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Chapter 90: Approaching Crisis

Under the cover of night, malice and killing intent intertwined.

On the mountain road, members of the mafia who had alighted from their vehicles were a mixed bunch, with a simple plan in mind—to launch a frontal assault on the main entrance.

This group, not small in number, lacked any concept of coordination. They cocked their guns and slowly advanced towards the main entrance.

In the mansion's surveillance room, located at the center of the house and controlling the security devices around the property, including night-vision cameras positioned in various locations, the enemy's position and intentions were roughly understood through the footage transmitted back by the cameras and real-time reports from subordinates. It was unclear how many there were, but certainly no fewer than five hundred.

The surveillance room's large screen was divided into twenty-seven sections, each monitoring different parts of the surroundings.

Kenda stood in front of the screens and coldly ordered through the headset, "Act now."

Outside, following Kenda's command, a gunshot pierced the silence of the night.

Concurrently, a bullet, wrapped in high temperature, was fired from a high point of the building, crossing three lines of defense and striking an unfortunate soul at the front of the enemy group.

The bullet hit the head, blowing the skull open and sending it flying a couple of meters backward.

"There's a sniper, charge!" someone roared after a brief silence.

Then, another gunshot rang out from the distance, blowing a hole in the chest of another member of the crowd, killing him instantly.

Almost immediately, a vanguard of nearly two hundred people charged at the outer defensive lines.

"Da da da…!" Intense gunfire echoed through the small hill as both sides engaged in battle.

In just a few minutes, dozens had fallen on both sides.

Atop the hill, a woman whose face was hidden silently observed the dense gunfire and the flickering faint lights below.

After a moment of silence, she leaped down the slope, heading towards the distant house.

She had no interest in joining the armed conflict but was very interested in the information related to G1, hoping to acquire it without shedding blood.

Her interest in the drug G1 had a simple reason: she was a virus hunter.

On another hilltop, a group of five, all equipped with night-vision binoculars, observed the firefight.

"It's started," said a buzz-cut middle-aged man in a dark shirt solemnly.

"Boss, when do we make our move?" asked a young man with blond hair, chewing gum.

The middle-aged man, without lowering his binoculars, replied, "No rush. The boss's order was to wait until they breach the house before we act."


The gum bubble the blond-haired young man had blown suddenly burst. He sucked the gum back into his mouth, glanced at a green box at his feet, and chuckled, "Can't wait."

"Blondie, don't slack off when it's time. We're here to gather information, not just to kill," said a man with a scar on his face, sitting on a green box.

Blondie ruffled his hair and grimaced, "We'll end up clearing them out sooner or later anyway."

"Just don't screw up," the scar-faced man warned.

"Yeah, yeah," Blondie replied lazily.

At a nine-star hotel in La Xiang City, a young man sat on a sofa, watching the same night scene on a screen in front of him that the five men had observed.

A middle-aged man stood silently beside him.

"Getting G2 and taking over this place will make dad very happy," the young man said, arms crossed, smiling.


After the gunfire battle started, it only took seconds for people to fall non-stop.

Despite Kenda's side having snipers to provide cover, the enemy's sheer numbers gave them an overwhelming advantage, killing the defenders at the first defensive line in less than ten minutes.

In just ten minutes, the ground was littered with a hundred bodies.

As the mafia members breached the first defensive line, Kenda detonated the bombs that had been planted in advance.


The sudden explosion killed thirty to forty mafia members outright, scattering limbs everywhere.

The remaining hundred or so mafia members didn't pause, pushing deeper, attacking the second line of defense.

All were desperados, unfamiliar with the concept of fear, each armed with a gun, killing without hesitation.

The first defensive line was breached in ten minutes, and the second fell in less than ten as well, but the number of mafia members dwindled to around forty, while Kenda's side still had around a hundred.

Bullets flew back and forth amidst the gunfire, and using sturdier cover, Kenda's people stubbornly resisted the enemy's assault.

The attacking team struggled to break through, and the rest of the mafia surrounding the house immediately tightened their perimeter and began invading the house.

The disparity in numbers became increasingly apparent, with over four hundred mafia members still standing, while Kenda's side had less than a hundred left.

Despite not being there in person, the oppressive feeling was palpable through the surveillance footage.

If the remaining defenders were to fall, everything would be over.

"Only thirty minutes have passed..."

Kenda, watching the surveillance footage, clenched his teeth.

Luo had given a deadline of two hours, meaning there was still an hour and a half left. Given the current situation, they could possibly hold off the attackers for about an hour using the building's layout.

"It might not be enough. Damn it."

Kenda glanced at the surveillance scene, where hundreds of enemies were crossing the wall, effortlessly shooting down the guard dogs and moving closer to the house.

"Fall back to defend the house."

Kenda ordered the remaining men, then had someone in the surveillance room connect with Luo's line.

"Luo, the enemy still has over four hundred people. We can hold out for at most another hour, and in the worst-case scenario, we might be overrun in less than half an hour," Kenda reported as soon as the connection was established.

Luo, who was in a room channeling his energy, abruptly opened his eyes and calmly responded, "Hold on as long as you can. I'm not far from you. If it really comes down to it, retreat and defend outside the surveillance room."

"Alright," Kenda replied.

After cutting the communication, Luo checked the time. Only four hours left... If he focused, he could break the seal in less than half an hour.

"Over four hundred people..."

Luo's gaze sharpened as the sound of gunfire coming from outside never ceased.

Kenda's remaining forces retreated inside the house, taking positions behind pre-arranged obstacles to strike at the approaching enemies.

From a bird's-eye view, the solitary house was surrounded by a circle of over four hundred people.

With no obstacles around the house, even with a numerical advantage, a frontal assault would be costly.

The mafia's tentative attacks were directly repelled, and then they brought out rocket launchers, three in total.

Seeing this through the surveillance footage, Kenda's eyes narrowed as he urgently shouted, "Snipers, take out those rocket launchers now."

His order was directed at the snipers positioned on the roof of the house, but it was too late.

In the thirty minutes since the battle had started, the two snipers on the roof had eliminated many mafia members, but their positions had been compromised.

After the enemy brought out the rocket launchers, the first target was the snipers on the roof.

Three rockets, trailing bright flames, flew towards the roof, immediately causing a massive explosion.

The entire house shook violently, the roof collapsed, crushing several who couldn't dodge in time, and also affecting nearby buildings.

The two snipers were killed instantly in the explosion, and seeing this, Kenda and the remaining defenders' faces turned pale.

Initially, relying on the house's obstacles for defense seemed feasible, but the situation became one-sided with the emergence of the rocket launchers.

"Rocket launchers don't discriminate; hiding inside won't save you. Surrender and drop your weapons if you don't want to die for nothing. I guarantee your safety," declared a man in black clothes, using a megaphone, after demonstrating the rocket launchers' power.

Their goal was clear: to use the threat of the rocket launchers to force Kenda's men to surrender, thus minimizing their own casualties.

In the room, Luo opened his eyes again upon hearing the explosion and the demands coming through the megaphone.


He jumped out of bed. Although it wasn't time to unseal his power, continuing to channel his energy in these circumstances wasn't feasible.

He could still practice while moving, albeit less efficiently.


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