, also had various professional beautification techniques and abilities, and could also relieve fatigue.

Including Biscuit, no one realized Luo was hiding his skills, truly believing that the seemingly trivial Mr. Mighty was Luo’s Nen.

Using part of the ability of God's Hand, he easily cleared the toxin smeared everywhere, creating a clean path.

During the use of his ability, Luo deliberately did not move the corpses, further lowering everyone's evaluation of this Nen’s combat ability.

They had a preconceived notion that Mr. Mighty’s ability to move objects could not even move mere corpses.

“All done.”

Luo looked back at everyone, seeing them casting admiring glances at him, though it was unclear from which aspect they admired him.

With the toxin cleared, everyone turned on their flashlights, illuminating the path ahead, and continued down the passage.

The previously luminous pearls were not night pearls at all, but stones that lost their luminous effect after the bugs emerged, and the bug corpses concentrated at the entrance of the passage, causing the path behind to be pitch black.

As the group reached a turning point in the passage, the terrain changed drastically, revealing a stone staircase sloping downward, still with pale skeletons lying on it, though not in large numbers.


At that moment, a nearly inaudible, unknown cry came from the depths of the staircase in the darkness.


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