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Chapter 468: The Fusion Reactor, Ignition!

In the afternoon, at the temporary examination hall within the wizard academy, as the magic was dispelled, Ivina and others appeared disoriented, breaking free from the magical realm.

"What happened to me? Was I dreaming?" "You rabble, I am the lord of this place!" "This mayor... better not be one!"

The reality constructed within the magical realm was so vivid that many were still lost in the scenarios created even after the magic had dissipated, coming back to their senses only as their memories gradually returned.

The expressions of the five people present varied, but they quickly realized that everything they had just experienced was part of the exam, scenarios they had answered on their papers.

However, compared to sitting and devising strategies on paper, practicing them was evidently much more difficult.

Some remained stuck at the initial small town, their superficial management skills turning the whole territory into a land of disgruntled citizens, while others climbed high in position but couldn’t resist the pleas of relatives, repeatedly engaging in nepotism and manipulation, ending up imprisoned...

"Managing a territory is really troublesome, better to continue focusing on magic!" sighed a wizard, clearly aware of his own outcome.

The others’ faces also looked rather grim.

"Ladies and gentlemen, your examination is now over, please go back and wait for the results," Grand Wizard Alade waved his hand and then called the next group of people to come and put on the rings.

As they walked out of the examination hall, Monroe couldn’t help but break into a cold sweat. He hadn’t expected the wizards to possess such means to make people lose consciousness unknowingly.

Fortunately, it was just a test, and they didn’t take the opportunity to interrogate him within the spell; otherwise, the consequences would have been unpredictable.

Ivina, following Monroe out of the examination hall, was still pondering over the experiences within the magical realm.

"Don’t worry too much, Ivina. This test was not easy. There probably wasn’t a single person who passed perfectly. We might still have a chance!" Monroe reassured her.

Monroe had to admit that the wizards' examination design was very good. Trying to cover all bases was not an easy task, and the traps were numerous, one careless step could lead to failure...

Fortunately, having experienced many years in the northern territories, managing a mere village was naturally done with stability, successfully identifying every opposer hidden among the villagers, and resolving several potential peasant uprisings!

Such performance should certainly be considered superior, right?


This kingdom-wide selection exam, as Lynn had anticipated, attracted everyone’s attention. Whether it was wizards, citizens, nobles, or merchants passing through, all were discussing how many people would pass the council’s assessment and who would become the new lord of the City of Fire Oil.

Meanwhile, Lynn himself and several councilors had quietly moved to the underground of the Duke’s estate.

After nearly three months of expansion and refurbishment, the estate’s underground had been completely hollowed out, forming an area of about a hundred acres.

Hundreds of robust columns stood around supporting this vast underground space, with a space resembling an altar in the deep, enveloped by a series of Mithril rings extending outwards. Each ring was engraved with dense alchemical runes.

Victorio proudly explained to Lynn the operating principle of the fusion reactor. The diagrams previously provided were filled with intricate and complex apparatuses that the council's alchemists couldn’t possibly produce. However, they managed to replicate the effects of these devices with magic and alchemy.

"If it’s suitable, I believe we can initiate it tonight!" Victorio spoke seriously.

Lynn nodded in agreement. Since Victorio was so confident, it was better to start sooner rather than later.

Harof and Aurora also looked forward to it, perhaps tonight they could complete the legendary ascension ceremony.

Together, they approached the giant ‘altar,’ where Tiek and others who had been working tirelessly on the fusion reactor gathered around.

"Master Lynn, lords of the council, can you now tell us what this thing is actually for?" Tiek asked curiously.

To build this underground space, the council had used an uncountable amount of manpower and resources. They even drained a large lake to extract two new elements from the water, a first in history.

"It’s simple, we’re using magic to create a sun to provide us with an endless source of energy!" Lynn said with a smile.

"Create a... sun?" Tiek was momentarily stunned, almost thinking the Star of Magic was joking with him.

Although there were rumors in the kingdom that someone’s new magic involved pulling down the sun from the sky, any wizard with some astronomical knowledge understood that was impossible. The sun above their heads was millions of times larger than the land beneath their feet. Bringing that down would mean the end for everyone!

"Or are you planning to experiment with your new magic here?" Tiek immediately thought of this possibility.

"It could be

 said that..." Lynn noncommittally nodded, then explained further.

"You all should have witnessed my new spell, Skyfall, containing extremely powerful energy but lacking guidance, unable to be utilized effectively, just roughly releasing that energy. The purpose of this experiment is to control and use this energy!"

"In fact, the reason a star continues to shine is the same principle. So, what we’re doing is replicating the operation of the sun..."

"This is really..." Tiek was so astonished he didn’t know what to say.

He hadn’t expected the kingdom’s rumors to be true!

Although the Star of Magic couldn’t bring down the celestial stars, he indeed managed to create a mini-sun explosion on the ground, explaining the terrifying destructive power.

Now, someone was even preparing to create a magical sun underground!

The wizards present were also shocked. They had all witnessed the power of Skyfall, instantly destroying a region with a radius of several kilometers. Could controlling and utilizing such massive energy really be possible?

They were even more worried that if the experiment failed, the release of that energy could destroy the entire city!

Lynn was of course aware of the risks, but the council had prepared for nearly three months, doing everything possible to mitigate them. How could they halt progress because of some potential risks?

Even if he was willing to stop, Victorio and others wouldn’t agree, considering the fusion reactor was crucial for the legendary ascension ceremony!

"Let’s begin!" Lynn took a deep breath and spoke solemnly.

Tiek and others returned to their positions with a mix of worry and excitement. Victorio had already assigned tasks to everyone; igniting the fusion needed the assistance of many wizards.

Once ignited, the reactor could operate automatically.

Harof, Victorio, and Aurora each took their positions around the ‘altar.’

"Vacuum stripping!" Victorio extended his hand, and the numerous runes at the bottom of the reactor and within the Mithril rings lit up one by one, stripping all elements from a diameter of about three hundred meters, creating a vacuum.

Then, under the control of 【Mage Hand】cast by hundreds of wizards, a large amount of deuterium and tritium fuel was introduced. Part of it was in liquid form, forming a tiny sphere suspended in the center of the reactor, while the rest of the deuterium and tritium were distributed inside the Mithril rings in gaseous form.

Then, all eyes turned to Lynn at this critical moment.

"Ignite!" Lynn spoke slowly.

Intense laser beams immediately shot out from the rings, targeting the suspended heavy water in the reactor’s center.

These were lasers operating at the maximum power of the fifth energy level!

The numerous magic stones used for power began to disintegrate one after another, and the area focused by hundreds of lasers rapidly heated up!

10,000 degrees, 50,000 degrees, 100,000 degrees, 1 million degrees, 10 million degrees...

Within just two to three seconds, the internal temperature had already surpassed the threshold. The deuterium and tritium elements had turned into fierce plasma under such terrifying high temperatures and were then tightly confined in an even smaller area by a strong magnetic field.

High temperature and high pressure are the most crucial factors for initiating fusion...

Quickly, perhaps in an instant, a light more intense than the laser beams flashed at the reactor's core, instantly illuminating the entire underground space!

Even though Lynn and others had set up protective magic and were prepared to face the intense light, they couldn’t help but squint.

The temperature in the entire underground space rose sharply, quickly reaching levels unbearable for ordinary people, and this was only a fraction of the energy leaked under the confinement of the strong magnetic field!

The boundless firelight instantly broke through the confinement of the strong magnetic field, erupting from the core of the reactor... There was no oxygen in the vacuum, yet the flames still burned because this was plasma fire, energy transformed from matter!

The surrounding Mithril rings dissolved in 0.1 seconds, and the whole space seemed to boil.

We’re going to die... we’re going to die... we’re going to die!

Tiek was suddenly filled with dread, his instinctual fear of death occupying his entire mind, his face full of horror. In this underground space, they had no chance to escape!

Just as the plasma fire was about to extend beyond the reactor, it suddenly began to swirl like water into a vortex, spiraling and moving upward, eventually forming a giant fire tornado several hundred meters in diameter, spectacularly...

Only then did Tiek realize, although the Mithril rings had dissolved, the alchemical runes still floated in the void, forming a unique protective circle that guided the flow of the flames.

The alchemists’ hands and feet were trembling slightly, their backs soaked with sweat.

"Is it force field magic?" Lynn turned to look at Victorio, noticing some clues.

"Correct, thankfully we had a backup plan.

 I didn’t expect the burst of energy at the moment of fusion to break through the magnetic field I set up." Victorio was also a bit shaken; if the energy had erupted, they wouldn’t have been sure they could withstand it!

As he spoke, Victorio changed several hand signs, increasing the power of the magnetic field confinement. The massive fire tornado slowly dissipated, revealing an even more spectacular sight!

The core of the reactor was a constantly moving, spinning plasma sphere, emitting tremendous light and heat at all times...

It was like a... sun bound in place!

All the wizards present were mesmerized by the scene before them, Tiek exclaimed, "If we told others we trapped a sun beneath the City of Fire Oil, no one would believe it!"

"This is definitely the greatest monument in the history of magic!" an alchemist said excitedly.

Harof, gazing at the star-like shining fusion core, suddenly had a realization.

No wonder, when he was in the microcosm, meeting with legends from the Mystical Arts Society, he felt like he was facing a star.

It turns out they had already revealed the path to legendary ascension to him, but it was only today that he finally understood!

Among all present, Victorio was the most excited. The construction of this magical fusion reactor had been a labor of love, and he hadn’t slept well for months, relying entirely on stamina potions to maintain his condition.

This was how he completed this miraculous masterpiece in less than three months!

Of course, Aurora and Harof also contributed significantly.

For example, the laser beams emitted by the rings were Aurora’s work, while the backup force field magic was Harof’s masterpiece... This fusion reactor could truly be said to be a collective effort of wisdom and strength!

Lynn also slightly curved his lips; the establishment of the fusion reactor meant they had preliminarily mastered galactic-level power—the power of stars!

Although the energy it contained was as insignificant as a speck of dust compared to a real star, it was undeniable that their operating principles were no different!

As for how to use the reactor's energy? Initially, it’s usually through the method of ‘boiling water’—converting water to steam and then using steam power for electricity generation.

But with the convenience of magic, there’s no need for such hassle...

Direct conversion through the photoelectric effect or magnetohydrodynamic generation, even directly using the plasma itself as energy, the brain contains many complete technologies. Over the past few months, Lynn hadn’t been idle, working to magick some of these technologies!


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