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Chapter 163: The Strange Trio

"Who are you...?"

Luo hesitated as he addressed the oddly appearing cauliflower-headed man.

This man made an extravagant entrance, and his outfit was equally bizarre.

His black sunglasses, shaped like a cluster of flames, could not hide his caterpillar-like thick black eyebrows.

With a darker complexion, he smiled broadly, revealing a set of even white teeth.

He was tall and sturdy, wearing a green tank top and green tight shorts, with tattoos of cartoon girls on his exposed shoulders.

"Thanks for the compliment, I know I'm handsome!"

Cauliflower-head started stamping on the spot, moving his hands as if DJing, eyes slightly closed, blissfully unaware of Luo's words as if he lived in a dream.

Luo was puzzled.

At that moment, a man and a woman climbed up from the cliff below.

After reaching the top, the woman sprinted and launched a flying kick at cauliflower-head's lower back.

Knocked forward by the kick, cauliflower-head flew a meter away before crashing to the ground.

"Damn you, stepping on my head!"

After knocking down cauliflower-head, the woman posed aggressively, her small tiger tooth visible as she spoke.

"Ruby's wearing earplugs, he can't hear you," the man slowly approached and reminded.

The woman who kicked cauliflower-head appeared to be under twenty. She had chestnut-colored hair adorned with a strawberry hair clip, which due to her hairstyle, revealed a large smooth forehead. She was petite, wearing a red-and-white checkered shirt and capri pants, and carried a backpack bigger than her frame.

The man, nearing middle age, was round and shorter than the chestnut-haired woman. He had a bald patch on top of his head, wore rimless glasses, and had ears that stuck out, with a large mouth.

He was dressed in a white shirt and black trousers, polished dress shoes, and carried a laptop.

Observing the sudden appearance of the trio, Luo cautiously retreated to a safe distance.

Among the three, besides Ruby, Luo had seen the other two wandering near Mount Grul.

Luo's wary demeanor was noticed by the chestnut-haired woman and the bald middle-aged man, but they merely raised their eyebrows and said nothing.

After lying on the ground for a while, cauliflower-headed Ruby suddenly jumped up, looking at the chestnut-haired woman, "Aya, this handsome guy's waist is important to the happiness of countless beauties, you can't just kick it recklessly!"

The woman named Aya frowned and retorted sharply, "A youthful and cute girl's head shouldn't be stepped on recklessly either!"

"Ruby, take out your earplugs." At that moment, the bald middle-aged man gestured to his ears, then advised Aya, "You should say it when he takes them out, or he'll step on your head again."

"Will that work?" Aya rolled her eyes.

Ruby, not hearing Aya's words but seeing the bald man's gestures, grinned and said, "Yo, this handsome guy will satisfy your humble wish!"

Saying so, he spun around on the spot a few more times, and while spinning, he twirled out the earplugs with his fingers and casually tossed them away.

Seeing Ruby discard the earplugs, the bald middle-aged man turned to Aya and said, "Now you can speak."

Aya pointed at the footprint on her head and yelled at Ruby, "Step on my head again, and you're done!"

"Did this handsome guy electrify you?" Ruby struck his signature pose, side-leaning with his arm extended, hand shaped like a gun, teasingly wagging his thick eyebrows as if he truly hadn't heard Aya's words.

"Uncle Li, I think he needs to go to the hospital." Aya calmly turned to the bald middle-aged man.

Uncle Li stroked his smooth head and said gravely, "That makes sense."

Aya sighed lightly, dropped her backpack to the ground, unzipped it, and rummaged through it for a while, pulling out a bag full of earplugs.


Watching Aya pull out the bag, Ruby's grinning expression suddenly stiffened.

Aya looked at Ruby, squinted her eyes, and forcefully threw the bag full of earplugs behind her, towards the cliff.

"Oh, no!"

Ruby chased after the flying bag, only managing to reach the edge of the cliff, watching helplessly as the earplugs fell, then he knelt down in despair, making an Orz gesture.

Aya, uninterested in Ruby, picked up her backpack and walked with Uncle Li towards Luo, who was silently watching.

Seeing them approach, Luo held his knife, not removing the white cloth from the blade, and said indifferently, "If you have something to say, just say it from there."


 the trio's appearance, he had simply kept his distance, silently observing them.

Aside from Ruby, who seemed like a narcissist, both Aya and Uncle Li maintained their aura wrapped tightly around them, clearly Nen users, but Luo couldn't gauge their abilities just yet.

"Don't be nervous, we mean no harm."

Uncle Li adjusted his glasses and smiled warmly, "It's a shame you're so timid, for someone who carries a blade."

"Aya, keep it low," Uncle Li cautioned.

"Yes, yes, yes." Aya rolled her eyes and looked away.

Luo continued to watch calmly, his grip on the knife not too aggressive but not completely unguarded either.

"Let's introduce ourselves; you can call me Uncle Li, and this is Aya. As for the nutcase beside us, that's Ruby," Uncle Li introduced himself and the others, then smilingly asked Luo, "Mind telling us your name?"

"Luo." His response to the question was a bit odd, but since the other party had introduced themselves, Luo reciprocated.

"Full name?" Uncle Li maintained his smile.

"That is the full name," Luo replied, raising an eyebrow.

"That's quite a unique name," Uncle Li adjusted his glasses again and said, "We've been watching you for a while."

"Oh?" Luo slightly raised his knife.

Uncle Li glanced at the knife in Luo's hand and smiled, "Once again, we mean no harm."

"And then?" Luo kept his eyes on them, wary of their Nen abilities.

"Well, how about a collaboration?" Uncle Li's previous sentence seemed to be an explanation, but he got straight to the point with his next statement.

Luo's expression hardened, remaining silent.

Uncle Li's eyes narrowed behind his glasses, "We know the entrance to Stajy's tomb. Let's go together."

Hearing Uncle Li's words, Luo's face showed a slight change.

Looking at Luo's expression, Uncle Li's face bore a smile, earnestly saying, "I won't explain further. If you agree, we're partners. This is the first step in sharing information. But take your time, don't rush to refuse, and don't rush to agree."

Luo, initially tempted to probe further, tightly closed his mouth.

The meaning behind the other party's words was clear: agree, and all would be well; if not, it was as if they had never asked.

Luo remained silent for a moment, then decided to leave and think it over, calmly saying, "I'll come back here tomorrow and give you an answer."

"Good choice," Uncle Li smiled, knowing Luo understood his hint.

Luo slowly backed away to the cliff edge, hesitated for a moment, and without saying anything, jumped off the cliff.

Watching Luo leave, Uncle Li's smile faded, and he sat down cross-legged on the spot, placing his laptop beside him. Then, aura surged around his hands, manifesting a laptop.

The screen lit up, showing a clean and simple page with only an input box.

Aya came to Uncle Li's side, looking at the page, and said, "Uncle Li, you were too deliberate when asking for his name, he was obviously brushing you off."

"No worries, it just adds a bit of difficulty," Uncle Li chuckled, typing the character 'Luo' into the input box.

He then pressed the enter key.


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