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Chapter 229

When Ling Chunan entered the house, Tang Shouxu was busy in the kitchen. Hearing the noise, he poked his head out, "Is my treasure back? How did the exam go?"

"Very good," Ling Chunan replied, "What are you doing?"

"You'll see in a bit," Tang Shouxu said with a mysterious smile, "Just rest for a while, I'll be done soon."

098: "Host, he's making a cake." Today is Ling Chunan's 18th birthday.

Ling Chunan nodded, then turned on the TV. The two little ghost girls had recently disappeared without a trace, and Ling Chunan did not attempt to find them.

After watching TV for a while, Ling Chunan yawned, "098."

"Yes, host?" 098 replied, "What's up?"

"Nothing, just calling you," Ling Chunan said lazily.

098: "......"

The cake made by Tang Shouxu was delicious, and Ling Chunan graciously ate a few more bites. After dinner, he returned to his room and took a leisurely bath.

098 remained silent throughout; it felt that Ling Chunan was behaving normally today, but somehow something felt off. It was not until Ling Chunan finished bathing and came out that 098 suddenly realized what was wrong. According to its host's character, it had been a long time since he had teased Tang Shouxu or even been close to him recently, "Host, you're not thinking of breaking up with the adult, are you?" 098 couldn't help but voice its speculation. Could it be that after so long, the host has finally grown tired of the adult? Even more terrifying, it seemed like a long time since he had last consumed meat.

"Hm? Why would you think that?" Ling Chunan put on his pajamas, looked at his reflection in the mirror, perhaps the soul's image. Over the years, this face had grown more and more like his own, although it still bore the original owner's contours, but at least it wasn't so feminine anymore. He touched the earring on his left earlobe and smiled, "098, your imagination is too rich."

At that moment, Tang Shouxu pushed the door open, "Treasure, are we cultivating tonight?"

"No need," Ling Chunan walked over, his gaze lingering on Tang Shouxu's nearly perfect contours, then wrapped his arms around his neck and nestled into his embrace, whispering in his ear with a laugh, "Let's do something else."

Tang Shouxu's ears reddened, but he still hugged Ling Chunan tightly, his voice suddenly tense, "Do, do what?"

"Guess?" Ling Chunan's voice rose teasingly, his eyes full of laughter.

Watching the two's intimate manner, 098 breathed a sigh of relief, thinking it had indeed been overthinking.

Just as it was about to block these two show-offs, 098 suddenly noticed that its host had taken a knife in his hand, "Ho, host, you..." Before it could finish its sentence, Ling Chunan had already stabbed the unsuspecting Tang Shouxu in the back.

The knife was actually a gift from Tang Shouxu to Ling Chunan for self-defense. It was capable of inflicting irreversible damage on spirits, demons, or humans. Ling Chunan had never used it before, but to think that the first time he would use it would be on himself.

Tang Shouxu, being embraced by Ling Chunan, obviously couldn't see the knife coming from behind and was stabbed squarely.

098 glanced at Ling Chunan's expression, which hadn't changed at all, even the smile in his eyes remained the same... Was this Ling Chunan's method of completing the task?

Tang Shouxu turned pale, he frowned slightly, looked down at Ling Chunan, "Treasure?"

"Hm?" Ling Chunan tilted his head and pulled out the knife. Tang Shouxu had no physical body, so no blood flowed out, but a wound appeared, which Ling Chunan then exacerbated with another stab.

Tang Shouxu groaned, smiled at Ling Chunan, "It's okay, as long as you're happy."

Ling Chunan's hand, still pulling out the knife, trembled slightly.

098 anxiously called out, "Host, are you really going to kill the adult?" It had always thought the host would not be able to do it, but he was so decisive.

Ling Chunan pursed his lips, not answering 098's question, but gathered all the energy in his body into the knife blade and stabbed again, the movement clean and swift.

After this stab, Ling Chunan stepped back a few steps, leaving Tang Shouxu's embrace. Although Tang Shouxu was still standing, he obviously had no strength left. He took a couple of steps towards Ling Chunan, then stopped. At

this moment, his body was almost transparent. He struggled to smile at Ling Chunan, "Treasure, I love you."

Ling Chunan remained silent until Tang Shouxu completely disappeared. Then, he sighed softly.

After a long silence, Ling Chunan finally asked, "098, did the reversal value increase?"

Hearing Ling Chunan's question, 098, recovering from its shock, replied, "Reversal value +50%, current reversal value is 95%, please continue to strive, host."

When did the host's eyes only see the task? Didn't the host like the adult very much? How could he bear to kill him? 098 had accumulated too many questions and didn't know where to start.

"I'll explain slowly later," Ling Chunan rubbed his slightly dizzy head, "Our main priority now is to leave this place." As he was about to leave, he suddenly stopped, "Too late."

"What's too late?" Before 098 could ask, it saw a mass of red mist surrounding them from all sides.

However, compared to the red mist seen one night, today's color was much lighter, but the dense bloody smell was still chilling. Every part of it turned into a face, angrily glaring with blood-red eyes and baring fangs, as if intending to devour Ling Chunan alive.

Looking at the bloodied mouths attacking from all directions, 098 gasped in shock, "It's over."

Based on 098's experience, it could naturally discern what the red mist was composed of. This was definitely not just an exorcist; it could be said that every mouth here was an exorcist, and possibly even innocent taskers, who didn't know how they were fused together to become such a monster.

"Host, host, we..." 098 was a bit incoherent. There were also systems inside this monster, and it didn't want to become part of it, as it looked too disgusting.

Compared to 098, Ling Chunan was much calmer. He stabbed the knife, which had just stabbed Tang Shouxu a few times, into the forehead of the face in front of him.

With a piercing scream, the face twisted and dissipated.

However, this was of no use. Besides this face, there were countless others. They seemed completely unafraid and swarmed towards Ling Chunan. 098 was shocked and frightened. This was the biggest crisis it had encountered in its system life. If they didn't find a way out, it and its host would become part of this monster!

Ling Chunan had already exhausted his energy, so it wasn't long before his defenses were breached. Just as the first mouth was about to bite Ling Chunan's neck, it seemed to be grabbed by a force and then was torn into pieces.

098, who had just appeared to protect its host, was stunned. What's happening?

Ling Chunan swung his knife to deal with the head in front of him, then looked towards the direction where the bedroom door used to be.

098 followed Ling Chunan's gaze, then froze, "The, the adult??"

It was indeed Tang Shouxu standing at the door.

Ling Chunan smiled at him, opened his mouth but made no sound, then suddenly fell down.

Tang Shouxu, full of anxiety, passed through the red mist-like heads as if they were nothing, reached out to embrace Ling Chunan, and said softly, "I'm sorry, treasure, I'm late again."

098, completely baffled, watched as Tang Shouxu coldly turned the surrounding, previously invincible red mist into a ball, then with a squeeze of his hand, they disappeared without a trace.

After doing all this, Tang Shouxu carefully picked up Ling Chunan, carried him to the next room, laid him on the bed and covered him with a blanket, touched his face, then kissed his slightly pale lips, and then his forehead.

Then, 098 noticed Tang Shouxu's gaze meeting its own again. It shivered; it felt the previously met adult had appeared again.

Sure enough, Tang Shouxu's next words were directed at it, even the words were the same as last time, "Come out."

098 obediently detached from the host body, "The, the adult."

Tang Shouxu glanced at 098, "Too weak."

098: "......" It was much stronger than the last time they met! But it didn't dare to say it, after all, this mysterious adult seemed too intimidating. It hadn't forgotten how he had just eliminated countless monsters more powerful than it in an instant.

"I can only appear for a limited time. If my division is not around in the future, you must protect him well," Tang Shouxu patted 098, the 'him' obviously referring to Ling Chunan.

As soon as Tang Shouxu finished speaking, 098 found the energy within it surging dramatically.

Its system level suddenly rose by more than three levels in an instant, "The, the adult." 098 was dumbfounded. What was going on?

"Remember my words," Tang Shouxu said.

Hearing Tang Shouxu seemed to be leaving, 098 quickly asked, "Adult, how should I address you?"

Tang Shouxu paused, "Just call me 'the adult.'"

Just after speaking, Tang Shouxu's expression became distant. He rubbed his brow and then walked towards the room where Ling Chunan was.

Knowing that the adult from just now had left, and having gained energy that made it feel like it could create worlds, 098 floated back into its host's body.

When Ling Chunan woke up, the excited 098 suddenly calmed down. It realized that although it had leveled up, it still didn't understand what happened yesterday.

It wanted to ask the adult if he could upgrade its intelligence.

Ling Chunan: "No need to upgrade, you're quite cute like this."

098: "......??" Why could the host still hear what it was thinking?

"I didn't hear," Ling Chunan replied, "You said it out loud. 098, you've become stronger."

"Yes, yes, I have upgraded." For some reason, receiving this praise made 098 feel a bit guilty; after all, it was all thanks to the host's light.

"Is that so? Congratulations." Ling Chunan said lazily, not pursuing further.

098 breathed a sigh of relief; it really didn't know how to explain to the host.

"By the way," Ling Chunan spoke again, "Did you understand what happened yesterday?"

098 felt like it had been shot in the heart. It felt the host was definitely making things difficult for it! But it still honestly replied, "I didn't understand very well, host, how did you know that Tang Shouxu was a fake?" It didn't see it at all.


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