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Chapter 182

After An Ning left, Ling Chunann stood beneath the teaching building, reaching out to catch a snowflake. The snowflake, which appeared large in the air, melted into water the moment it touched his hand. The snow on the ground quickly melted away, leaving only a bit accumulated in the corners no one passed by. At this rate, the snow that had just melted in the morning would soon reclaim the city.

"098, I remember in the original text, the snow wasn't this heavy," Ling Chunann suddenly said.

098 seriously recalled the plot, where it was indeed just a mix of rain and snow, not a heavy snowfall. "Yes, host, the weather has deviated a bit from the plot, but such minor details shouldn't matter."

Ling Chunann nodded nonchalantly, then lifted his head to smile at the man hurrying over.

Shu Yiheng took off his coat and wrapped it around Ling Chunann, holding his slightly cold hands with a look of concern, "Baby, it's cold outside, let's go home."

"Okay," Ling Chunann agreed, "Let's go."

During the time Shu Yiheng came to pick up Ling Chunann, he had left the car's heater on, so Ling Chunann felt a wave of warmth as soon as he got into the car. Shu Yiheng placed his coat in the back seat and then started the car.

Ling Chunann looked at Shu Yiheng, "Yiheng, it usually doesn't snow in previous years. Why is the weather so strange this year?"

"Yes, it's indeed unusual this year," Shu Yiheng agreed, nodding. Qingcheng, being in the south, hadn't seen heavy snow in decades. The snow that accumulated on the grass and trees last night was already rare. However, Shu Yiheng was more worried about Ling Chunann's health, "Baby, are you feeling unwell anywhere?"

"No," Ling Chunann had gotten used to being treated like a porcelain doll by the man.

As soon as they got home, Shu Yiheng turned around, and 098 became lively, "Counterattack value +10%, current counterattack value is 10%, please continue to work hard, host."

"Host, the female lead was late to the game and got scolded by the male lead!" 098 said with a bit of glee, deeply suspecting it was all the host's scheme.

"Uh-huh," Ling Chunann responded and then took out his computer.

Before Ling Chunann could press the power button, Shu Yiheng returned with ginger soup, "Playing games again?"

Ling Chunann blinked at Shu Yiheng, then smiled pleasingly, "Just for a little while."

"Drink this first, be careful not to catch a cold." Handing the ginger soup to Ling Chunann, Shu Yiheng set up the small table and turned on the computer with care.

After taking a sip of the soup, Ling Chunann frowned but gulped it down anyway.

Seeing this, Shu Yiheng stroked Ling Chunann's head satisfactorily, kissed him on the lips, took the bowl, and said, "Just for a while, I'll check on you later."

After Shu Yiheng left, Ling Chunann logged into the game, finding many messages in the chat. That's when his arena teammate messaged him.

[Whisper][Ye Feixiao] whispered: Alan, arena?

[Whisper][Ye Feixiao] whispered: I learned a new move yesterday, beat the big dog three times! [Joy][Joy]

At the same time, Ling Chunann received a message from another teammate, the big dog mentioned by Ye Feixiao.

[Whisper][Li Suiyun] whispered: Alan, I sparred with that chicken fifty times yesterday, let him win three times on purpose, and now he's showing off everywhere, bear with it.

Laughing at these two clowns, Ling Chunann replied:

[Whisper] You whisper to [Ye Feixiao]: I'm busy today, let's not fight.

[Whisper] You whisper to [Li Suiyun]: Got it.

Then the male lead sent a message.

[Whisper][Red Dust Swordsman] whispered: Master, I've broken off my apprenticeship with Tongxin.

"Huh, that's playing it big," Ling Chunann chuckled.

"Host, they just had a quarrel, nobody died," 098, who had been watching the whole time, said. How does the male lead's quarrel concern our host? Are all male leads' thought processes this peculiar?

"Maybe he's short on money," Ling Chunann said, then started replying to the male lead.

098: "..." That makes sense.

[Whisper] You whisper to [Red Dust Swordsman]: What happened? Weren't you two fine

before? Did you have a fight? Want me to talk to her for you?

[Whisper][Red Dust Swordsman] whispered: No need, let the dead be dead.

[Whisper][Red Dust Swordsman] whispered: Sigh.

Staring at that seemingly profound sigh for a second, Ling Chunann glanced at the male lead's location on the map, then activated a skill to travel thousands of miles instantly.

The pink silhouette landed on the pure white snow, and Ling Chunann immediately spotted the male lead not far away on the dueling platform.

The Daoist in white clothes and white hair appeared exceptionally ethereal amidst the snow. The male lead seemed to be AFK; Ling Chunann sat beside him for a while without seeing him respond. After a while, the Red Dust Swordsman finally noticed Ling Chunann, and his character moved.

[Nearby Chat][Red Dust Swordsman]: Master, why are you here?

[Nearby Chat][Feng Lan]: I just came to check on you. You like to AFK here when you're feeling down. [Smile]

[Nearby Chat][Red Dust Swordsman]: Thank you, Master. You're the best.

[Nearby Chat][Red Dust Swordsman]: After playing for so long, you're the only one I truly consider family.

098 sneered at the male lead's attempt to garner sympathy. If the original owner saw this, they'd surely be moved to pity and start splurging on him again. Fortunately, it was the host in control now.

Ling Chunann didn't interrupt 098's musings, controlling his character to stand up and buff the male lead with a sleeve of air.

[Nearby Chat][Feng Lan]: What silly things to say. You have so many friends, and the girls chasing you could line up all over Yangzhou City. [Cute]

[Nearby Chat][Red Dust Swordsman]: You've been gone for a while, and I've thought a lot. I realize that I like you.

[Nearby Chat][Red Dust Swordsman]: Master, let's form a bond.

In this game, forming a bond is akin to online dating, where people deeply immersed in the game often treat their bonds as boyfriends or girlfriends, with various stories stemming from these relationships.

Faced with the male lead's sudden request for a bond, 098's first reaction was, "Host, has the male lead lost his mind?" He used to dislike the original owner so much, only tolerating her because she constantly sought his approval. Why has his attitude changed so drastically?

"098, the affection level."

"Still at 30%."

Hearing 098's report, Ling Chunann chuckled, "What if I tell him I'm already bonded?"

"The affection level would probably drop to 0." But before 098 could finish, Ling Chunann had already sent his reply.

[Nearby Chat][Feng Lan]: Sorry, I'm already bonded.

Watching this message, the Red Dust Swordsman in front of the computer abruptly stood up, staring at the always pink-clad Xuemei for a while before finally calming down.

Impossible. Since he took her as his disciple, Feng Lan had always been with him, with no chance to interact with others. Her two arena teammates were a couple; there was no question of forming a bond. Where did she get a bond from?

Thinking this, the Red Dust Swordsman calmed down completely. Obviously, she said this to reject him. Perhaps it was because of the Tongxin incident. Feng Lan had been somewhat unhappy about it before. Thinking this way, he found her somewhat adorable.

Ling Chunann didn't bother to explain further, letting the male lead concoct his own theories.

"Male lead's affection +20%, current affection level is 50%."

[Nearby Chat][Red Dust Swordsman]: Alright then, Master. I'll take it as your gentle refusal. Please think it over, I'll wait for your reply.

Confused, 098 thought this man was even more capable of self-delusion than the male supporting character who always thought the host was Shu Yiheng's son.

[Nearby Chat][Red Dust Swordsman]: Master, it's been a long time since you've been on YY. I haven't heard your voice yet. Can you come talk to me?

"Host! The big shot is online!" 098 suddenly exclaimed.

"Keep it down, I saw it." Ling Chunann smiled at the messages and the sudden team invitation, then accepted.

[Whisper][Wuying] whispered: Baby, what are you doing?

[Whisper] You whisper to [Wuying]: AFK. What made you log into the game?

[Whisper][Wuying] whispered: To play with you for a bit.

[Whisper] You whisper to [Wuying]: Robbing escorts?

[Whisper][Wuying] whispered: Sure


Thus, Ling Chunann cut off the male lead's various declarations of love in nearby chat.

[Nearby Chat][Feng Lan]: Little disciple, I've got something to do, so I'm leaving first. Won't be on YY, let's play together next time.

Ling Chunann used his skill to teleport to Longmen Desert, landing right where Shu Yiheng was. Shu Yiheng's method of robbing escorts was unmatched, regardless of the opponent's level, he could always take them down in one go. Coupled with Ling Chunann's assistance in drawing fire and finishing off, they were an unbeatable duo.

About half an hour later, as Ling Chunann was looking for the next target, Shu Yiheng spoke up.

[Whisper][Wuying] whispered: Baby, it's time for dinner.

A bit reluctant, Ling Chunann checked the time, found it appropriate, and obediently logged off.

"Host, just after you logged off, the male lead came to Longmen Desert," 098 said with some relief. The big shot and the male lead were enemies; if the host were caught showing his true form with the big shot, all the affection they had worked for might be wasted.

"Uh-huh," Ling Chunann showed no surprise. Based on his analysis of the male lead, leaving immediately after requesting a bond would surely lead him to follow. Half an hour was the limit.

Perhaps due to the affection level, the Red Dust Swordsman, who missed his chance, surprisingly didn't get angry and even calmly spoke a few words of apology to the female lead who messaged him to apologize.

"Male lead's affection +5%, current affection level is 55%."

098 had only one comment about the male lead: inexplicably bizarre.

The snow continued for three days without stopping, turning from mostly melting upon contact to covering everything in white. On Monday morning, before heading out, Ling Chunann looked out the window; the snow was still falling.

"Host, maybe you shouldn't go out, it's already minus fifteen degrees outside," 098 advised.

Initially, 098 thought the heavy snowfall was normal, but now it also felt something strange. Qingcheng, located in the southwest of Huaguo, was famous for its warm winters and cool summers. This weather was definitely abnormal, but its system showed no anomalies, which made 098 uneasy.

Ling Chunann rarely heeded 098's advice, and this time was no exception.

Unexpectedly, the examination room had heating installed in a short time. After discovering a transfer from Shu Yiheng to the school, 098 felt a sense of inevitability and a peculiar pride. Indeed, that's the host's man, so thoughtful.

The economics exam wasn't difficult for Ling Chunann. He quickly finished the paper and left the examination room. As he was about to turn the corner and go downstairs, 098 suddenly shouted, "Host, be careful!"


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