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Chapter 147

The sudden surge in favorability caught 098 off guard, but it quickly thought of the third male lead's character and calmed down, no longer finding the increase in favorability strange. The third male lead, in the original story, didn't have much of a role. He was nominated as the third male lead purely because of his character, akin to a mech research fanatic. In his eyes, there was only mech. Now, not even eighty years old, his achievements had already surpassed countless predecessors in the field of mech research.

However, on the other hand, Butte's temperament was quite bad when he was focused on his research, and he could explode on the spot if disturbed. This was why Marei was not surprised at all when he heard Kulun didn't dare to enter earlier.

But now, Marei felt uneasy, his gaze towards Ling Chunann was strange. "Dr. Butte, we are here for Lan Ti Ya."

Butte then came to his senses, nodding, "Oh, alright." Although he responded, Butte's gaze lingered on Ling Chunann. Feeling a strong sense of crisis, Nor stepped forward to block the mech maniac's intense gaze towards his treasure. Regrettably, Butte withdrew his gaze, "Follow me." Realizing he couldn't see Ling Chunann anymore, he turned and headed towards the innermost mech chamber.

Different from other chambers displaying mechs, this one was special. Besides basic instruments, it housed only one mech in the center.

The mech was entirely black, shimmering with a deep blue luster unique to Rx series minerals. Every part of it had fluid lines, looking perfect from any angle.

Even Nor, who was well-versed and had seen many mechs, showed a hint of surprise upon seeing this mech, much to Ling Chunann's satisfaction.

Marei took a deep breath. Although he had seen the design drawings and participated in every part's manufacturing, this was his first time seeing the finished product. He only had one thought: how great it would be if he could own such a mech!

Then he thought of the cost of this mech and instantly calmed down, admiring Ling Chunann even more for having so much money.

Looking at the mech, pride filled Butte's eyes, "Based on your design and materials, with the same raw materials, I made a slight modification to the weapon mount. You can check it out. Here are the finished product data, take a look." He handed a folder to Ling Chunann, "If there's any issue, I can make modifications."

Ling Chunann skimmed through the folder quickly, then handed it to Nor, "Take a look."

Nor took the folder and started reading carefully.

"With my modifications, the attack power of this mech can increase by at least 1%." Butte, not minding whether Ling Chunann had seriously reviewed the information, went on, "Even without modifications, this is the most perfect mech I've ever made."

"You're Yu Yichen, right? You're truly a genius!"

As he moved forward to shake Ling Chunann's hand, Nor intervened, "The mech data is fine."

"Supporting male character number three's favorability +10%, current favorability at 90%."

The favorability of this supporting character was surprisingly easy to raise, 098 mused, but it thought its host was the most impressive. Ling Chunann must have designed the mech with conquering the third male lead in mind from the start.

Butte was indeed a genius as his character suggested, able to optimize what was already considered a perfect design. A 1% increase in attack power might not sound significant, but it could be the deciding factor in a battle.

Undeterred by being blocked again, Butte eagerly looked towards Ling Chunann, "Do you want to try it now?"

"Sure." Ling Chunann looked at Nor and smiled, "Teacher, please."

Nor nodded and walked towards the mech.

Marei, envious, whispered to Ling Chunann, "A'Chen, can I touch it later?" He had already given up the idea of owning it, feeling satisfied just to touch it.

Seeing the look Ling Chunann gave him, Marei touched his nose and exaggeratedly said, "This would fulfill a lifelong dream."

Despite the exaggeration, his eyes were serious. Ling Chunann nodded, "Sure."

By then, Nor had already climbed into the mech.

Lan Ti Ya, after being silent for a few seconds, began to move smoothly.

This was the first time someone had tested the mech, yet there was no hint of stiffness in its movements.

Nor controlled Lan Ti Ya out of the mech chamber to the vast testing ground outside.

"Where's the area with the highest gravity?" Ling Chunann asked.

"Northwest sector three," Butte answered. "That area simulates the gravitational magnetic field of random black holes and is known as the absolute death

 zone. No material has ever entered and come out intact. Although Lan Ti Ya's structural strength is unprecedented, theoretically, it's impossible to withstand the gravity of random black holes."

Ling Chunann glanced at the markings used for area division on the ground and signaled to Nor.

Nor gave him an understood gesture and then headed towards that area.

Butte became anxious, "It's impossible! Stop him!"

As Nor approached the zone, Marei tugged at Ling Chunann's sleeve, "A'Chen, Dr. Butte's data can't be wrong. Please, make Teacher Nor stop." For some reason, he felt only Ling Chunann could make Nor halt.

Ling Chunann, ignoring their words, watched the mech in the field silently.

098 remained silent too, although it also felt a bit unreliable, it trusted its host would never put Lord Nor in danger.

Nor moved quickly, reaching the designated area's center as they spoke.

One second, two seconds...

The situation didn't unfold as Butte had predicted. Lan Ti Ya wasn't torn to pieces. Aside from a slight sense of obstruction in its movements, everything else functioned normally.

One minute passed, then three minutes... It wasn't until Nor had smoothly activated all of Lan Ti Ya's joints and tested the basic attack equipment that Butte jumped up in disbelief, "Impossible! This is miraculous, how could this be?" As he spoke, he reached out to grab Ling Chunann's hand, "How did you do it? I've studied each of those minerals, and none showed any special reactions. No, wait, I haven't studied the Rx mineral and Y-rays yet, and also..."

Mid-sentence, Butte released Ling Chunann's hand and ran to the recording desk.

"Just ignore him; he's always like this," Marei said, "I heard Dr. Butte has been researching random black holes for forty years with no progress, except for simulating random black hole space, which is why he reacted like this now. But A'Chen, how did you actually do it?"

Before Ling Chunann could answer, the lab's alarm sounded, "Alert, unknown malfunction! Alert, unknown malfunction!"

Butte looked up from the recording desk, his face as dark as charcoal, and stormed out of the lab in a fury.

098: "Host, it was someone unknown, using Kulun's identity card to enter, we're not sure what he took yet."

Ling Chunann responded calmly, "Keep an eye on his movements and watch Xia Lin."

"Okay, host." 098 wondered if Ling Chunann had anticipated this. Was this incident related to Xia Lin? It then chided itself for overthinking.

Nor dismounted from the mech, clearly satisfied with it. He handed the spatial buckle containing the mech to Ling Chunann, just having shared his thoughts when Butte returned with a stern face.

"What happened, Dr. Butte?" Marei hurriedly asked.

Butte shot Marei an impatient glance, about to rebuke him but softened his expression upon seeing Ling Chunann nearby, "An unknown intruder stole my experimental data. I've already sent the guards after him; he won't get far. Thankfully, Lan Ti Ya's designs are kept in a secure area."

Hearing this, Marei breathed a sigh of relief.

"But the assembly process and materials for Lan Ti Ya were in there."

Marei tensed again, "What do we do?"

Butte snorted, "If they think they can assemble a mech with that little data, they'll regret it. Once I catch that kid, I'll make him pay!" After saying this, he turned back to Ling Chunann, his expression becoming eager again, "Yu Yichen, can you tell me how you did it?"

"Shouldn't your priority be to find out who let the thief into the lab?" Nor was the first to speak, exuding the commanding presence he once had on the battlefield. Butte, who rarely interacted with others, was taken aback and didn't respond immediately.

"Well, aren't you going?" 


Watching Butte's hasty departure, Marei opened his mouth but said nothing.

Ling Chunann couldn't help but chuckle, then covered his mouth to cough, though his amusement was evident.

Nor looked at Ling Chunann helplessly and whispered softly, "Baby, let's get engaged when we go back."

Ling Chunann turned to see the man's sharply defined features and sincere eyes, instinctively replying, "Okay."

...Fell for it again. Bewitched by beauty.

098: "Pfft..." Calling the host a flirt, and now he's almost tied down.

Ling Chunann: "Shut up."

098: ...It hadn't spoken. What happened to freedom of speech? Now it seemed it didn't even have the right to think, alas.

Back at the dorm, Ling Chunann handed the spatial buckle to Nor, "An engagement gift."


Ling Chunann, feeling triumphant after regaining the upper hand, was about to go upstairs when the man embraced him, followed by a deep kiss.

"Thank you, baby. This is the best gift I've ever received."

Nor's decisiveness was unmatched. Within a few days, the entire galaxy knew about the upcoming engagement of the Imperial War God, and crucially, to an alpha!

It was unclear how Nor managed to get the royal family's approval for his relationship with an alpha, as Ling Chunann faced no harassment from the royal family before the engagement.

However, on the eve of their engagement, Ling Chunann disappeared.


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