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Chapter 153: Breakup

Feitan stirred up a cloud of dust with great effort, only to be defeated with a single slash?

Due to the dust obscuring their vision, Machi and the others only saw the outcome and not the process, but the sound was only one stroke, indicating that the confrontation between Luo and Feitan might have been just one round.

"Cough, cough."

Feitan flipped over, crouching on the ground, covering his abdomen and coughing harshly. His sharp eyes flickered with a sinister light, and his mouth, full of fresh blood, appeared quite ferocious.

Luo sheathed his sword, looking indifferently at Feitan. He hadn't held back with that slash; he had merely switched the mode of his divine sword to "blunt," so when the slash struck, it caused Feitan significant internal injuries.

Yet, in such a situation, Feitan's grip on his rapier did not loosen, which was quite a commendable reaction.

Luo glanced at the rapier Feitan still tightly held in his hand, then withdrew his gaze and turned to Machi and the others, saying, "I only used one slash. If you're about as strong as him, there's probably no need to compete, right?"

Before he could finish speaking, Feitan, enduring his injuries, quickly stepped in front of Luo.


Without wiping the blood from his mouth, he once again stood opposite Luo, requesting another match.

Feitan showed no signs of shame; what he wanted was to win back that one slash.

Luo looked at the stubborn Feitan and frowned, "Wasn't that slash profound enough? Or, do you think my blade was dull?"

If it had been a real enemy, that slash would have been enough to take Feitan's life, a fact that the person concerned should have been aware of.

"Then you should have killed me."

Feitan raised his arm, positioning his sword in front of him in a fighting stance.

He wasn't thinking about those things. Now, all he wanted was to win back that slash.

This guy... as tough as Uvogin and the others.

Luo sighed softly, clearly not fond of Feitan. He had thought that a single slash would be enough to convince Feitan, but it seemed he was mistaken.

If one slash wasn't enough, then maybe two.

Watching Feitan's relentless demeanor, none of the Troupe members came forward to dissuade him.

This was a matter of personal will and choice, not for others to interfere.

Luo slowly raised his arm, the tip of his blade pointing directly at Feitan, and said, "Is it so hard to admit defeat?"


Feitan suddenly moved, charging straight at Luo.

"You really think my blade is dull?"

Luo's eyes narrowed. In terms of swordsmanship and speed, Feitan was now no threat at all.

He charged towards Feitan, easily seeing through Feitan's moves, but still moved with the flow, meeting sword with sword.

The two passed by each other's bodies, then stood still.

Feitan's eyes slowly widened to their fullest, his trembling pupils highlighting his master's unrest.

Luo had held back again, in that instant, Feitan saw it clearly.

He looked down only to see his rapier snapped in two, half of the blade lying on the ground.

It wasn't an illusion...

The moment the swords clashed, Luo's blade had cut through his sword, no, it should be said it had sliced his sword in two, then at the moment it was about to slice his neck, it effortlessly retracted.

Why did it seem effortless?

Probably because... the gap between them was too large, so large that the other party didn't need to be serious.

"Relatively speaking, I'm not bullying a newbie, right?"

Luo looked back at the motionless Feitan. In the second round of their clash, he hadn't injured Feitan, and Feitan hadn't moved, clearly struck by the blow.

If not for that unnamed swordsman's obsession, the sword fight really couldn't end so easily.

The onlookers saw everything clearly this time, another instant decision in the fight, and Feitan lost to Luo twice.

Before the fight, it was hard to imagine it would be a crushing defeat, even Chrollo himself didn't think he could do that.

"It's not that Feitan is too weak, but that Luo is too strong," Franklin remarked, glancing at Feitan's silhouette.

Currently, the members of the Phantom Troupe are just starting out; without a master's guidance, in terms of strength, they'd at least need to figure things out on their own for several years to take shape.

Compared to others' surprise at Luo's strength, Sanbica wasn't so surprised. However, in Sanbica's view, the members of the Troupe weren't weak; it's just that Luo's current strength far surpassed theirs.

"You won't win against me."

Ignoring Feitan, Luo turned to the silently watching Machi and the others.

The condition to join the Troupe was to defeat him, a condition that clearly Machi and the others couldn't meet.

Hearing Luo's words, Machi silently stepped forward, standing in front of Luo.

She was the first to step up, followed by Uvogin and Nobunaga, who were already prepared for a series of challenges.

Looking at Machi approaching, Luo rubbed his forehead and advised, "Give up."

"If you want me to give up, you can." Machi spoke indifferently.


"Break my limbs."

"You're joking, right?"

"What do you think?" Machi's gaze intensified, clearly serious.

Luo saw through her, sighing, "I won't join the Troupe."

Machi smiled faintly, then suddenly launched an attack towards Luo. Nen threads hidden between the gaps of her palms, she closed in on Luo, striking out with two palms.

Luo saw the Nen threads and stepped back, breaking Machi's intent.

What was troubling him now was that Machi was a woman of her word. The previous condition of winning didn't specify the number of rounds, and Machi had caught him in a loop.

Now, knowing Machi, even breaking her limbs would probably not make her give up.

"Why don't you leave the Troupe?"

While dodging Machi's close attacks, Luo still had the leeway to speak, even raising this question directly in front of Chrollo.

Just as Machi stubbornly wanted him to join the Troupe, he also demanded that Machi leave the Troupe, like a couple stubbornly arguing against each other, neither willing to back down.

Hearing Luo's words to Machi, Chrollo remained unmoved, his emotions unchanged.

"I won't go back on my word."

Machi missed a palm strike, looking at Luo who had backed away.

She had been the first to agree to join the Troupe and would not hastily leave it, which was why she so adamantly wanted Luo to join.

"That figures."

Luo stood still, looking at the serious Machi, and smiled, "Sorry, and thank you."


Machi's eyebrows raised slightly, and suddenly, her vision lost sight of Luo.

The next moment, everything went dark, and the only sensation was pain at the back of her neck.

Luo had moved behind Machi and struck her unconscious with a palm, then caught her as she collapsed.

"Idiot, I wouldn't really break your limbs."

Holding the unconscious Machi, Luo looked over at Uvogin and Nobunaga, who were watching the fight, and said, "It's just the two of you left now."


Uvogin stepped forward, scratching his explosive hair, and said, "A quick decision like that makes a series of fights pointless. No matter what, you and I should have at least ten rounds."

"You're pretty arrogant, watch out or I might break your limbs," Luo retorted.

Uvogin's eyes widened in anger, "Putting women before bros!"

"Say what you will," Luo rolled his eyes.

Afterward, Luo set Machi down and engaged in battle with Uvogin.

The fight that erupted over the condition of Luo joining the Troupe lasted less than half an hour.

In the end, Luo of course didn't break Uvogin's limbs, but he did cut Nobunaga's sword, causing Nobunaga immense distress as the sword had been hard-won.

That evening.

Machi woke up, while Luo and Sanbica had already left.


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