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Chapter 233

"What is this?" Han Chen asked as he took the letter, and then his eyes widened. "How do you also have this letter? Where did it come from?"

"I, I don't know either," He Qingyu's voice trembled, mixed with sobs, clearly scared. "Cousin, what should I do now?"

"Wait for me outside. I'll go in and take a look," Han Chen said, somewhat more composed.

He Qingyu looked fearfully at her house and then stood a little further out in the sun. "Maybe we should forget it. I'm a bit scared. Otherwise, we can wait until my parents come back..."

"It will be alright," Han Chen smiled. "Someone must be playing a prank on you."

"Then, okay, but be careful," He Qingyu said. "My room is the second one on the left after entering the door. You can see the desk right from the door. I didn’t close it when I left."

Han Chen nodded, pushed open the yard door, and walked in.

He Qingyu hesitated but didn’t call out to Han Chen. She loosened the grip on her right hand, the coin in her palm now soaked with her cold sweat.

Although it was a summer afternoon, which should be the hottest time of the year, the courtyard of the He family felt somewhat cold. Han Chen rubbed his arms to ease the goosebumps and looked at the letter in his hand, feeling a chill rise from the soles of his feet.

He looked around and saw nothing unusual in the courtyard. There was a lush tree in the middle, under which was a small stone table, seemingly perfect for cooling off in the summer. He took a few more glances before deciding to enter the house.

The door was ajar, appearing normal. Han Chen pushed the door open and entered, then paused. He Qingyu had said her bedroom door was open, but now it was closed shut.

"Maybe she remembered it wrong."

Thinking this, Han Chen went to He Qingyu's room, turned the doorknob, and the door clicked open.

The room was tidy, with a warm color scheme, and everything was in order, showing that He Qingyu was a girl who liked to keep things neat. Han Chen walked to the desk, where a few books were open, a pen beside them, and a workbook in the middle with the last big question only half done.

"Still doing exercises after the college entrance examination," Han Chen sighed, then closed the books neatly and put them away, thinking he was overthinking. There was nothing strange in the room; someone must be playing a prank on He Qingyu. He then thought of the letter Ling Chunann had that was identical, "But this joke is going too far."

After calming himself, Han Chen had just walked out of He Qingyu's room when something fell from his pocket, rolled a couple of times on the ground, and then stopped.

It was the mirror Ling Chunann had given him before he left. He quickly bent down to pick it up, relieved it wasn't damaged, and was about to put it back in his pocket when he paused.

Han Chen put the mirror down, cold sweat breaking out on his forehead. He stood still for a while, then lifted the mirror again, this time seeing clearly.

In front of the desk behind him stood a child, looking at him with an expressionless face. Seemingly realizing he had been seen, the child suddenly grinned, "Brother, have you finished your homework?"

Han Chen nearly tripped as he ran out the door, then managed to calm down, took a deep breath, and walked towards the exit. Before leaving, he turned back to look, not sure if it was psychological, but the tree he had admired now looked eerie.

Seeing Han Chen come out, He Qingyu finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Cousin, are you okay? Did you find anything?"

Han Chen was about to speak, then looked at He Qingyu's pale face and shook his head, "Nothing found. By the way, when will your aunt and uncle return?"

"I don't know. They usually come back very late or just stay at the company. I haven't seen them in almost a week," He Qingyu said, her expression falling even more. "They said they'd make a big meal for me once I got my results, but now their phones are off."

He Qingyu's phone rang. She looked at it and smiled at Han Chen. "It's my mom." Then she answered, "Mom, have you come back?"

"Baby, mom has to go on a sudden business trip today, and your dad is abroad for a project. We might not be back until next week. I've transferred living expenses to your card. Take care of yourself at home. Sorry, I have to board the plane now."

Listening to the dial tone, He Qingyu felt powerless.


's wrong?" Han Chen asked, seeing He Qingyu silent.

"My mom said she has to go on a business trip for a week," He Qingyu replied.

"And your dad?"

"He'll also be back in a week," He Qingyu sighed, "Never mind, I'm used to it."

"How about you stay at my place for these few days? My mom would like to see you," Han Chen said, concerned for He Qingyu being alone at home, especially after what he had just seen.

"That wouldn't be good," He Qingyu hesitated, looking at her home.

"It's fine. My mom was just talking about your family yesterday, saying how we haven't kept in touch for so many years. If I hadn't recognized you last night, we might have continued to drift apart," Han Chen said with a smile.

"Then, okay," He Qingyu, scared of her own home, agreed, "I'll be troubling you these few days. I need to go back and get some stuff, cousin..."

Intending to refuse but then thinking she indeed needed some things if she was going to be away for a few days, Han Chen composed himself and said, "I'll go in with you."

Maybe because she was not alone, He Qingyu wasn't as nervous, but she still packed quickly. "Cousin, let's go."

Han Chen watched the desk nervously the whole time, but until He Qingyu was done packing, nothing unusual happened. He breathed a sigh of relief and picked up He Qingyu's bag. "Okay, let's go."

However, as they were about to leave, the door, which had been wide open, suddenly closed on its own with a bang.

"Ah!" He Qingyu screamed but quickly covered her mouth, "Cousin, what should we do?"

"It's okay, let's go," Han Chen said, trying to calm down and continued walking towards the door, twisting the doorknob, "It won't open."

After Han Chen left, Ling Chunann took a nap. Just as he woke up, he heard the doorbell ring.

098: "Host, it's the male lead and He Qingyu."

By the time Ling Chunann came downstairs, the two were already sitting in the living room, looking somewhat disheveled. Ling Chunann asked, "Chen Ge, He Qingyu, are you here to see me?"

"Xiao Yan." Han Chen seemed to be organizing his thoughts before asking, "That letter this afternoon, where did it come from?"

Ling Chunann looked at He Qingyu and then at Han Chen, puzzled, "Is there a problem?"

Han Chen frowned, "No, just felt that it might not be a joke." He took out another letter, "This is what He Qingyu found at home. And then..."

Ling Chunann took the letter, "And then what?"

"We encountered something strange at her house," Han Chen still seemed a bit shaken, "Also, about the mirror you gave me today, I accidentally broke it, sorry."

"It's okay. If you like it, I have many more," Ling Chunann replied with a smile.

Finding the door locked and after several unsuccessful attempts to open it, even the usually calm Han Chen started to panic, especially recalling that there might be a ghost in the house, his sweat dripping down.

Then he suddenly remembered the mirror he saw the child in, shaking as he took it out, but before he could hold it steady, he felt something hit his arm hard, and the mirror fell to the ground.

This time, it wasn't so lucky; the mirror cracked in two.

At the same time, the door opened.

"He Qingyu, have a drink of water and take a rest," Ling Chunann offered the untouched glass of water to the clearly terrified He Qingyu, "Chen Ge, come with me for a moment."

Leading Han Chen to the study, the letter still lay where it was left. Ling Chunann placed the letter Han Chen had given him next to it and looked at them for a while, "Identical."

"What's identical?" Han Chen asked.

"These two letters," Ling Chunann replied. "Chen Ge, actually, this letter was given to me by He Qingyu, but she seemed not to know what was inside. I thought she had made a mistake, so I told her the letter was lost. But now, it seems she has gotten into trouble."

Thinking of the child at the He family, Han Chen felt a chill, "What trouble?"

"If you used the mirror I gave you, you should have already seen him," Ling Chunann smiled, "She's followed by a child."

Han Chen: "…"

Seeing the male lead's blank expression, 098 couldn't help but feel some sympathy, "Host, aren't you scaring him?"

Ling Chunann: "Don't worry, he is the male lead."

After all, this is a story with a

theme of Taoist masters. If the male lead isn't introduced to these concepts, he won't be able to complete his task in the end.

After a while, Han Chen finally sorted out his thoughts, followed by shock, "You can see... ghosts?"

Ling Chunann smiled and did not reply.

Han Chen quickly filled in the blanks, realizing Ling Chunann must be a highly skilled person, looking at him with eyes as if seeing a savior, "Then Xiao Yan, what do we do now?"

"That little ghost has become quite powerful," Ling Chunann stated, "But he doesn't have a murderous aura, so he probably hasn't harmed anyone. Do you know why he's following you?"

Han Chen shook his head, "I don't know. But he asked me... if I had finished my homework?"

Ling Chunann hummed in response, then suddenly asked, "So, have you finished your homework?"


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