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Chapter 124: The Outcome

The Hunter Examination continues, and Dafei succinctly reports the contents of the message, making everything clear in the shortest time possible, so the call ends after a while.

In the quiet room, Netero spins his compact phone on his index finger like a basketball.


A smile curls at Netero's lips, showing his growing interest in Luo.

Firstly, for his limitless potential; secondly, as a fresh blood; thirdly, for being sufficiently young.

It's too early to conclude anything about Luo's motive for saving others based on his character alone.

"Let's get in touch then."

The spinning phone suddenly stops, held firmly in Netero's palm.

"It'll be fun to go out and play."

Perhaps, the reason to contact Luo is not just out of curiosity, but also for the sake of having fun.


An urgent voice breaks into the silence of the room.

The voice arrives before the person does.

Hearing that, Netero rolls his eyes, leans his elbow on the low table, and rests his cheek on the back of his hand, wondering if he can shirk this task again, as he has done many times before.


The door opens, and a person shorter than one meter rushes into the room.

This person, resembling a bean in shape, has no hair, nose, or ears, and the entire head is green. He is dressed in a black suit, holding a stack of documents.

This person, known as Bean, true to his name, is Netero's capable secretary.


Netero raises his hand in greeting to Bean.

Bean lets out a sigh, holding up the documents, "President, the airship is ready, we can leave in half an hour. These are the documents needed for the meeting, please review them as soon as possible."

"What meeting is it again?" Netero asks, poking his ear with his pinky finger and looking uninterested.

Bean sighs deeply, managing a bitter smile, "It's about the assessment of new members of the Zodiacs and setting threat levels for recently explored Demonic lands."


Netero feigns realization, "I might not make it. I just got a call from the gorilla saying there's a problem with the Hunter Exam, so I need to check it out. Let them handle these two matters."

By "them," he refers to the current members of the Zodiacs, each a Hunter recognized by Netero, with formidable strength.

Bean, all too familiar with Netero's habits and knowing that "the gorilla" refers to Dafei, calmly replies, "Don't worry about the Hunter Exam. If necessary, I'll personally see to it. You should attend the meeting."

After saying that, he walks over and slaps the documents on the low table, insisting, "You've skipped too many important meetings already; you can't be whimsical this time."

Both matters are crucial, especially the second one, which requires a lot of work and can't be easily avoided.

"I guess I can't get out of it," Netero laments.

Bean looks helplessly resigned.

"Then, before boarding the ship, help me look up a candidate's information." Knowing he can't escape this time, Netero believes Luo will undoubtedly pass the Hunter Exam. There's no rush to meet, getting to know him in advance is also good.

"Okay." Bean feels relieved, fearing Netero would skip the meeting again.


In the Amarlo Jungle, on Red Pudding Mountain.

Dafei stands on the edge of the mountaintop, looking down at the numerous candidates struggling to climb up.

The time limit is roughly six hours, with no other restrictions. Using tools is allowed, and the difficulty of reaching the summit is not high, thanks to the holes Dafei intentionally left in the rock face.

This test primarily assesses the candidates' courage, endurance, strength, and will...

Confident individuals start climbing immediately following Dafei's path, while those aware of the ample time prepare thoroughly. Those lacking confidence hesitate about giving up.

The first group to start are skilled climbers. Despite the lack of safety measures, they are confident in taking on the challenge.

However, even skilled climbers might not always succeed.

Shortly after the test begins, a candidate falls from a height of over a hundred meters, screaming tragically, drawing the attention of most candidates.

They watch coldly as the candidate falls, unable to do anything but observe.

Attempting to catch this candidate could result in broken arms at best, death at worst.

As the candidate falls, despair fills his heart, believing death is certain given the ground's hardness. The fear of death prevents him from even opening his eyes.

Under the watchful eyes of the candidates and Dafei, Luo steps under the falling candidate and catches him effortlessly with his arms.

He uses his Nen ability to significantly reduce the impact of the fall, similar to deflecting bullets, hence catching the candidate easily.

The candidate, thinking he was doomed, is shocked to find himself caught and stares at Luo, unable to comprehend.

Upon being released by Luo, the candidate lands on his buttocks and quickly thanks him.

Luo calmly accepts the gratitude, and Buhara begins his climb, directly following the path left by Dafei.

As time passes, more candidates start their climb, and more fall, resembling dumplings dropping from the sky.

Luo, like a character in a video game, moves back and forth at the bottom, catching these unfortunate souls.

From the mountaintop, seeing Luo acting like a firefighter everywhere, Dafei resists the urge to jump down and forcibly bring Luo to the summit.

Those saved by Luo are grateful for their lives. Some immediately give up the test, realizing their lack of capability.

They sincerely thank Luo before accepting their fate and leaving.

Compared to those who gave up at the start, they at least had the courage to try, but lacked the strength. Without Luo, they would have paid with their lives.

The remaining candidates attempt the challenge again, mostly those who have climbed over five hundred meters and refuse to give up easily.

An hour into the test, over a hundred candidates have reached the summit, with Buhara among them.

Thanks to Luo's intervention, although over five hundred candidates fell, there were no injuries or fatalities.

The number of successful candidates steadily increases.

Dafei loses interest in monitoring the test progress. He had planned to eliminate seventy percent of the candidates at this stage, but Luo's unexpected heroics thwarted his plans.

Courage is crucial for this test. Failure demoralizes the other candidates, making them recognize their limits and give up.

Luo's actions effectively insured the candidates against failure. As more people are saved, the candidates' morale boosts.

Three hours in, the number of candidates reaching the summit surpasses five hundred...

Once there's no one left to save, Luo leisurely makes his way to the top.

Upon his arrival, everyone's gaze towards him is notably complex.

Then, the airship heading towards Red Pudding Mountain to transport the candidates who passed the first test to the next stage arrives.

Seeing over five hundred candidates on site, the examiner for the second test is astounded.

Meanwhile, Netero, sitting in the airship, receives the report on the first test's results.


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