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Chapter 137: Gathering Together

Luo caught the punch with his left hand, and both Uvogin and Machi knew that Luo was not left-handed.

As they rushed forward, Luo did not stop either, also growing stronger.

How far is the gap between them? They won't know until they try.

Whether the gap remains far behind or is narrowed to a close distance, or even reaches the point of walking side by side.

"Let's go, the one hundred and first match, I won't lose again!"

Uvogin restrained his laughter, stepped out of the house, ready to drag Luo to the Junkyard to stir up trouble, regardless of whether the moonlight was sufficient tonight.

He had knelt in Luo's hands for a hundred matches, and after months of hard training to become stronger, it was natural for him to seek a comeback, to win a victory from Luo's hands no matter what.

However, Luo simply brushed off Uvogin's hand, jokingly dismissing the idea. If they started fighting, it wouldn't just be the one hundred and first match; there could easily be a hundred and ten matches.

Even with Sanbica's help in tomorrow's main event, it wasn't going to be easy enough to act capriciously tonight.

"No fighting." Luo directly refused after brushing off Uvogin's hand.

Uvogin withdrew his hand, not minding, just chuckled and said, "You don't have a say in this!"

His impatient demeanor and tone were like a robust man who has been abstinent for decades suddenly seeing a graceful woman, not willing to easily let go.

"If you don't fight Uvogin for one round, he's going to be relentless," Machi said with her arms crossed, enjoying the spectacle from the side.

Luo rolled his eyes and said, "One match would be okay, but is this guy going to be satisfied without four or five matches?"

"True," Machi nodded in agreement.

Pausing, a sly look flashed in her eyes. Suddenly, she looked at the eager Uvogin and said, "Uvogin, Luo just told me that he would agree to join the Troupe only if you beat him."

Not only stirring the pot but also adding fuel to the fire.

"Oh?" Uvogin's expression turned solemn at once, seeing yet another reason he couldn't afford to lose.

"Machi!" Luo glared at Machi, who appeared indifferent.

"I'll go call the others over, you two can keep fighting." Machi turned her back to Luo, waved her hand, and walked away.

She had only taken a few steps before stopping, her back to them, and reminded, "By the way, when Luo mentioned that condition, he only said to win, not how many matches, so... it's okay for you to fight him for a hundred matches."

After saying that, she smiled, took a step forward, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

Luo watched Machi walk away, wishing he could smack her on the head.


Uvogin cracked his thick knuckles, seriously saying, "Let's go, let me even the score first."

Even the score, my ass! That's a hundred matches!

Luo turned his head to look at the battle-crazed Uvogin and handed him a cloth bag, saying, "Take this."

Uvogin glanced at the large cloth bag, not knowing what was inside, thinking Luo agreed to go to the Junkyard for a fight but wanted to leave his things at his place first, so he straightforwardly took it.

"Wait for me, it'll be quick."

After taking the cloth bag, Uvogin turned and walked into the house. Fortunately, the door was big enough to easily pass through.

Seeing Uvogin take the cloth bag and enter the house, Luo was stunned. He had intended to show Uvogin what was inside to persuade him, but Uvogin had taken the bag and gone back inside.

In a short while, Uvogin came out after placing the bag, immediately eager to go to the Junkyard, urging not to dawdle.

He glanced at the silent Sanbica standing by, saying, "This is your friend, right? Coming along?"

Sanbica just looked at Luo. If Luo agreed to fight Uvogin, she would surely follow.

"Uvogin." Luo scratched his cheek.

"Hmm?" Uvogin looked at Luo.

"Now, I'm going to give you two choices," Luo said seriously.

"Speak," Uvogin responded.


Half an hour later.

Machi, leading the other members, arrived at Uvogin's home, only to surprisingly find Uvogin sitting on the living room sofa, with Sanbica who came with Luo also sitting there.

"Uvogin?" Mach

i entered the house, and the others followed suit.

"Here you are." Uvogin greeted everyone with a wave.

Sanbica observed the Phantom Troupe members entering the door silently, treating these people as Luo's friends.

Not only Chrollo, Pakunoda, and Nobunaga, but also Feitan and Franklin, whom Luo had never met, had arrived. Upon entering the house, they noticed Sanbica, the outsider.

"You didn't fight?" Machi frowned slightly, deducing this from Uvogin's condition.

"Luo said to fight in a couple of days, and I agreed," Uvogin casually said.

"This doesn't sound like you," Machi eyed Uvogin.

Uvogin touched his spiky hair, saying, "I wanted to fight right away, but then we'd have nothing to eat tonight. It's just two days, I can endure."


Hearing about food, Machi roughly guessed the reason. Only Luo's cooking could pause Uvogin's battle fervor.

"What are you talking about? Where's that guy Luo?" Nobunaga, carrying a pack of beer, looked around, not finding Luo.


Luo was in the kitchen. Hearing the noise from the living room, he opened the kitchen door, leaning against the doorframe, looking at the Troupe members who had gathered.

After convincing Uvogin with dinner, he had gone to Uvogin's kitchen to start making Buddha Jumps Over the Wall. Having just started cooking when he heard the commotion, he knew Machi and the others had returned.

Besides Machi and a few, there were two 'new faces'.

Feitan and Franklin...?

Luo sized up Feitan and Franklin for the first time. Both were Phantom Troupe members, strong and formidable.

Feitan, in a black casual outfit, had fair skin and black bangs leaning to the left, his sharp eyes resembling a fox's.

Franklin was even more muscular than Uvogin, with black short hair, a square face, and solid features.

Noticing Luo's gaze, Franklin also sized up Luo. Having not seen him but hearing about him from Uvogin and the others, he seemed worth noting.

Feitan, unlike Franklin's calm demeanor, measured Luo with a prickly gaze.

Luo didn't pay much mind to Feitan's needle-like stare, returning his gaze to Nobunaga, his eyebrows raising as he called out, "Have you been infected by Uvogin's stupidity?"

Because when Nobunaga saw Luo, he put down his beer and drew his long sword with a clang.

After months apart, it was no longer a wooden sword but a real one.

"Don't compare me with that idiot Uvogin," Nobunaga said, sword in hand, with a sneer.

"What are you drawing your sword for?" Luo looked at his sword.

"If I were you, I wouldn't talk nonsense and just stab him first." Despite being called idiots by the two, Uvogin didn't get angry, just quietly backed up a bit.

However, Nobunaga suddenly sheathed his sword, glanced at Uvogin lightly, and said indifferently, "I'm not like you."

Meaning, you might do that, but I wouldn't, because I'm not an idiot!

Seeing Nobunaga sheathe his sword, Luo breathed a sigh of relief. Just then, Machi glared at him, as if to say: You're lucky this time.

Luo winked at her, indicating everything was under control. She turned her back on him, sitting down on the sofa.

Uvogin and Nobunaga seemed to start bickering again, ignoring Luo.

Sanbica hardly spoke, finding these people's way of interacting quite interesting.

Chrollo watched Luo quietly, his gaze as calm as water. Seeing Luo look over, he nodded slightly.

It was good that Luo came back before they left Meteor Street.

After all, Luo was one of the members he had his eye on.


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