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Chapter 488: Magic Capable of Protecting Against a Nuclear Explosion

Above the Holy City, inside a silver fighter jet, Lydia, who had just escaped from a dangerous situation, quickly demonstrated her excellent piloting skills. She stabilized the flipped aircraft and moved the joystick at the fastest speed possible.

The rear of the jet immediately ejected a strong jet of air, accelerating the aircraft further and climbing upwards at the highest speed.

Both Lydia and Lynn were aware that the enemy's first strike had missed and they would surely launch another attack. They needed to ascend over two thousand meters to ensure they were at a safe distance.

However, the attackers within the Holy City were not ready to let them escape easily. Almost immediately after the beam disappeared, countless points of starlight were shot out from within the Holy City, covering the entire airspace with their number.

Lynn's expression grew more solemn as he turned to Lydia and spoke rapidly.

"Your mission is complete. Now head back to the City of Fire Oil... Just keep running forward!"

Without waiting for the girl's response, Lynn grabbed the edge of the jet and flipped out, bracing against the wind created by the aircraft and quickly stabilizing his posture after about two seconds.

By then, the starlight covering the entire airspace was almost upon him. Lynn, merely in his avatar form, had no intention of directly confronting it. He opened his right hand, and a massive flow of magical power surrounded his body, slightly altering the space around him.

This was the Deflection Field! After Lynn broke through to legendary status, his mastery over field magic had increased more than tenfold.

The incoming starlight, upon entering the few meters radius around him, was deflected, circling around before reversing direction, colliding with other starlights headed towards the jet…

As the starlights collided, intense flames ignited in the void, capable of burning one's soul, but as long as they didn't hit, they were in vain! Twice, the attacks were easily defended against, clearly angering someone. Before long, a very eye-catching purple light appeared in the field of vision.

Another new Saintess? The Holy Church really has a lot of candidates for Saintess…

Lynn quickly recognized the young girl enveloped in the light and couldn't help but comment inwardly, even as he prepared to cast a spell to intercept her.

Even blocking slightly would be good…

His goal was to test the defenses of the Holy City and assist Lydia in her successful withdrawal.

However, the moment Lynn prepared to act, he suddenly found the air around him as thick as liquid, his movements slowed countless times, like an elderly man nearing the end…

Unnoticed, the projection of the Divine Kingdom had expanded to this airspace! "Was it those starlights from before?" Lynn's previously easy demeanor instantly changed, realizing that the exploded starlights contained the opponent's divine magic energy, which could act as nodes for rapidly and covertly expanding the domain.

The next moment, within the projection of the Divine Kingdom, elements tainted by divine magic energy surged up, forming a giant hand made of elements, which firmly grasped Lynn in its palm.

The new Saintess stood in the sky above the Holy City, looking down at Lynn, who was tightly held in the giant hand, with an utterly indifferent expression.

"It seems one can never be too vigilant…" Lynn sighed as he spoke, trapped within.

In just a moment of negligence, the situation on the field had completely reversed.

With the power of this avatar alone, there was no possibility of escape…

The reason was that he had underestimated the opponent's methods and power; otherwise, he could have delayed a bit longer.

He only hoped that Lydia had already driven the jet far enough away.

After a moment of contemplation, the new Saintess clenched her right hand, and the giant hand abruptly tightened, accompanied by an unpleasant 'squeak' sound, the magical avatar showed a very strange twist.

The one truly under pressure was the specially made Secret Magic Ring inside! Tiny cracks quickly appeared on it, and collapse was imminent.

Lynn, of course, was not prepared to be captured without a fight, nor did he want the remnants of the Secret Magic Ring to fall into the opponent's hands. The projection of the Divine Kingdom and the hand that nearly suppressed all possible resistance of the avatar…

But that was almost all. Wisps of scorching flame emerged from the cracks on the ring's surface, initially only as small as a spark, but quickly spread upwards, using the entire magical avatar as fuel, rapidly expanding and exploding!

A violent explosion resounded above the Holy City, and the giant hand holding the magical avatar was also engulfed by the expanding flames, torn apart and burned within seconds…

Noticing something was amiss, the new Saintess had already distanced herself from the area, then cast a spell to strip the elements from the entire area.

Having clashed with Lynn several times, she had long mastered a method to deal with this special flame.

The simplest method was to

create a vacuum, allowing it to burn itself out… There was no need to waste too much power on this undying flame.

The girl with eyes like stars, after dealing with Lynn's magical avatar, turned her gaze to the distant sky.

In the brief moment of their confrontation, Lydia, piloting the jet, had already breached the clouds, exceeding a distance of five kilometers.

"My lord, do we need to pursue?" Archbishop Alves also arrived, looking at the rapidly fleeing silver jet in the far distance, his expression grave and angry as he asked.

"No, let's go back!" The Saintess shook her head.

With such speed, aside from herself, probably no one could catch up.

And she had just changed bodies not long ago, still not accustomed to it. If it weren't for being able to communicate and borrow the power of her true body within the Holy City, dealing with Lynn's magical avatar would have required more effort.

Moreover, the Saintess was more worried that this might be a trap. Having been hit by two nuclear explosions in a row made her cautious and careful.

"We must start the ritual as soon as possible, we can't wait any longer." Aila withdrew her gaze from the distance and spoke coldly.

The fact that they sent such a peculiar flying machine to the Holy City indicates that the Wizard Council is preparing to launch a large-scale offensive soon.

Archbishop Alves's face showed some worry; they were still far from their goal of one million devout followers, but he also knew that the wizards might not give them this opportunity.

It seems they will have to sacrifice some of the clergy…

Alves's expression quickly returned to calm. As priests and bishops carefully nurtured by the church, shepherds of the Lord on earth, sacrificing for the great Lord's ascension to divinity is the glory and duty of every clergy member, a return to the Lord's grace…

A priest could at least match ten devout followers, a bishop dozens, and a cardinal thousands.

And for them, the high-ranking members of the church, the saints of the Lord, each was worth ten thousand.

That should be enough.

"Was it killed off that quickly?"

At the moment the magical avatar self-destructed, Lynn in the Dead Zone outside the City of Fire Oil also received the message simultaneously, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. After organizing the information about the Holy City's defenses and his conjectures, he shifted his focus to the development of the Divine Kingdom's descent.

After several hours of attempts, he had figured out some clues.

Lynn slowly closed his eyes, immersing his mind in the sea of consciousness.

This was a vast, empty space filled with darkness, utterly devoid of anything.

No, that wasn't quite right. In reality, there were things inside, invisible to the naked eye, various elements and rays wandering in every corner of the space.

And this was not just a simple dark space; strictly speaking, it was a projection of cosmic space, only his current power was too weak to manifest them one by one.

The so-called descent of the Divine Kingdom is to project the scenery within the sea of consciousness as a domain.

With magical power contaminating elements, creating a space unique to oneself, between reality and illusion, this is why Aila could develop such incredibly powerful divine magics like word-based casting and time stopping.

Lynn was pondering when a faint, distant humming sound arose behind him.

This sound was ethereal, like the song of a whale echoing in the deep sea, whispers from a distant shore, sending shivers down one's spine.

Lynn turned his head in surprise, and his pupils contracted as a huge, menacing tentacle with suckers silently reached out in front of him.

It belonged to a monstrously large creature, its vast body vaguely visible in the darkness, each of its tentacles seemingly thousands of meters long, wandering in this boundless sea of consciousness like a cosmic leviathan.

"The Eye of Death!" Lynn was startled, and his whole body flew out hundreds of meters in an instant.

Fortunately, he soon realized that this creature was not here to attack him, but was drawn by instinct.

Probably related to the potion of ascension he had taken before, the remnants of the Eye of Death's power had become part of the consciousness space, the only difference being that it had transformed from a terrifying being that dominated the seas into an energy behemoth wandering the stars.

Whether it could be projected through the domain and materialized outside remained to be seen.

Thinking this, Lynn immediately tried. The moment he opened his eyes, a vast amount of magical power emerged, and the domain around him began to expand in all directions.

The darkness gradually engulfed the entire land, completely covering the twilight's afterglow...

An area several kilometers in radius instantly turned into an infinite starry sky.

As Lynn had imagined, the Eye of Death was also projected in physical form, although much smaller, with a length of only a few hundred meters


This majestic beast seemed like part of the domain, perfectly blending with the boundless dark space. Even with legendary-level perception, it was difficult to detect its presence, ready to strike lethally from unexpected places at any moment.

About half a minute later, the continuously expanding domain gradually halted, its range fixed within two kilometers.

Lynn could feel that as the domain expanded, his control over the internal elements also sharply declined, stopping soon after.

"Is this the limit?" Lynn frowned.

Compared to Aila's true body's domain that covered the entire Holy City, his own domain range was pitifully small.

However, after this attempt, Lynn identified two factors limiting the domain's range: the first was his own computational power, and the second was the total amount of magical power.

Aila had the church's centuries of accumulation providing energy, with millions of believers enhancing computational power, so it was normal for her domain range to far exceed his own.

Similarly, if he could utilize the computational power of the smart brain and draw on enough energy, he should also be able to expand the projection range of his sea of consciousness several times.

It seems necessary to arrange for as many people as possible to connect with the magic net.

Currently, the magical kingdom has over fifteen thousand official wizards. If he could mobilize all their power, perhaps he could contend with Aila's church system.

In fact, he had been doing this for a while, like the wizards of the Iyeta school, each possessing a Secret Magic Ring.

Moreover, he had recruited a group of wizards under the guise of computation, lecturing, and researching magic, now the population in the microcosm had already exceeded two thousand people, eight times the original number.

Many wizards liked to discuss and research dangerous magics in the smart brain's microcosm because it could deeply simulate the physical rules of the real world without worrying about safety issues.

"If only there was a bit more time." Lynn regretted.

If he had a few more months, he could fully master the power of the legendary realm and pull most of the council's wizards into the magic net.

Perhaps even promote a few more legends, then defeating Aila's true body would be almost certain.

But Lynn was very aware that the church would not give them that much time. From recent actions, it was clear the opponent was preparing something, likely something that could turn the tide of the battle.

Time was undoubtedly the most scarce commodity now!

After adjusting his fluctuating emotions, Lynn temporarily suspended the practice of the legendary magic "True Domain" and focused on another equally important area: the development of defensive magic.

Currently, the legendary magic he knew was mostly offensive, for example, "Finale - Atomic Breath" was the sharpest spear in his arsenal!

Using magnetic and field magic for defense was indeed a good method, but it only served as an auxiliary, directing attacks in other directions, not truly blocking them.

So, he still lacked a truly powerful means, preferably one that could resist nuclear explosion magic to some extent.


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