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Chapter 145: Encirclement

With a calm gaze and a deep tone, without showing any intent for battle, yet no one could doubt the desire for combat within.

Thinking of that unbelievable possibility, Sanbica Norton staggered several steps back in panic, her eyes wary as she looked at Luo, whose aura and demeanor were completely changed.

This wasn't Luo.

Although she didn't know what had happened, she was certain of it.

Luo, watching Sanbica retreating, his eyelids drooped slightly, as if with a tinge of regret, he softly said, "Anyway, let's battle!"

As soon as his words fell, the clear and sharp aura transformed into an undaunted will to fight.

No matter who the opponent was, no matter the outcome, no matter how much time was left... anyone would do, all he sought was a battle.


On the display stand, the glass cover suddenly developed cracks, like intertwining snakes, seemingly drawn out by an invisible force having a physical effect.

In the corner, a giant dog curled up, its body trembling, its paws flipped upwards towards the sky, its long tongue hanging out on the ground. This was a posture of submission and surrender, from this moment on, even if its life was taken, it would not resist.

Sanbica was pushed back to the cold wall by the fighting spirit emanated by Luo, her whole body feeling cold, fear evident on her face, she asked, "Who... are you?"

Luo's expression was cool, without a word, he took a step forward, striking fear into Sanbica's heart.

There was no killing intent, but Sanbica felt an indescribable danger.

She didn't understand what was happening to Luo, only knowing that she couldn't just sit around and wait for death.

Just then, the aura and fighting spirit that Luo had been emanating, like melting spring snow, abruptly dispersed, and his cold face suddenly turned into a playful smile.

"Just kidding."

Under Sanbica's speechless gaze, Luo sheathed his long sword, as if his previous behavior was just a joke.

"You're crazy!" Sanbica immediately retorted angrily after recovering from her shock.

She had really been scared, thinking something bizarre had possessed Luo.

"Ha ha, look how scared you got." Luo, however, laughed unrestrainedly.

Seeing Luo still mocking her, Sanbica turned her head away in anger, refusing to pay him any attention.

Seeing Sanbica's reaction, Luo slowly turned around, his smile fading, his expression becoming slightly solemn.

His earlier behavior wasn't a joke, but because he didn't want Sanbica to notice anything unusual, he turned his back to her.

The unimaginable and indescribable events were brushed off as a trivial joke, never to be mentioned again.

Thinking this, Luo took a deep breath. He not only accepted the restrictions and vows but also the lingering obsessions of the unnamed swordsman.

If one could live forever, they would inevitably keep moving forward, never finding the pursuit tedious.

It was a will that not even death and time could erode, a true battle maniac.

Not for slaughter, not seeking victory or defeat, but to walk further on the endless path of the great dao.

For a moment, Luo even thought he was done for, fortunately, it was just a false alarm, but the aura induced by that obsession was truly astonishing.

"It was your doing, wasn't it?" Luo silently asked himself, a question that would remain unanswered.

Perhaps, the white smoke believed it was for Luo's benefit, but Luo would definitely not easily touch these things again in the future.

Suddenly, Luo raised his arm, slicing forward with his sword, a gleam of sharpness flickering from the tip of the blade. The action of slicing down was skilled, as if he had done it countless times before.

Just a simple slice, without any hesitation, crisp and decisive, not something a beginner could do.

Savoring those memories, Luo sheathed his sword, turned back to look at Sanbica, who was still sulking, and smiled, "Are you angry?"

"You're insane." Sanbica looked at Luo, repeating her earlier words, but this time with a much calmer tone.

"I'm sorry."

Luo sincerely apologized, even though it wasn't his fault, but he had to take the blame.

Seeing Luo apologize, Sanbica's anger subsided significantly.

She was like that, willing to forgive someone who admitted their mistake, although this principle generally applied to people, not actions.

After apologizing, Luo glanced at the antiques in the basement and the giant dog cowering in the corner, thinking it was time to leave, not wanting to stay any longer.

The elder was executed, and the sword was obtained; the next step was to leave Meteor Street. As for the antiques in the basement, he couldn't be bothered to take them;

 after all, he wasn't short of money, and it would be troublesome to carry them.

If he had a storage space, he might not mind taking them.

"Let's go. We might have to break out soon. Don't stray too far from me," Luo said.

The explosion caused by the elder was unexpected for Luo, and this explosion would definitely provoke the council to act.

"Okay," Sanbica nodded.

The two of them walked shoulder to shoulder up the stairs, and throughout, the black giant dog maintained its submissive posture, daring not to make any slightest unruly movement.

As Luo had thought, the explosion that collapsed the house, like an alarm bell, spread throughout Meteor Street.

When Luo and Sanbica entered the basement, guards directly under the Elder Council, following the direction of the explosion, arrived here with lightning speed.

The first to arrive was a team of more than a hundred people. Seeing the rubble everywhere, they immediately went into combat readiness.

This team, nearly everyone carried firearms, some with assault rifles, some with only handguns, and a few with knives.

"This is Elder Lur's house!" someone in the team exclaimed.

Elder Lur was the elder of the East Street, and his status was self-evident, but his residence was now in ruins.

"What exactly happened?"

"You few, go ask the people nearby. The rest of you, clean this place up with me," commanded a man who seemed to be the captain. He noticed the residents in nearby buildings watching this way.

Perhaps among those residents, someone knew what happened.

Hearing the captain's order, the small team about to inquire among the residents hadn't even started moving when two people walked out from the ruins – it was Luo and Sanbica, who had obtained the true lord.

Seeing this scene, the hundred or so people present all did the same thing, raising their guns at Luo and Sanbica.

Elder Lur's men wore tattered poncho clothes, and the attire of Luo and Sanbica was clearly different.

"Who are you? Where is Elder Lur?" the leading captain asked coldly.

Luo, with the true lord on his shoulder, faced the nearly hundred dark muzzles without flinching.

He scanned the people present, almost a hundred in number, almost all armed with guns.

Both parties were in a standoff, and the residents in the surrounding houses all leaned at the windows, watching the scene unfold.

Meteor Street rarely had invaders from outside, partly because of its limited contact with the outside world, and partly because it lacked factors that would provoke a war.

"I'll give you ten seconds," the captain said, his eyes emitting a cold light. If Luo couldn't explain himself, he would order them to be shot.

Whoosh whoosh...

People wearing tattered ponchos emerged from all directions, blocking every exit, surrounding the ruins in the middle. These people were Elder Lur's subordinates, drawn here by the explosion.

Even more people were outside the streets, like a net from heaven to earth, trapping Luo and Sanbica here.

At this moment, Luo and Sanbica were surrounded by more than four hundred people, over half of them armed. Despite the dangerous situation, the two remained calm.

"If you're referring to the Elder of East Street, he's dead."

The ten-second countdown had barely started, and Luo announced a fact that shocked everyone present.

Elder Lur was dead...!

The next second, without needing the captain's order, almost everyone fired at the same time.

The dense gunfire immediately filled the area, scaring the onlookers away from the windows, missing the miraculous sight of countless bullets stopping mid-air.

But there was one person who didn't miss it – Illumi.


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