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Chapter 64: Killer Instinct

The scent of blood was faint...

Luo's eyes narrowed slightly as he took a few steps forward, standing in the middle of the corridor, calmly looking at the two people walking towards him.

Their appearance was unremarkable, but their walking habits were clearly different, becoming unhurried and not like the war-like attitude they had when working. Moreover, there was a slight difference in their physiques.

If it weren't for that nearly imperceptible scent of blood, Luo might not have taken it to heart.

Seeing Luo blocking the way, the two employees stopped, revealing professional smiles, and politely asked, "Sir, how may we assist you?"

Luo did not speak, his gaze sweeping over the clothes of the two employees, not spotting a single bloodstain.

In the silence, the two employees continued to smile, patiently waiting for Luo's command.

"Where are the original two?" Luo suddenly asked.

Upon hearing this, confusion crossed the faces of the two employees. After exchanging glances, the male employee apologetically said, "I'm sorry, sir, we don't understand what you mean."

Luo stepped forward, closing the distance to within a meter of the two, then calmly said, "The scent of blood."

As soon as his words fell, the disguise was torn away without any warning.

The man attacked from the left and the woman from the right, both pulling out daggers from behind and not hesitating to strike at Luo.

The man aimed for the throat, intending to silence Luo instantly, while the woman targeted the heart, intending to kill Luo in a short time.

Just the words 'scent of blood' were enough for them to tear off their disguise and launch a deadly attack without even a moment's thought.

Most likely, the answer to this question had become very clear from the moment they acted without saying a word...

Luo's gaze turned icy. Before the daggers could reach him, he expelled a burst of energy from under his feet, darting forward past the two.

The daggers hit empty air, and as the disguised individuals turned around, preparing for their next attack, they saw Luo holding a beating red heart in each hand.

The two stopped in their tracks, unable to comprehend where the hearts in Luo's hands came from, as they were unharmed.

"Did you kill the owners of these clothes?" Luo's expression was cold.

To speak more would be a loss, or rather pointless.

From any perspective, these two disguised assassins were unlikely to answer Luo's meaningless question.

They suddenly attacked Luo again, with the same left-right combo routine.

The response to the question was silence.

Luo sighed, tightening his grip on the hearts.

The expressions of the two assassins changed drastically, and as they screamed, their bodies tilted and fell to the ground.

Five minutes later.

Luo found two bodies in the janitorial room, dressed only in their underwear, the cause of death being a stab through the heart.

He quietly stared at the bodies for a moment, then forcefully closed the door, carrying two oddly shaped things, and walked towards the outdoor platform of the spaceship.

The night was deep, and the temperature high above was low, with the wind cutting like a cold blade, hence, there was not a single person on the outdoor platform now.

Luo walked to the edge of the platform, holding the unidentifiable objects high above the edge.


The balled-up things suddenly stirred, and upon closer inspection, one could vaguely make out human limbs, heads, and feet.

The objects in Luo's hands were the hearts.

These two things were the disguised assassins, whom Luo had separated into a dozen pieces using God's Hand and then balled up.

"So you also know fear."

Luo, suppressing the anger in his heart, mocked them and then severed the connection between the hearts and the bodies without caring for the assassins' reactions.

The two misshapen assassins fell straight down in the howling wind, only able to emit muffled whimpering noises, and disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

Thump... Thump...

The hearts in his hands beat rapidly, reflecting the owner's emotions at the moment.

Luo, holding the hearts, walked back into the spaceship.

Until he entered the interior of the spaceship, the hearts were still beating, indicating that the two assassins had not yet hit the ground and died.

"Go to hell and repent."

Luo's expression turned frosty as he suddenly threw the hearts into the air. With a raise of his right hand, a white light appeared, and a book of God's Hand materialized.

As he walked, he opened the book with one hand and flicked it forward, hitting the two hearts falling towards the ground.

As the book closed, touching the two hearts for a brief moment, the control and timing combined to seal the hearts into the book, as if erasing the hearts from existence in an instant, disappearing without a trace.

This side could see that Luo's control was already not weak.


Luo whispered softly, continuing to walk as he retracted his hand, and the book turned into specks of white light and vanished.

At the same time, the bodies of the two assassins plummeting at high speed suddenly shook, but then became lifeless.

When sealing the hearts into the book, Luo merely had to think it, and he took the lives of the two assassins.

After killing again, Luo's mood was surprisingly calm.

He returned to the staircase, silently standing guard.

The anger that had risen because of the two innocent employees slowly dissipated with the death of the assassins.

The two assassins he killed were not Nen users, but their methods were very professional, even preparing disguises in advance. However, they made a fundamental mistake.

That was killing those two employees, and doing so by stabbing them in the heart with a dagger.

They could have knocked them out or used drugs to put the employees into a deep coma to avoid exposing themselves.

But they went through the complex step of disguising themselves and then directly killed the employees.

This was an unnecessary action, and such unnecessary actions increased the chance of being discovered. Yet, they did it anyway.

This was because... the two assassins had a bloodthirsty nature, so after Luo mentioned 'the scent of blood,' they did not hesitate to act.

Luo was angry about this, so he killed the two assassins.

Time passed by, and more and more assassins surfaced.

Luo did not know the situation elsewhere, but he had already stopped six assassins.

By the time the spaceship was about to land at the Lingong Airport outside Yorknew, the number of people who died by Luo's hand had reached ten.

Due to the spaceship's special nature, none of the assassins Luo pulled out carried firearms; they all wielded daggers or short knives made of some unknown material.

Apart from the first two assassins he killed, Luo did not use the ability of God's Hand on the subsequent eight assassins. Moreover, Luo was mostly on the defensive.

Now, seven pages in the book were occupied, aside from the one for Hisoka, the rest were all black.

The test was nearing its end...

Including Luo, others did not notice a particular spot in their area, marked with an ordinary pattern.

The pattern was a red ring with a black circle in the middle, resembling the pattern of an eye.

In the room where Kenda and the browless strong man were,

"How did they perform, Martin?"

Kenda sat on the sofa, holding a wine glass in his hand, but instead of wine, it contained steaming hot water.

The strong man called Martin replied indifferently, "Luo's approach is more meticulous. The others only have two steps: warn, then kill."

"How about their strength?" Kenda continued to inquire.

Martin shook his head, saying, "These assassins are too weak to test their real strength."

"Is that so..." Kenda took a sip of the hot water, then said, "We have thirty minutes left until the spaceship lands at Lingong Airport outside Yorknew."

"What do you suggest we do next?" Martin asked.

Kenda smiled and said, "You're more experienced in this area. My suggestions aren't worth much, but I'm curious about what you plan."

After pondering for a moment, Martin answered, "Let Luo handle the inner protection."

"Oh?" Kenda was slightly surprised.

"His Nen... is quite interesting."

Martin had in his mind the image of Luo extracting the hearts of the two assassins.

Thirty minutes later, the spaceship landed.


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