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Chapter 25: Survive Today

Luo, although not fully versed in the depths of Chrollo's history, definitely understands Chrollo better than Machi and the others.

Decades later, Chrollo has become a dangerous figure, no less formidable than Hisoka.

Even at the tender age of twelve, Chrollo is not to be underestimated.

"How much can this piece of wood sell for?" Machi stared intently at the Ominous Hand that Chrollo held, who mentioned it could fetch fifty percent of the market price but did not specify the amount.

"Machi, it's not just any wood, it has a name, it's called the Ominous Hand," Luo reminded.


Machi nodded, though it was unclear if he truly comprehended.

"It should be worth eight million Jenny. If taken to the Southernpiece Auction House, facing a collector determined to have it, the price might increase by about twenty percent."

Chrollo handed the Ominous Hand to Luo, who hesitated for a moment before taking it.

"Eight million Jenny?" Machi was astounded.

To put eight million Jenny in perspective, a kilogram of rice in Meteor Street costs five hundred Jenny; eight million Jenny could buy nearly sixteen thousand kilograms of rice!

"We've struck gold," Luo's eyes lit up. Such a worthless piece of wood could fetch eight million Jenny. Finding a buyer would mean not having to worry about affording meat every day, even with Meteor Street's ridiculous prices.

Thinking this, Luo looked at Machi, imagining finally not having to subsist on rice soup daily.

He was nearly at his limit, especially since his tongue was particularly sensitive; the rice cooked without pre-washing due to the scarcity and cost of pure water in Meteor Street.

Machi also looked at Luo, pondering if the threefold interest previously agreed upon was too little.


In this moment of excitement, Chrollo added, "What I've mentioned has no basis."


Luo and Machi were taken aback, not understanding Chrollo's point.

"The judgement comes from combining information from books and hearsay; I can't guarantee the Ominous Hand will sell for eight million Jenny," Chrollo said with a smile.

Luo and Machi were speechless.

Chrollo continued, "However, I might be able to introduce you to a buyer who would likely be very interested."

"Oh? Someone from Meteor Street?" Luo was hopeful.

"Yes, the Elder overseeing the Eastern District," Chrollo revealed.

"The Elder?" Machi was shocked.

Chrollo glanced at Machi, asking rhetorically, "Who else here would be interested in such a collectible besides the Elder?"

Machi, at a loss for words, nodded in agreement.

The harsh living conditions of Meteor Street meant most residents would be reluctant to spend so much on a mere piece of wood.

"So, how should I go about selling it?" Luo asked eagerly.

Selling the Ominous Hand was now his top priority, not only to repay Chrollo for medical expenses but also to improve his diet.

"Selling it won't be difficult. I can take you to meet the Elder, but..." Chrollo's smile faded slowly, and his demeanor suddenly turned cold.

This abrupt change chilled the atmosphere instantly.

Luo frowned slightly, and even Machi was taken aback by Chrollo's intentional display of indifference.

From warm smiles to cold detachment, the deliberate nature of the shift was too pronounced.

"The condition is you have to survive today," Chrollo paused before adding the latter part.

"What do you mean?" Luo's expression hardened.

Machi's heart skipped a beat, recalling Cook's death at Luo's hands upon hearing Chrollo's words.

"Let's talk somewhere else," Chrollo suggested, hands in pockets, not immediately answering Luo's question but heading towards the inner hall instead.

He seemed familiar with the place, choosing a direction that likely led to Uvogin and Nobunaga's room.

Luo suppressed his doubts and followed Chrollo.

Machi bit her lip and silently followed.

The church had twenty-one rooms, each with two beds.

Uvogin and Nobunaga shared one room.

Led by Chrollo, the trio entered Uvogin and Nobunaga's room.

"Hey," Uvogin greeted from his bed upon seeing them.

Uvogin was in good spirits. Given his strong physique and recently awakened Nen abilities as an Enhancer, he was expected to recover from his injuries in about a month, while Nobunaga might take longer.

At the moment, Nobunaga was sleeping soundly, believing that longer rest during injury would speed up his recovery.

Luo nodded at Uvogin in acknowledgment, then closed the door and turned to Chrollo, asking, "What did you mean by your earlier words?"

Machi stood by Luo's side, silently observing Chrollo, while Uvogin was utterly confused.

Chrollo slowly turned around, facing Luo with a calm expression, his smile returning faintly as he said, "Cook was from the Eastern District. In fact, killing him wasn't really a big deal."

"Cook?" Luo mused, recalling the bald man he had dealt with the day before. He hadn't been particularly interested in remembering the name.

"The one who died by your hand," Chrollo stated plainly.

"And then?" Luo nodded, then smiled, seriously adding, "Does he have some formidable siblings wanting revenge for that freak?"

Surprise flashed in Chrollo's eyes.

Seeing the surprise in Chrollo's gaze, Luo was a bit taken aback, his casual guess hitting the mark?

"You're somewhat right. Cook had a twin brother, but his existence has nothing to do with whether you can survive today," the surprise in Chrollo's eyes faded.

"Go on," Luo remained calm.

"You're very composed," Chrollo's lips curled slightly.

Luo shrugged, smiling, "I deal with what comes, be it an attack or a flood."

He hadn't thought much about killing Cook, especially since Meteor Street has a rule against harming fellow residents, but as long as the killing wasn't done openly on the streets, there wouldn't be any repercussions.

Machi had informed him of this.

Moreover, even if the Elder Council demanded his life for the crime, was he supposed to just comply? That would be a joke.

He could leave Meteor Street anytime.

Chrollo looked deeply at Luo, who remained composed, and continued, "The Elder Council has a cooperative relationship with the Mafia, providing them with heavy metals, weapons, and supplies, while the Elder Council channels top talents to the Mafia."

"Today is the day of their transaction. Cook was one of the members scheduled to leave Meteor Street today to join the Mafia as an enforcer."

"However, since you killed him, the number of people the Eastern District promised to the Mafia is now short by one. The Elder has already been informed of Cook's death and knows you were the one who killed him."

"If you can survive today, it means the Elder won't take issue with this matter, and you can indeed sell the Ominous Hand to him."

Hearing Chrollo's explanation, Luo had an epiphany. He then placed his hands on Machi's shoulders, seriously saying, "Machi, I need to flee. The Ominous Hand is yours now, consider it payment for the meals."

Chrollo, Machi, and Uvogin were all speechless.


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