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Chapter 82: Wild Ideas

Many industries have hunters, but only a few have official licenses. In the hunter community, most are amateur hunters.

After choosing their profession, licensed hunters also have obligations and responsibilities, whereas amateur hunters have more freedom but lack most of the privileges of licensed hunters.

There are countless types of hunters, including treasure hunters seeking gold and silver, relic hunters dedicated to uncovering and protecting ancient sites, phantom beast hunters in search of unknown creatures, bounty hunters pursuing criminals or rogue hunters, antique appraisers, gem hunters after splendid jewels, and gourmet hunters traveling the world for exquisite ingredients...

If the gourmet competition Kenda mentioned can attract gourmet hunters from around the world, it would be an unimaginable feast for Luo.

Even a rainbow boat dish that hasn't undergone extensive cooking holds a flavor that Luo yearns for, not to mention the red wine pork liver.

The difficulty of obtaining these ingredients isn't high, with sea urchin liver being only C-class. What about A-class or even S-class ingredients?

Since top tycoons host the gourmet competition to satisfy their culinary desires, there will certainly be a plethora of high-quality ingredients.

Thinking about this, Luo becomes incredibly excited.

Even if he isn't sitting in the tasting seats, just participating in the competition means he could easily acquire many high-quality ingredients to cook for himself later.

"You're... drooling."

At that moment, Kenda carefully points out.

"Cough cough." Luo snaps back to reality, coughing to cover his embarrassment before quickly changing the subject, asking, "By the way, since you were a hitman before, do you know someone who makes masks?"

"There are, but why do you ask..." Kenda looks puzzled.

"I have a need." Luo states seriously.

"You're not thinking of using a mask to hide your identity?" Kenda looks at Luo with a strange expression, thinking of a different kind of mask than what Luo has in mind.

"Something like that."

Luo won't always stay by Elly's side. Once he resolves most matters, he plans to leave. To avoid unnecessary troubles, disguising his identity would be ideal.

"There are many in La Xiang City who make masks. Once we get there, I'll have someone take you." Kenda replies.

"Alright, I'm going to rest now." Luo finishes his glass of milk in one gulp, notices Kenda hasn't touched his whiskey, and grabs a straw for him before leaving, leaving Kenda speechless.

Back in his room, Luo doesn't immediately rest but instead exhausts all the aura in his body through practice, then goes to sleep, completely fatigued.


Yorknew is located on the western coastal region of the Yorbian Continent, while La Xiang City is in another direction, also a coastal city, neighboring the Balsa Islands.

The journey from the Airport to La Xiang City takes about five days.

During these days, Luo spends his time practicing his Nen abilities and chatting with Elly, mostly Luo talking and Elly listening.

Luo shares amusing anecdotes from his travels, which completely bewilder Elly, the little girl actually believing them.

Kenda occasionally listens in. Given Luo's age and background, he is skeptical but wouldn't bother to expose the truths. However, he doesn't realize that Luo's stories are all true.

Over the days, Elly's physical condition and mood have significantly improved under Luo's deliberate guidance.

Seeing Elly's recovery, Luo decides to cook the remaining rare ingredients on the Airship.

"Luo, can you actually cook?"

Hearing Luo's words, both Elly's and Kenda's faces show surprise.

"Of course, but I'm just average, about the level of a five or six-star hotel chef." Luo speaks modestly, but his words almost brag about his prowess.

"That's amazing!" Stars sparkle in Elly's eyes as she looks at Luo with admiration.

Kenda thinks to himself: Five-star hotel level? Although that's a medium level, it's incredible that Luo can cook at this level.

Feeling Elly's undisguised admiration, Luo feels slightly proud.

"Kenda, what level are our chefs?" Suddenly, Elly turns to Kenda.

Kenda's face twitches as he honestly replies, "Nine-star level."

"Oh." Elly nods in understanding.

"Nine stars?" Luo's eyes widen.

Kenda explains, "The highest standard for hotels is nine stars, and chef licenses are also classified by star level. According to your claims of five or six-star level, it means at least ten years of culinary expertise."

Implicitly, he's suggesting Luo might be exaggerating.

"But Luo having five or six-star level skills is still amazing!" Elly pretends not to understand, her eyes twinkling.

Kenda smiles wryly, sensing Elly is being mischievous, and joins in, "With Mr. Luo's age, achieving a five or six-star level is surely unprecedented and unparalleled talent."

"Wow! That's just like Luo! So impressive!" Elly looks at Luo with even more admiration.


Luo, feeling a bit embarrassed by the overestimation, silently turns and heads for the kitchen. He had intended to show off a bit, but he hadn't expected that in this world, the highest hotel rating would be nine stars. Moreover, Elly and Kenda not only didn't believe him but also subtly mocked him.

Seeing Luo's reaction, Elly covers her mouth to giggle, a sly spark in her eyes.


The airship is equipped with a variety of entertainment facilities, including a well-appointed kitchen, showing Barney's appreciation for the finer things in life.

Luo's main reason for wanting to cook is the leftover pork liver.

After being teased by Elly and Kenda, he now just wants to use the pork liver to make a dish that will win back some respect, and perhaps even enhance his Nen in the process.

He places the pork liver on the cutting board, stroking his chin as he contemplates how to prepare it.

The gourmet hunter's preparation of the red wine pork liver focused on the sauce, seemingly to avoid altering the liver itself. Was it because he believed the liver didn't require much cooking, or was it due to the unique texture of the liver?

Although this method preserved the original flavor of the liver, it felt like the main enjoyment was from the sauce, with the liver itself not being the highlight.

"What should I make with it?"

Luo lightly taps the smooth surface of the liver with his index finger, feeling its soft and tender texture, and recalls the taste of the liver he had half a month ago, suddenly reminded of something both white and tender...

"Why not make that dish?"

A bright idea strikes Luo, breaking free from the constraints of conventional ingredients and perfectly suited to the characteristics of the pork liver.

Without hesitation, he begins to prepare the dish, determined to correct Elly's and Kenda's misperceptions.


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