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Chapter 9: Recognition

The kick silenced the entire room.

Luo wiped the nonexistent sweat from his forehead, underestimating Machi's strength. She kicked a robust adult man flying more than a meter away, like a little girl kicking a bear, creating a shockingly vivid scene.

The onlookers carefully watched Machi, whose face was cold. In a forest large enough, you find all sorts of birds, and among the crowd were some with a particular fondness for young girls.

Machi's appearance was striking, inevitably attracting those with a strong preference for such types. However, due to the unspoken rules that were in place, they kept their thoughts to themselves. Seeing Machi's display of violence made them retreat internally.

Marza, physically fit, was caught off guard by the kick, resulting in his cheek swelling up significantly.

Machi stepped forward, jumped onto Marza's chest, squatted down, and grabbed his collar, forcing his head up from the ground.

"Machi, just..." Before Luo could finish his sentence "Don't waste time," he was cut off by Machi's "Don't speak."

Luo was speechless.

"Marza, since Luo hasn't been expelled, it means the council has accepted him. Do you understand what this means?" Machi's gaze was piercing.

Marza's swollen cheek distorted his mouth. Hearing Machi's words, he knew better than to speak unnecessarily, worsening his situation.

He understood what Machi meant but thought that since Luo had stayed indoors since arriving in Meteor Street, killing him wouldn't draw the Elder Council's attention.

Little did he expect that his original intention to trouble Machi would backfire.

Seeing Marza silent, Machi pushed him, causing his head to hit the ground hard. She then stood up, looked down at him grimacing from the pain, and said indifferently, "Behave yourself."

After stepping hard on Marza's chest, she jumped down, picked up the fallen gas mask, then turned and walked towards the stunned Luo, saying, "Let's go, Uvogin and Nobunaga are waiting for us."


Luo glanced at Marza, who lay motionless on the ground, and followed Machi, who had already walked several steps away. Machi's actions seemed cold, but she was protecting him.

"Maybe this is just how Meteor Street is, full of people ready to kill at a moment's notice. Surely, we'll encounter even more in the future."

Walking side by side with Machi, Luo suddenly thought about how Machi, years from now, would become someone who kills without blinking. He felt a sudden urge to have an all-night conversation with her, just a heart-to-heart chat.

Wait, Uvogin and Nobunaga? Aren't they two other members of the Phantom Troupe?

Luo suddenly paid attention to the two names Machi had mentioned. Could it be that the other two people with Machi that day were Uvogin and Nobunaga?

They've already met at this time...

Luo frowned slightly, planning to keep Machi away from the Phantom Troupe members, but his plan was already failing.

"Even if I know the plot, it's still at least ten years before the story begins. When the Phantom Troupe first appears in Yorknew, Machi looks to be in her twenties, but her actual age and the founding time of the Phantom Troupe are unknown."

"With so little information, keeping Machi away from the Phantom Troupe will have to be taken one step at a time. For now, I just need to focus on improving my strength," Luo thought, pondering over the names Uvogin and Nobunaga.

"Machi, where are you from?" Machi suddenly asked as they walked.

"Hmm?" Luo couldn't answer.

Where am I from? If I told you I mysteriously traveled from Earth to an anime world, would you believe me?

Because the question was so direct, Luo couldn't answer or change the subject, remaining silent.

Machi glanced at Luo's silence, withdrawing her gaze as if accepting his unwillingness to speak, not pressing further on the matter. She then said, "Regardless of where you're from or your principles before arriving, since you've chosen to stay in Meteor Street, you need to adapt."

She paused, her tone becoming much gentler, "Not harming fellow beings is one of the iron rules, but it's not absolute. It can't guarantee anyone's safety."

"If someone tries to harm you, you must respond in kind, making them realize your strength."

Luo listened carefully and sighed deeply.

He looked at Machi's profile, a look of pity emerging in his eyes. He couldn't imagine what kind of environment she had grown up in to have such views, especially since she was only ten years old.

"You could have just disabled him. Also, don't look at me

 with that kind of pity," Machi said, her gaze still forward, feeling Luo's pitying look.

Luo shrugged and turned away, saying, "That was my plan, provided he hurt me. I'm new here, so it's probably better to keep a low profile, right?"

Low profile...

Machi raised an eyebrow, her gesture with her middle finger hardly a low-profile action.

"Here, only by making a bold statement can people recognize your strength and dare not provoke you."

Machi's eyelids lowered slightly as she calmly said, "Just like earlier, if you don't reclaim a bit of interest from those who provoke you, others will think you're an easy target."

I think... scaring someone into immobility with just a word is already pretty cool, and it surely has a good deterrent effect.

"I understand." Luo naturally couldn't say this to Machi, only nodding in agreement.

A good youth from a harmonious society needs time to adapt to the unique environment of Meteor Street.

After walking for a while, they saw the outline of the exit where two people in protective suits stood.

"Machi, pity is the cheapest emotion here. I hope you remember that," she suddenly said.

"Why then are you willing to bring me back, provide food and shelter, and even teach me the common language?" This time, Luo couldn't hold back and blurted out his thoughts.

Machi turned her head, showing a calm smile, then Luo heard the most incredible answer.


The cold, young girl answered, pointing her index finger at the corner of her eyebrow.

At this moment, Luo felt more strongly that Machi couldn't be regarded as a mere ten-year-old girl. People from Meteor Street can't be understood with conventional wisdom.


About five minutes after Luo and Machi left, Marza dared to get up. The fear sparked by Luo's words had dissipated like smoke, replaced by anger and hatred.

The crowd around, still not dispersed, started mocking Marza as he got up.

"Marza, didn't you eat today?"

"Kicked away by little Machi, what a spectacular sight. All that muscle for nothing."

"I think that pretty boy is a bit eerie. Just a word made Marza dare not move."

"Must've been scared by the pretty boy's gaze, huh?"

"Marza, what did that pretty boy do to you? You looked terrified."

Hearing the unabashed mockery around him, Marza hung his head, his eyes flashing with resentment. He ignored the people around him and headed straight for the alleys among the buildings.

How could he swallow this insult? Besides, he had a backer!


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