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Chapter 491: The Scorch Cannon, A Nuclear Blast at the Holy City!

It is commonly known that the changes in the moon's phases are related to the sun's radiation and its orbital period around the planet.

According to the observations of wizards from the prophecy school, the lunar cycle in this otherworldly realm is about 30.25 days, roughly equivalent to a month.

No, perhaps it should be said the other way around: the number of days in a month is determined by the cycle of lunar phases! However, June 15th is an exception. On this day, not only will there be a full moon, but the moon will shine brighter than usual, even causing magical tides. Hence, this day is called Moon Day!

This is an astronomical phenomenon unique to this planet.

According to the calendar, it is still around April, two full months away from June 15th. Yet, this year's Moon Day has arrived early...

"Has this ever happened before, Chairwoman Aurora?" Lynn turned to the legendary witch beside him. When it comes to observations and records of the stars, the prophecy school naturally knows the most.

"This is the first time. Moon Day has always been very punctual, never early or late," Aurora said with certainty. They have been observing the stars for decades, and such an error is impossible.

"Could it be related to that false god?" Raphael pondered aloud. "If I remember correctly, she's supposed to be that... Moon Goddess, right?"

Lynn had already thought of this, but had not linked the two before.

After all, the moon is a celestial body. To say it's small is only in comparison to planets; its mass can only be calculated in billions of tons.

In his memory, Aila was at best a native of the planet, a somewhat stronger legendary wizard. How could she have such a significant impact on such a celestial body?

However, Lynn did not refute the idea, because upon further thought, it indeed seemed strange.

In the holy scriptures of the church, Aila is described as the creator, the god of genesis, the eternal existence, the origin of all cause and effect. Each title is incredibly lofty, except for... the title of Moon Goddess!

Why not the more lofty Sun Goddess?

In the eyes of the commoners of the empire, the sun, which provides light to the world, should hold a higher status than the moon and attract more worship.

Yet, this title is the most widespread.

The group of great wizards pondered this question as well.

"Why don't we go up and see for ourselves?" Harof suddenly suggested.

Initially, to verify Lynn's planetary theory, he flew tens of thousands of meters into the sky, reaching the limit of what a great wizard could endure. Now, he believes he can fly even further.

Lynn rolled his eyes. According to his calculations, the distance to the moon is over 400,000 kilometers, about ten times the circumference of their planet.

Even if legendary wizards could fly at the speed of sound, it would take a total of 400 hours, which is non-stop flying for 17 days, not to mention calculating the moon's orbit in advance.

Now, who has the time for that?

"Even if the changes in the moon phases are related to Aila, so what? We've already arrived at the city's gates, are we supposed to give up now?" Aurora suddenly spoke up, interrupting the discussion. "What, is she going to drop the moon on us and wipe us out?"

That would not be a legendary battle, but the actual end of the world! Lynn nodded. Thinking too much now was pointless; all answers would be known by tomorrow.

Moon Day, huh? Victorio, who had been silent, was also looking at the sky, not joining in the discussion about the moon phases, still pondering the information he had obtained from Gustav's mind.

This news was too shocking, and Victorio was not ready to disclose it until its authenticity was confirmed. He worried that it was just Gustav misleading him.

The origin of wizards, Victorio muttered to himself, snapping back to reality only after Harof shouted a few times, pushing his doubts aside for the moment.

Given the mysterious early arrival of Moon Day, the council's wizards were on high alert.

However, contrary to their expectations, the night was incredibly calm. Nothing happened, and the church did not launch a nighttime attack. Perhaps, as some wizards guessed, the empire's main force was already decimated!

At seven o'clock in the morning, with the sunrise, the kingdom's army officially set out.

Despite carrying a significant amount of ammunition and supplies, the fully mechanized force was not slow, thanks to the highways the church had built between the empire's cities, which prevented the armored vehicles from breaking down halfway.

Around eleven o'clock at noon, the outskirts of the Holy City were already in sight.

For Raphael and the others, who were visiting this place for

the first time, the city's immense size was astonishing. Almost five times larger than the capital, its walls, towering over thirty meters high, resembled mountain ranges, their surfaces shimmering with divine magic.

The midday sun, casting down from the sky, formed a golden halo encircling the entire city under the effect of force field magic.

As for the interior of the Holy City, it was enveloped in the domain of the divine, with the distant sound of sacred hymns floating in the wind...

"The church's centuries of crystallization are indeed not bad!" Although Harof could not see the specific scenes inside, he could imagine the amount of divine magical protection the church had set up here.

This was also why they had not launched an attack on the Holy City; no one dared to claim they could successfully breach its defenses.

"But it's just higher walls, a larger city, that's all. Give us a few years, and any major city under the kingdom will be more prosperous than this Holy City!" Lynn shook his head.

Such a vast and magnificent city is indeed shocking in this otherworld, but for him, it meant little.

The wizards present also recovered from the shock of the enormous city before them. No one questioned Lynn's words; after all, the kingdom's rapid changes were visible to everyone.

The kingdom had things the church might not, from this perspective, the Holy City was merely larger, taller.

And after today, the Holy City might cease to exist!

While the group discussed, the kingdom's army had already reached about two kilometers from the Holy City. The church had not sent anyone to block or confront them, evidently planning to bunker down and not come out.

"Since they won't come out, let's break this shell!" Harof said coldly.

The advancing steel tide immediately parted, revealing hundreds of electromagnetic cannons in the rear, ready to test the Holy City's defenses.

Lynn had already tried this once before, but because it was just an incarnation, it was quickly destroyed by Aila's avatar, and the information obtained was very limited.

One by one, special projectiles were loaded into the cannons under the control of the gunners, with the wizards adjusting their aim.

The next second, amid deafening sonic booms, hundreds of electromagnetic cannons fired simultaneously.

Countless special projectiles, like shooting stars, covered half of the Holy City's airspace. However, they were deflected away about three hundred meters from the city.

Harof and the others were not surprised by this, as the key was in the second strike...

Hundreds of deflected special projectiles exploded again, their fragments flying in all directions at speeds exceeding two thousand meters per second under the powerful shockwave of the explosion.

Then came the second and third rounds of electromagnetic cannons, already ready to fire.

The continuous cannon fire lasted for five minutes until the special ammunition was completely depleted before finally stopping.

"Did it work?"

Raphael hurriedly looked inside, then his face showed a bit of disappointment, as the towering city walls of the Holy City still blocked their way.

However, many wizards noticed that compared to before, the city walls had some minor indentations, indicating their attacks were not entirely ineffective.

Lynn nodded, confirming his guess. The force field protecting the Holy City was not like a planetary gravity field, extending from the inside out. Instead, it created a semi-circular shield that bent space-time around three hundred meters from the Holy City, with a thickness of about ten meters or so. As long as they could breach this area, they could successfully deliver attacks inside.

Their recent strategy was a pushing method.

First, an electromagnetic cannon shot was fired into it. At ten times the speed of sound, even if the force field caused a deviation in the flight trajectory, it could still advance a certain distance. Then, with the second explosion's shockwave, it could advance further, followed by the third explosion...

Relying on such relay tactics, they could breach the force field magic's defense, which was Lynn's first solution.

Unfortunately, from a practical standpoint, although it barely achieved the expected effect, after several explosions, its power was far from sufficient. After all, each explosion required sacrificing most of the mass, leaving only minor marks on the city walls.

Keep in mind, the city walls still had the divine kingdom projection covering the entire city area as the second line of defense.

"Looks like we'll have to use my new creation!" Victorio said with a smile, then had people push up a massive object more than five meters tall.

It resembled a super-sized electromagnetic railgun. Harof and Aurora had noticed this giant thing earlier, but Victorio had always deferred, saying it was not yet complete. Even on the way to attack the kingdom, he was still modifying this prototype, unable to guarantee it could operate. This had suppressed their curiosity until now.

Now, Victorio was not planning to keep it a secret anymore, proudly introducing it to everyone.

"I call it the Scorch Cannon. As long as we have

enough nuclear fuel, it can release [Endgame-Atomic Breath]!"

Hearing this, Harof's eyes lit up, surprised that Victorio could recreate this terrifying magic through alchemy.

Don't look at them, these legendary wizards, who can also cast [Endgame-Atomic Breath], even without nuclear fuel.

The trouble is, their magical and energy reserves are limited. Casting this magic would consume more than seventy percent of their magical power, meaning their strength would be greatly reduced in the subsequent battle.

Lynn was also somewhat surprised, only saying Victorio deserved the title of a legendary alchemist with the [Magic Creator] nickname. In such a short time, based on the magical model he provided, Victorio managed to create this heavyweight device.

No wonder he had specifically asked if there was a material that could temporarily withstand a nuclear blast without being damaged.

"How many times can it be used?" Aurora asked a crucial question.

"By my estimate, probably two or three times. It will require several great wizards to operate, and the power might be slightly weaker," Victorio said thoughtfully.

The firing mechanism of the Scorch Cannon was made of mithril and magic stones, with graphene at its core.

If it weren't for the miraculous material Lynn had produced, he would never have found something capable of withstanding the power of a nuclear blast.

Even so, after three attacks, the firing mechanism would be severely deformed and damaged, unable to be used again.

"Three times? That should be enough!" Harof exclaimed in admiration.

[Endgame-Atomic Breath]'s power is more concentrated than a large nuclear blast spell. Although it would also be affected by force field magic, weakening most of its power, even the part that leaks in could cause significant damage.

He did not believe that after repeated attacks on the Holy City, the other side could still sit still.

If they were lucky enough to destroy the core of the divine magic array, they could directly destroy this protective divine magic.

Victorio was eager to operate the Scorch Cannon for a shot, but Lynn stopped him.

"There's no need to waste it like this. Since the Scorch Cannon can provide legendary-level magical support, it might be used in a more critical place!" Lynn paused before continuing. "As for how to break through this turtle shell, I already have a more energy-efficient idea!"

"There's one place where the defense might be very weak. We can break through there!"

"You mean..." Victorio thought for a moment, then quickly understood.

Since it's not the sky or the sides, it must be underground!

"Entering from underground? That's a good method." Aurora's face showed a smile. Aila's force field magic, personally set up, could encircle the entire city, but it couldn't affect the underground.

This is an easily overlooked point.

"No, entering is too dangerous. No one knows how many traps they have set up under the Holy City specifically for us." Lynn shook his head, then casually mentioned a terrifying method.

"My idea is to detonate a nuclear blast underground, directly collapsing the entire Holy City!"

An underground nuclear blast?

The wizards present gasped in shock but had to admit it was indeed a good method.

Directly creating a void under the city would cause most of the city to collapse, rendering any protective divine magic useless.

" We better start acting now, and let the cannons continue bombing, just to cover up a bit!" Lynn shrugged.

Digging into the Holy City's underground was not an easy task. It would probably take the construction team half a month of work, but with a few legendary wizards personally digging, creating a tunnel wide enough for one person wouldn't take long!

This way, they would only need to use a few tens of kilograms of uranium-235 reserves, ensuring the destruction of the Holy City without them having to lift a finger, very energy-efficient.


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