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Chapter 472: The Moving Arsenal, The Power of Legend!

Outside the City of Fire Oil, within the Death Zone flattened by two nuclear blasts, a great battle was unfolding.

Terrifying beams of laser crossed hundreds of meters in an instant, aiming directly at Victorio in the center.

However, these beams missed their target as Victorio transformed his physical body into an energy state at the moment the beams approached, passing through the omnipresent light beams in an incredible manner...

Of course, his movements could not outpace the speed of light, but they only needed to be a fraction faster than the casting speed of a few individuals!

The beams that missed scorched the ground, leaving behind several deep trenches, and Victorio's figure then reached Aurora, who had almost no ability to resist under the suppression of his domain, and was pierced through the chest.


A sound akin to a mirror shattering suddenly erupted.

The pierced Aurora did not bleed; instead, her entire being fragmented like a shattered mirror.

Clearly, this was the pseudo-legendary spell [True Mirror Image]!

"Not bad, you actually managed to deceive my eyes," Victorio spoke appreciatively. His perceptual abilities had multiplied several times over after breaking through to legend.

Just as he finished speaking, Victorio suddenly felt a strong premonition of danger.

A fierce blaze erupted from beneath the ground, engulfing Victorio in an instant. This fire was not as hot as a nuclear blast but was equally dangerous, as if it could devour everything!

This was the unquenchable flame—Chlorine Trifluoride!


Victorio remained calm, slowly speaking as the domain around him rapidly expanded, slowing the surging flames from extreme speed to a crawl.

Within the magical domain, all elements aligned in an almost prohibited manner, and at temperatures close to absolute zero, even Chlorine Trifluoride, capable of stripping electrons, could no longer maintain its form. The fierce flames quickly diminished to a mere flicker.

"Break!" Victorio spoke again, a powerful tide of energy bursting forth instantly, suppressing the weak flames completely. The vitrified ground cracked and shattered, sending shards of glass scattering in all directions at speeds hard to discern with the naked eye, raising sharp whistling sounds.

Lynn and the others had no choice but to retreat further, daring not to let Victorio approach any closer. Harof's Time-Space Blade was ready, Aurora's Laser Spell had been fully charged, and Lynn shouted aloud.

"Muto, bite him!"

A cerulean beast shadow, like a mad dog, charged rapidly towards Victorio.

"Too slow... too slow!" Victorio said with a light laugh, aware of the beast's ability to devour energy and retaliate. Thus, without using any spells, he simply kicked it away with greater speed.

Even the formless Time-Space Blade and the slashing laser beam were easily dodged by Victorio.

The slightest spatial fluctuations were particularly conspicuous to him now.

"Let's end this!" After adapting to his own strength, Victorio increased the expansion speed of his domain. Simultaneously, alchemical runes rose from the ground, tightly binding Lynn and the others!

Lynn, Harof, and Aurora ceased their futile resistance, bringing the battle to a close in about fifteen minutes.

"Indeed, it's still not enough! The gap is so vast," Harof shook his head and sighed.

Given the legendary wizards' difficult-to-kill nature, they had gone all out from the start, only to be defeated after fifteen minutes.

This was because Victorio had intentionally held back, wanting to test his own strength.

"The greater the gap, doesn't it prove that our path is correct?" Victorio said with a smile.

For wizards, the gap between each major realm is already vast.

Even if several third-circle wizards joined forces, defeating a Grand Wizard would be impossible.


As Victorio was speaking, a majestic roar suddenly sounded. The Muto that had been kicked away flew back, serving as the only shield capable of directly resisting legendary spells and still bounding around. Muto seemed a bit smaller after being battered in battle.

Whether it was an illusion or not, Lynn seemed to hear a hint of grievance in that majestic roar.

"Alright, you've worked hard, here you go!" Lynn said amusingly, extending his hand as a condensed tritium crystal appeared in his palm, then tossed it out.

Muto, like a hunting dog that suddenly sees a bone after nearly fainting from hunger, zipped into the air and devoured the tritium crystal like candy.

"Come on, spin around..." Lynn subconsciously added, flipping his hand to produce another tritium crystal.

Although Muto didn't understand the common tongue, having stayed in the City of Fire Oil for so many days, it could roughly understand human speech.

A week ago, Muto would have ignored such commands from these bipeds, but after being brought in for sparring sessions and repeatedly beaten, its pride had been significantly diminished.

Just a few days ago, someone's terrifying hydrogen explosion left a deep impression on Muto. Tempted by the prospect of energy replenishment, Muto finally compromised, reluctantly moving its body as if to spin around.

"Well done!" Lynn didn't insist on Muto performing the trick perfectly and tossed another tritium crystal like a frisbee. After all, training should be taken one step at a time.

When Muto first arrived at the City of Fire Oil, it was incredibly arrogant, lounging in Lynn's estate every day like a lord, waiting for the wizards to 'feed' it and causing damage to bricks, stones, and vegetation. The wizards tasked with guarding it were too angry to speak out.

Only an occasionally passing Grand Wizard with a temper, Farel, decided to discipline the creature and remind it of its place as a wizard's pet.

The result was as expected...

Even Grand Wizard Farel ended up being thoroughly defeated, leaving no one else daring to provoke Muto.

Muto's increasing lawlessness, with no one able to control it, led Lynn to specifically bring it out during the hydrogen explosion tests, placing it at the best vantage point to witness the blast.

As Lynn had anticipated, after the scare, Muto became much more manageable.

Indeed, a combination of strict discipline and rewards proved to be the most effective training method.

After several days of sparring, Muto even started to understand some commands.

A noteworthy achievement!


"Considering you're an energy-based being, why are you so weak?" Lynn looked at Muto, now lying on the ground digesting, and sighed.

He had high hopes for Muto! This creature was an energy-based being, a natural legend, but its combat prowess was disappointingly poor.

Against Grand Wizard-level opponents, it could leverage its rapid speed and energy-based body for advantage, but against a legendary adversary like Victorio, it was clearly inadequate.

Lynn suspected the issue was Muto's lack of knowledge. Apart from close combat and a single energy breath attack, it couldn't fully utilize its powers.

It seemed urgent to brush up on subjects like mathematics, physics, and chemistry!

Just as Muto settled down comfortably, it suddenly leaped up as if sensing malice, shivering and looking around with its large eyes. Finding no other enemies, it lay back down, oblivious to the nightmare about to begin.

Victorio glanced at it, contemplating whether he could, like Muto, replenish energy quickly by absorbing radioactive elements, but felt too proud to try in front of others.

After all, Lynn had just treated tritium crystals like treats for training a dog. If he asked for one, wouldn't he be no different from Muto?

"Chairman Victorio!"

Lynn suddenly broke into Victorio's thoughts, then inquired about the method used to extinguish the Chlorine Trifluoride during their battle, wondering if it was related to absolute zero.

"Correct!" Victorio nodded, his domain's expansion having increased tenfold or more after his promotion, allowing him to exert near-exacting control over the elements within his domain!

For instance, reducing the movement speed of mimicked elements to one-hundred-thousandth of their original pace, a difference so subtle it was hard to detect even with his own senses.

Of course, no matter how close, it still hadn't crossed that line.

-273 Celsius and -273.15 Celsius might seem only a 0.15-degree difference, but in reality, they represent entirely different concepts!

Fortunately, using it against Lynn's unquenchable flame was just barely sufficient.

To this, Lynn felt somewhat resigned. He had developed Chlorine Trifluoride less than a year ago, even dubbing it the unquenchable flame, only to have it extinguished multiple times in recent months' battles, an irony indeed.

However, Lynn quickly adjusted his mood. Chlorine Trifluoride still had some utility in legendary-level combat, enough to make opponents wary.

It was one of the few means by which he, with his own power, could threaten legends, even somewhat countering energy bodies.

Victorio, too, dared not directly confront it, relying on magnetic field manipulation or simulating the ultra-low temperatures of absolute zero for defense.

"What about radioactive elements? Can you now analyze and mimic them with magic?" Harof posed another crucial question.

Lynn and Aurora looked on curiously.

"Of course, I've refined the Material Deconstruction spell. It can now structure any known element!" Victorio said with a light smile, opening his hand. Under the surge of magic power, a uranium stone the size of a thumb appeared before everyone.

"Does that mean you can now unleash [Skyfall] with your own power?" Harof's face lit up with surprise.

Initially, their concept for the grand nuclear blast spell was to use

 it like other spells, crafting a complete spell structure and casting it directly, rather than laboriously gathering nuclear fuel as the spell's core.

This gave Harof a feeling akin to being an apprentice again!

Because normally, only apprentices needed material components for casting spells.

"It's possible, but not as easy as you think," Victorio pondered for a moment before explaining.

One involves purely mimicking elements with magic within one's domain, while the other involves forming real material elements filled with vast energy within the body.

The former can only mimic some chemical reactions between elements, while only the latter possesses the ability for fission and fusion, releasing massive amounts of energy.

In this process, magic serves only as a medium for the transformation between matter and energy.

Hearing this, Lynn nodded. There's no creation from nothing; energy can't appear or vanish out of thin air. Their previous spellcasting merely involved using and consuming magic, a highly advanced energy source.

It seems even magic can't fully support such terrifying consumption, as fusion and fission touch upon the core forces of elements.

"With my current magic and energy reserves, I can release two nuclear blasts equivalent to the critical mass," Victorio added solemnly.

The element uranium is positioned at number ninety-two on the periodic table!

As the atomic number of mimicked elements increases, the consumption of magic grows exponentially. Moreover, the uniqueness of radioactive elements lies in their unstable internal structure, requiring more energy to maintain this state.

Fusion is more challenging than fission, and he's still contemplating how to achieve this process entirely with magic.

Victorio shared his research and understanding of the legendary realm accumulated over these days.

Slowly researching and developing corresponding spells could take months or even years alone, so pooling collective wisdom is undoubtedly a better approach.

Especially with Lynn, the star of magic, who always has innovative ideas. The concept of absolute zero, for example, was proposed by him, used to simulate divine spells similar to stasis in time and space by [Ela].

"Also, freed from physical constraints, in an energy state, my speed can even exceed three hundred kilometers per hour!" Victorio said proudly.

This speed already surpasses airships, only fighter jets at their fastest cruising speeds can slightly exceed it...

"Only three hundred kilometers? That's slow?" Lynn was surprised.


Harof and Aurora looked at Lynn in disbelief. They thought that was quite fast, enough to fly directly from the City of Fire Oil to the Holy City in just over an hour.

Lynn shook his head. Three hundred kilometers per hour is an unreachable speed for most life forms, but compared to the transmission rate of energy, it's like a snail's crawl.

For instance, the propagation speed of lightning in the atmosphere can reach hundreds of kilometers per second, not to mention the speed of light, circling the planet seven and a half times per second.

Thinking this way, even calling it snail-paced was a compliment!


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