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Chapter 158

In the following one or two months, Ling Chunann hadn't seen the female lead. Mrs. Lu did visit a few times, but each visit was brief, lasting only a few minutes. Lu Linfeng, on the other hand, was exceptionally attentive, almost as if he wanted to move into the bedroom. He appeared very busy; if his phone wasn't turned off, it would ring every few minutes. However, he never answered and eventually turned it off, not turning it back on for two months.

Two months later, Mrs. Lu personally came to discharge Ling Chunann from the hospital. She sighed and whimpered upon seeing Ling Chunann's eyes, lamenting, "How could my Xiaoyan be so unlucky? I had planned for you to join your father's company in these two months, and now, wuu wuu wuu..."

"Why are you crying?" Lu Linfeng, having completed the paperwork, entered from outside the ward just to find the woman holding onto their beloved, crying her eyes out, immediately darkening his expression.

The crying stopped abruptly, and Mrs. Lu looked up, stammering after a moment, "Lu, Lu Linfeng, aren't you..."

Coincidentally, Mrs. Lu's visits to see Ling Chunann over the two months had been infrequent, and she always visited when Lu Linfeng was not around. This was the first time they officially met, and clearly, Mrs. Lu recognized Lu Linfeng.

"I'm supposed to be dead, right?" Lu Linfeng finished the sentence for her.

"No, I didn't think so," Mrs. Lu forgot to cry, her expression shrinking.

Blind Ling Chunann tilted his head, "What's going on?"

"It's nothing." Ling Chunann was patted on the head, the man's voice soft.

"Oh." Ling Chunann nodded, "So, are we going back now?"

"Wait a moment, I have something to take care of. I'll be out for five minutes," Lu Linfeng said, "Mrs. Lu, please step outside with me."

After they left, Ling Chunann, no longer feigning his earlier confusion, jumped down from the bed with the fluidity not typical of a blind person and smoothly made his way to the couch, slumping down, "098, have you not found his information yet?"

"Returning to the host, his information must be entirely classified, with no electronic records available. All the information I've found so far is false," 098 reported, "However, I did find some information about Lu Linfeng. He's the illegitimate son of the old Master Lu, a business prodigy who joined the Lu family company at a young age. Within two years, he expanded the Lu enterprise by dozens of times, then disappeared suddenly just as the old Master Lu was about to pass on the head position to him. That disappearance lasted for twenty years."

"So, how old is he now?" Ling Chunann naturally followed up.

"..." Why does the host always care about age in so many worlds? Though thinking this, 098 dutifully responded, "Thirty-eight."

"You don't understand, this is a normal world. If he ages too quickly, who will ensure my happiness later?" Ling Chunann stated earnestly.

"..." That sounds reasonable, but it's probably not the main point.

"Right, host," 098 was briefly sidetracked by Ling Chunann and almost forgot the main point.

"What is it?"

"Just now, I noticed Mrs. Lu seemed very scared upon seeing Lord Lu Linfeng. Something might have happened between them in the past that led to his disappearance," 098 theorized, having concocted a melodramatic narrative, "It's likely related to the family's wealth. The old Master Lu was about to hand over the company to him, so it must have been a scheme by the head of the Lu family and Mrs. Lu that led to his disappearance. Now, Mrs. Lu is scared upon seeing him!"

After listening to 098's conjecture, Ling Chunann called out, "098."

"Present, host." 098 was eager, perhaps even a bit smug, thinking the host had recognized its special talent.

"Yes, you're really smart," Ling Chunann complimented.

098, not used to not being mocked, was a bit incredulous, "Host, are you serious?"

"Of course, I never lie," Ling Chunann affirmed.

After a while, 098 finally snapped back to reality, "Wow! The host said I'm smart!"

Listening to its system's cheer, Ling Chunann shook his head, not revealing that it had guessed wrong by eighty percent. Imagining 098's reaction upon discovering the truth later, Ling Chunann's lips curled up slightly.

His current body was above average in appearance, fitting the profile of a gentle male friend. However, as Ling Chunann's soul strength increased, it also influenced his host body to gradually resemble his original appearance. Simply put, the longer Ling Chunann inhabited a body, the more attractive it would become, unless the body was originally more handsome than him, which Ling Chunann had yet to encounter.

Although this body has been fitted with prosthetic eyes, it's virtually impossible to tell from the outside. Perhaps due to these prosthetic eyes, the pupils seem more vivid than those of an average blind person. Coupled with Ling Chunann's sharp senses honed from training with hidden weapons and the assistance of his abilities, the loss of vision has no effect on him. In fact, if he wishes, he can "see" even more clearly than the average person.

However, the man didn't think too much into it. During the days Ling Chunann couldn't see, he was incredibly anxious, to the point where he worried about Ling Chunann tripping over even an extra step he took. He nearly assisted Ling Chunann with every task, short of helping him in the bathroom.

Of course, if Ling Chunann were willing, he would be more than happy to help.

Five minutes later, the man returned to the ward on time.

"Baby, why are you out of bed?" He approached Ling Chunann, inspecting him from top to bottom, and then asked with concern, "Did you bump into anything?"

"I'm fine." Ling Chunann grabbed his hand, "Uncle, where's my mom? When are we going home?"

"She said there's no one at home to take care of you, so she's entrusted you to me," Lu Linfeng explained, "And I'm worried you might go hungry if you return home."

"Oh." Already knowing the outcome and eagerly anticipating their move to the new home, Ling Chunann still put on a disappointed face.

"What? Baby, don't you want to go home with Uncle?" The man's voice carried a hint of grievance, "Do you not like Uncle anymore?"

Considering this body was also twenty-two years old, to be treated like a child was somewhat absurd to Ling Chunann, who mentally rolled his eyes but obediently replied, "No, Uncle is my favorite."

Following his response, he received an affectionate kiss from the man.

"Host, he just lied to you," 098 hurriedly spoke up while the man went to fetch the car, "He just threatened Mrs. Lu."

"With what did he threaten her?" Ling Chunann inquired.

"Um…" 098 momentarily struggled to explain how Lu Linfeng threatened Mrs. Lu. It seemed as soon as Lu Linfeng suggested taking care of Ling Chunann himself, Mrs. Lu immediately agreed to the proposal without hesitation.

After some thought and failing to provide a clear explanation, the man returned, forcing 098 to reluctantly keep silent and continue its silence.

An hour later, the car stopped inside a manor.

"Master Lu, you're back." A man in a grey suit, standing tall, welcomed them at the door. Seeing Lu Linfeng assisting Ling Chunann out of the car, he smiled, "This must be Young Master Lu. Hello, I am Lu Yuan, Master Lu's butler."

"Hello." Ling Chunann nodded, "I am Lu Jiayan."

As Lu Yuan was about to get a better look at the protagonist who made Lu Linfeng rush back, risking mission failure, he suddenly caught a stern look from his boss and awkwardly laughed, "I'll check if the soup in the kitchen is ready."

"Okay," Lu Linfeng nodded.

"Baby, watch the steps."

Just as Lu Yuan took a few steps, he nearly stumbled upon hearing the especially tender voice of the man behind him, managing to regain his balance after several shaky steps.

Though Young Master Lu appeared quite handsome and seemed to have a good personality, he looked a bit young. Wasn't this akin to the old adage of an old cow eating young grass?

As Lu Linfeng had promised, Ling Chunann received comprehensive care, not just from Lu Linfeng but also from Lu Yuan, the butler. Once Lu Yuan discovered Ling Chunann was blind, he treated him with kid gloves whenever Lu Linfeng wasn't around, as if caring for a toddler learning to walk. Even after realizing Ling Chunann's actions were no different from those of a sighted person, aside from marveling at his exceptional abilities, Lu Yuan's attitude became even warmer.

Apart from being blind, Ling Chunann's life in this world was quite comfortable. Even without sight, he had 098 to provide live commentary, knowing much more than the average person.

Recently, the man had been mysteriously going out often, leaving Ling Chunann with nothing to do. Suddenly remembering the long-unseen female lead, he inquired, "098, what has the female lead been up to recently?" After asking, Ling Chunann stretched and turned over on the lounge chair, "Indeed, without a mission, there's no motivation."

This was, after all, a vacation world, and 098 was moved that the host even remembered the female lead's character, "Replying to the host, the female lead was discharged and taken back to the Lu family

 last month. Her eyes have recovered, and today she's on a date with the son of Lin Corporation, who is also the male lead."

"That's good." Ling Chunann raised an eyebrow, then pushed himself up from the chair, "Let's go have a look."

"Where are you going, Young Master?" The diligent butler immediately brought the car around upon hearing Ling Chunann wanted to go out.

"Jinhua Street." Ling Chunann named a street that housed both Lin and Lu corporations, with nearby restaurants being the city's finest.

"Are you going out to eat? Which restaurant do you prefer? I can make a reservation for you," Lu Yuan turned to ask.

"No need, someone's treating me," Ling Chunann smiled.


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