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Chapter 50: Experiment

Uvogin perfected the Super Destructive Fist, which he feared might endanger Luo's life if used in battle. This concern was well-founded.

Conversely, Luo harbored no such fears about using God's Hand on Uvogin. Throughout the months of training battles, he never once employed God's Hand against Uvogin or others. Instead, he dedicated a fixed portion of each day to mastering its control. His proficiency in its application had improved markedly over time.

To further test the limits of God's Hand, Luo captured several rats for experimentation once he felt sufficiently adept in controlling the ability.

He used his power to split each rat into three parts: the head, upper body, and lower body.

Subsequently, he successfully reassembled the separated parts back into a whole, leading to the conclusion that living beings, when split by God's Hand, do not die, bleed, or feel pain, and can be recombined into their original form.

During the experiments, he discovered that the head could not be separated like the rest of the body.

This critical information was deeply noted.

The experiments did not end there.

After reassembling the dozens of pieces into a whole, he again split a rat into three parts: head, upper body, and lower body.

There were three rats in total, each divided into three sections. Luo then mixed and matched different parts from these three rats to create three malformed creatures.

Due to the differing brains, the body parts did not integrate seamlessly. When set down, the commands conflicted; the two front legs wanted to move left while the two hind legs aimed right, causing the malformed rats to spin in place.

Separation and recombination did not directly harm the life form; at most, it produced a restrictive effect. This highlighted the foundational capability of God's Hand.

From this, Luo recognized a flaw in God's Hand: its lack of lethality.

In battle, one must be in close proximity to apply God's Hand on a target. Even if successful in extracting the heart or severing limbs, the target would not die immediately nor feel any pain.

This means, without the factor of pain, if Luo does not quickly distance himself after striking, he risks the target's counterattack.

Close combat outcomes are often decided in an instant, so the lack of lethal power is a significant drawback of God's Hand.

Realizing this, Luo's thoughts turned to the legendary blade named "Allah" stored in the Elder's basement. Perhaps it could compensate for this shortcoming, or other methods of application could circumvent it, like ranged attacks.

Continuing with the experiments, Luo materialized the book of God's Hand and flipped through its pages.

The second, third, and fourth pages each had the word "rat" written in Chinese, along with their genders.

Since awakening God's Hand, it had been used in training numerous times, even severing Hisoka's flexible limbs, but only Cook's name was recorded on the first page.

Luo considered the distinctions, temporarily concluding the scope to include living beings.

As experiments proceeded, Luo, holding the book in one hand, used his power to separate the three malformed rats again, keeping their heads while pressing the rest of their bodies into the book's pages.

During this process, he found that the body of rat A could not be pressed into the page for rat B, and similarly, rat C's body could not be pressed into the pages for rats A and B.

After assigning each rat's body to its corresponding page, he stored the book away and kept the rats' heads, then rested.

By noon the next day, he observed the rats' heads, which appeared normal.

He then materialized the book again, opened to rat A's page, and extracted the body from the page, returning it to its original form, with rats B and C showing similar results.

Keeping these findings in mind, Luo pressed the rats' bodies back into the book, stored their heads, and moved on to other tasks.

On the second day, the rats remained lively.

By the third day, their heads started to become restless.

On the fourth day, their eyes grew dull.

By the fifth day, they became lethargic.

On the sixth day, they were at death's door.

On the seventh day, they died.

For seven days, the rats' heads survived independently but ultimately starved to death, unable to eat.

This revealed that even if all body parts except the head are pressed into the book's pages, it does not directly affect the survival of the head, but starvation indirectly does.

After the three rats died, the experiment concluded.

Luo materialized the book, noting that the second, third, and fourth pages turned black and became unusable, just like Cook's page, indicating only 96 pages remained.

Realizing this, Luo was not worried, nor did he regret using three pages on the rats, as the experiments provided valuable information.

Luo knew of many Nen users and their unique and powerful Nen abilities. Some abilities might be restricted due to their immense power, but they would never completely seal themselves. Instead, they adapt based on the capabilities of the Nen, imposing certain limitations.

God's Hand was born out of his latent needs. If these were to evolve into manifest needs, then surely God's Hand would further refine itself.

For instance, there could be a method to increase the number of pages in the book.

With this in mind, Luo was not concerned about using a page on Uvogin.

After all, some information cannot be gleaned merely from experimenting on rats. The ability's application in battle, including its potential drawbacks, might reveal itself more clearly through combat.

Identifying and overcoming these drawbacks was crucial.

When Uvogin demonstrated the power of his Super Destructive Fist, observers like Nobunaga and Machi could not remain calm. Watching Uvogin and Luo, both exuding a formidable aura, their expressions were filled with grave concern.

"Don't take this too seriously, you two. It's just a training battle," Nobunaga finally interjected, unable to hold back any longer.

However, Luo and Uvogin, now fully engaged in battle mode, seemed to hear nothing else. Each was focused solely on the other.

With no referee to oversee the training battle, there was no countdown to start.

Uvogin's eyes widened as he let out a roar, his aura erupting like an unchecked flood, cracking the ground around him.

At that moment, Uvogin made the first move.


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