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Chapter 79: Boarding

The final day of the Yorknew auction was filled with drama, and the stage wasn't solely set for Barney and his crew. Multiple locations, including areas outside Yorknew City, witnessed a series of battles erupting one after another.

These dramas, fueled by grudges and vendettas, were like fireworks blooming in the night sky above Yorknew, painted with the lives and blood of those involved.

The Elder Council didn't interfere, nor did they attempt to stop these conflicts. After all, these disputes only erupted after the auction had successfully concluded. Moreover, it's a common understanding within the Mafia that anyone in power has climbed their way up by stepping over their competitors.

Death was the fate of the incompetent.

Street shootouts left Barney's men completely annihilated. The assassins who attacked suffered heavy casualties as well, and many bystanders were also caught in the crossfire.

The police cordoned off the streets, and the civilians who had narrowly escaped were left in fear.

Kenda, despite his severe injuries, stepped forward to retrieve the collectibles and requested two cars. He then handed over the collectibles and a small truck to Wogret, instructing him to return to Meteor Street.

Before handing over the collectibles to Wogret, Luo made sure to absorb the Nen from two of the items, boosting the average data across the six Nen categories by 7%.

After securing the vehicles, with Luo driving, they left Yorknew and headed to the rural the Airport.

Barney had many enemies; lingering in Yorknew for even a moment longer meant inviting more danger.

If there were any more assassination attempts, Luo was alone, Kenda's arms were useless, and Elly was down with a fever. Under such circumstances, they were defenseless.

Forced by the situation, Kenda didn't even have time to arrange for Barney's crew's bodies to be collected. He had to leave it to the police, instructing them to transport the bodies directly to them later.

As a result, Kenda's injuries were not treated promptly. They had to rush to the Airport to catch a private spaceship. Kenda had people waiting there, complete with a ship doctor and medical equipment.

Under Kenda's guidance, Luo swiftly drove them out of Yorknew. Kenda was impressed by Luo's familiar driving skills.

He had been worried that Luo, being only twelve or thirteen, might not have had experience with cars, but those fears were unfounded.

"Can you hold on?" Luo asked while driving.

"I can," Kenda responded from the passenger seat, enduring the excruciating pain.

Elly lay in the back seat, covered with thick blankets. Due to limited conditions and the urgency of their situation, they didn't have the luxury to dry her off or change her wet clothes.

Luo cast a quick glance at Kenda, who was sweating profusely, then focused back on driving.

Although they were in a hurry, the night travel coupled with heavy rain meant Luo couldn't drive too fast. What would normally be an hour's drive to the Airport now took about an hour and a half.

The large raindrops hitting the car made a pattering sound.

Luo pondered whether to follow Elly and Kenda back after reaching the Airport to check out those 128 collectibles, or should he head to Heavens Arena to earn money and train his Nen abilities, or perhaps explore the human forbidden zones in search of ingredients.

He felt there were many places he wanted to see if not returning to Meteor Street.

Compared to Luo's thoughts, Kenda's were more complex.

With injuries on his body and his arms immobilized for the short term, the news of the deaths of the old man and Martin would surely spread. Returning to the City would invite trouble from those who usually kept a low profile.

This is how the Mafia works. When a big tree falls, the smaller trees and even saplings think about taking its place.

Many people aspire to climb higher.

Thinking about the potential difficulties, Kenda felt a sense of powerlessness. Then, he thought of Luo.

With Luo's assistance, along with the manpower left in the mansion, maybe the situation wouldn't be so dire.

Luo's demonstrated capabilities made it hard for Kenda to view him as just a twelve or thirteen-year-old boy. In Kenda's view, Luo's value was even higher than those in the mansion.

"What conditions should I offer to get Luo's help? If it's money he wants, that's not an issue."

Kenda pondered this, unaware that Luo was already thinking about touching Barney's collection. Just by mentioning it, Luo would likely agree without any conditions.

The two men, lost in their thoughts, remained silent, making the one-and-a-half-hour journey feel even longer.

When the clock struck past midnight, they encountered no attacks and safely arrived at the Airport.

Kenda had already informed his men waiting on the spaceship via phone to prepare for their arrival.

Upon entering the airport lobby, a group of men in black suits appeared to be on high alert. They even had a gurney ready, along with a doctor and nurse standing by, just waiting for their arrival.

When Luo and his companions entered the airport lobby, the prepared men immediately sprang into action. They quickly moved the unconscious Elly onto the gurney and headed towards a specially designated boarding gate.

This was the power of money—not only did it secure a parking spot for the spaceship but also allowed the use of a private boarding gate.

Kenda had instructed his men to prepare only one gurney for Elly, while he chose to walk.

As they approached the boarding gate, Luo noticed a gaze fixed on him. Following the direction of that gaze, he saw Illumi sitting in the waiting area, staring emotionlessly at him.

Illumi had arrived earlier than them, but unlike them, he didn't have a private spaceship and was waiting for a flight to the Republic of Padokea. Unexpectedly, before his flight, he encountered Luo and his group.

The two exchanged a wordless stare, lacking the hostility present in the alley encounter.

After a moment, Luo casually greeted him: "Yo."

"Huh?" Illumi was taken aback.

Then, as if nothing had happened, Luo quickly followed Kenda, entering the boarding gate.

Watching Luo leave, Illumi was puzzled. He had no particular grudge against Luo; their alley encounter was more out of curiosity and playfulness that went too far.

Afterward, without any benefit in sight, Illumi didn't want to provoke Luo further. Their chance meeting in the airport lobby was purely coincidental.

He had seen Luo, but planned to pretend not to know him, letting the alley incident become a trivial matter, as if they were strangers, and move past it.

However, when he glanced at Luo, he was immediately noticed, and after a brief greeting, Luo walked away without further conversation.

Luo was unaware of Illumi's thoughts. That greeting was like an awkward attempt to cover up discomfort, without giving it much thought.

He didn't want to get entangled with Illumi, especially not wanting to fight him, which would be more detrimental than beneficial. Hence, after the greeting, he promptly left.

Fortunately, Illumi didn't follow. Who knew what might happen if Illumi suddenly decided to act on a whim?

Their chance encounter in the airport lobby was like a small stone dropped into a lake, causing barely a ripple.

Luo escorted Kenda and the others to the spaceship but didn't board himself. Since Kenda hadn't mentioned it, Luo didn't want to impose.

"Please, help us!"

Unexpectedly, Kenda didn't board the spaceship right away. Instead, he made a surprising move that caught Luo off guard.

In the pouring rain, Kenda knelt on both knees, his forehead touching the ground. With his arms broken, he positioned them awkwardly as he made his plea.

Seeing Kenda prostrate before him, Luo was utterly baffled.


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