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Chapter 464: The Sun, It's the Sun Falling Down!

Lynn slowly ascended the high walls of the City of Fire Oil, the best vantage point to observe the explosion, accessible only to wizards and some guards. "Is everything ready, Councilor Victorio?" Instead of eagerly showcasing his new magic to meet the crowd's expectations, Lynn cautiously inquired.

"The array you instructed me to set up is complete!" Victorio responded with equal gravity.

"That's good!" Lynn nodded. Though hydrogen bombs differ from nuclear bombs, lacking a so-called critical point, theoretically, even a gram of heavy hydrogen could be detonated. However, before breaking through to legendary status, he obviously couldn't control it at will.

This time's Hydrogen Explosion Technique utilized an 'ancient' and 'simplistic' method—using an atomic bomb as a detonator for the hydrogen bomb! This meant the yield of the hydrogen explosion couldn't be too low, roughly equivalent to the power of 300,000 tons of TNT, fifteen times that of the previous atomic bomb! Even by the most optimistic estimates, the radius of destruction would exceed twenty kilometers! Meaning, without restrictions, the entire City of Fire Oil would be engulfed by the massive energy wave...

Therefore, he had Victorio set up an alchemical array at the predicted detonation point's center, to confine the nuclear explosion's force, or rather, artificially limit the spread of the energy wave, allowing the majority of the hydrogen explosion's power to be released at the core.

This also pertained to Lynn's conception of a new way to utilize the Hydrogen Explosion Technique. If the experiment were successful, perhaps next time they wouldn't need to use such a mutually destructive method to kill the enemy!

As he pondered, Lynn slowly rose into the sky under the watchful eyes of thousands. Kingdom citizens speculated below; some thought the Star of Magic was about to fly to the sky to pull down the sun, others believed Lynn was summoning meteorites to fall, the only force capable of creating a terrifying Dead Zone.

Several councilors and a dozen grand wizards focused intently, ready to stop the terrible energy aftermath in the worst-case scenario.

The most leisurely being on the scene... oh, no, the energy creature was Muto, unconcerned with the humans' antics. After ascending the city tower, it found the best and most spacious spot to lie down.

Its searing body heat caused the surrounding wizards to instinctively retreat, further crowding the already cramped space on the tower.

Yulande and others seethed silently, recognizing Lynn's 'pet' rumored to crunch on several extremely hard and dangerous radioactive elements like beans... Any somewhat sensible wizard understood this peculiar magical beast was beyond their handling.

In a short delay, Lynn had already flown a hundred meters high, this time opting not to use the clone explosion method but preparing for a direct launch!

Lynn spread his arms, his domain as a grand wizard instantly expanding to a hundred meters around him. Stored uranium and deuterium and tritium elements rapidly converged, followed by a surge of magical power, mimicking various elements to form an elliptical shell...

In just a dozen seconds, a hydrogen bomb warhead materialized in front of Lynn, with near-critical mass uranium-235 and deuterium and tritium elements placed at the two focal points inside the elliptical warhead.

"Thunder!" Lynn softly commanded, with intense lightning appearing around.

Indeed, his method of long-range projection was the electromagnetic gun!

Despite material limitations restricting its maximum attack range to twenty-five kilometers, this 'mere' distance was terrifying in this otherworld, with a strike from twenty-five kilometers away already formidable!

However, there was a precondition: hitting the target...

At such a long distance and speed, any slight deviation would lead to a vastly different impact point!

Fortunately, for Lynn, assisted by an intelligent brain, such a level of calculation was not a problem!

With everything ready, Lynn raised his right hand to snap his fingers, and the hydrogen bomb turned into a dazzling streak under a piercing sonic boom, heading towards the core of the Dead Zone, the crater caused by the previous nuclear explosion.

Traveling at Mach 25, or seven thousand meters per second! Under the gaze of City of Fire Oil's citizens, the streak of light appeared and vanished from their sight almost instantly, followed only then by the deafening sonic boom! Only a few grand wizards could barely see it, but such speed already exceeded their reaction limits. Unless they could evade in advance or were kilometers away, being targeted meant certain death!

However, such an intense electromagnetic gun was merely a tool for throwing! At twenty-five times the speed of sound, the originally silver-lustrous hydrogen bomb warhead turned a reddish color. In just two seconds, the outer heat-insulating layer rapidly dissolved, and the core of the Dead Zone was already within reach!

The stored uranium-235 was detonated first, thousands of neutrons began to

 strike the radioactive uranium, shattering it, then in a chain reaction, producing more neutrons, continuously repeating this process...

Within a fraction of a millisecond of fission occurring, before the explosion rose, light had already emerged!

A massive amount of high-energy rays produced in the collision spread in all directions, then touched the sturdy reflection layer.

According to the laws of ellipses, any ray emitted from a focus, after reflecting off an ellipsoidal surface, will converge on the other focus.

And the other focus contained the fusion fuel!

An even more terrifying force emerged within the nuclear explosion, swallowing the light from fission, then exploding out with strength ten times greater!


Ten minutes earlier, at the empire's border, Taisis led twenty thousand empire soldiers quietly on their way, using divine arts for concealment to bypass a valley, then cautiously and fearfully stepped into this Dead Zone.

"Hurry... keep up, we're approaching the Dead Zone, everyone, put on your protective gear, and move through here as quickly as possible!" Taisis's voice, boosted by divine arts, echoed in everyone's ears.

In fact, there was no need for his reminder; every empire soldier was on high alert.

Beneath their feet was cracked barren soil, with remnants of destruction all around, charred giant tree trunks lying in the blood-stained mud, indicating what must have been a dense forest before its annihilation, now flattened! The closer they got, the more apprehensive the empire guards became. Inside the Dead Zone, devoid of everything, even debris was unfindable, as if entering a desert, but they weren't stepping on sand, but shards of glass gleaming under the setting sun's afterglow! Within minutes, signs of morale collapse appeared among the troops.

Rumors about this Dead Zone had spread throughout the empire for the past two months.

Some rumors suggested wizards had opened a gate to hell right in the center of the Dead Zone, while others believed wizards had pulled down stars from the sky...

Taisis's heart drummed, but he maintained a forced calm. "Don't be afraid, according to our spies, this is a natural disaster called a volcanic eruption, not magic from those wizards. The protection cast upon you can withstand all evil, remember, God is with us!"

Taisis spoke with uplifting tones, not just to comfort the soldiers but also to bolster his own confidence and morale.

Moreover, as Monroe said, upon entering the Dead Zone, he didn't feel the slightest discomfort on his body, nor did he see any guards or patrolling airships...

Everything was going so smoothly, just by passing through here, they could bypass the wizards' defenses, enter the kingdom for raids, forcing those wizards to divide their forces for reinforcement, creating a favorable situation for the empire's grand offensive.

As Taisis fantasized, a Paladin beside him suddenly spoke. "Lord Taisis, it looks like a shooting star..."

Taisis looked up in surprise but saw nothing. The Paladin hurriedly added, "It was too fast, just appeared in my sight..."

Taisis didn't question his words, feeling a vague unease that continued to grow, and the horse beneath him began to neigh restlessly.

In the distance, as the sun's afterglow slowly set on the horizon, another, larger sun rose before them! All onlookers were shocked at the unbelievable scene before them—this sun was so vast, so magnificent, indescribable by any words, its intense light instantly filled their entire field of vision...

The divine arts protecting everyone's eyes were instantly torn apart.

An empire guard was blinded in that instant, but he no longer felt pain, screaming in horror, "The sun, it's the sun falling down..."

Taisis felt a chill rush from his feet to his head. "No... no, this isn't the sun, this is the wizards' magic of destruction!"

"Retreat, run!"

Taisis's shouts, desperate, then without hesitation, spurred his horse into a frenzied escape back the way they came.

The neatly arranged twenty thousand empire troops instantly became disarrayed; at the moment the 'sun' rose, those looking up at the sky became blind, running about in panic.

Countless soldiers were knocked down and trampled to death by their comrades; screams and cries filled the air, blood permeating the entire Dead Zone.

But no one cared for the dead anymore, everyone ran for their lives.

Yet, no matter how fast they ran, they couldn't outpace the nuclear blast wave; five kilometers away, the first engulfed by the light were those knocked down and trampled by comrades.

The process was painless; in less than a tenth of a second, their bodies were vaporized by the high temperature, then torn apart by the high-energy shockwave.

Taisis, whipping his horse furiously, his mount's hooves almost creating afterimages under divine enhancement, felt

 death creeping closer, his back feeling nothing, probably already roasted...

"Monroe... I swear..." Taisis cursed Monroe, the church's spy, with the vilest words.

Is this the natural disaster you mentioned? Taisis, nearly thrown off his horse by rage, believed more in a complete trap than incorrect intelligence!

Monroe must have betrayed the church, the great Lord, plotting with those evil wizards to lead himself and the empire's tens of thousands of elites to their doom.

Like Taisis, other Paladins also raced against death, then one by one, were swallowed by the terrifying light.

Faster... just a bit faster... Taisis, with a crazed expression, continued to beat his mount, the valley they entered from ahead, meaning he was leaving the Dead Zone.

Suddenly, his horse neighed in pain, its body twisted and fell due to the endless run, Taisis tumbling to the ground in shock...


Before being completely engulfed by the nuclear blast wave, Taisis's angry shout traveled kilometers, only to be drowned out by the explosion's earth-shattering noise.

The intense light covered everything, erasing over twenty thousand empire troops in the hydrogen bomb's wake, without causing a ripple.

After everything settled, on the outskirts of the hydrogen bomb zone, a charred horse was moved aside with difficulty; the Divine Punishment Army's lieutenant, Miller, bloodied, his hands burned red by the scorching ground, his brain trembling from the shockwave.

Dead, all dead... Miller sat on the ground, mouth agape, staring at the surroundings, utterly broken and despairing.

Tens of thousands vanished before his eyes, surviving only because he was at the back of the formation, fleeing at the first sign of trouble.

No one could muster the will to resist after witnessing a sun rise before them... With a safety distance far beyond others, protected by divine shields and his horse as a meat shield, Miller barely hung onto life.

But it was only temporary; terrified, Miller felt even the wind's breeze prickling, swirling in his lungs like blades.

Now wasn't the time to mourn his superior and many colleagues; without hesitation, Miller crawled and ran towards the Holy City, he must bring back the news!

The church's spy, Monroe, had been corrupted by the wizards!

He betrayed the Lord's faith, leading the empire's troops into the wizards' trap!

Causing tens of thousands of empire troops to be utterly destroyed!


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