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Chapter 126

Watching the relentless stream of messages criticizing him, Yuan Ji patted his chest in relief, narrowly avoiding a slip of the tongue that could have landed him in hot water with the emperor. It would have been disastrous if the emperor discovered he was gossiping behind their backs. Then, to his horror, Yuan Ji realized the excuse he had blurted out had actually come true—Yuan Congshu had indeed called him.

Trepidation filled Yuan Ji as he entered the study, where Yuan Congshu was buried in a mountain of documents on his desk, and Ling Chunann lay on a couch, lazily playing video games. It seemed they hadn't noticed his gossip, allowing Yuan Ji to sigh in relief, "Yuan Ji pays his respects to the emperor and the prince."

"Yuan Ji, you are to escort those four princes back to Country C, and without my permission, they are not to enter," Yuan Ji was startled by the order and looked up to find Yuan Congshu's attention still fixed on his paperwork, and Ling Chunann absorbed in his game. Yuan Ji understood this decision essentially banished the four princes, and he silently shed tears of sympathy for them before quickly responding, "Understood."

Three days later, Yuan Ji left with a few vampires whose powers had been temporarily sealed.

"Revenge value increased by 5%, current value at 75%. Please continue to make efforts," announced 098.

"Host, two male leads have yet to appear."

"I'm aware." Ling Chunann looked at the concert tickets in hand and then at Zhang Yunya, who was looking at him with anticipation, his expression puzzled.

Seeing Ling Chunann's gaze, Zhang Yunya excitedly proposed, "Yiheng, join us for Ran Fenglin's concert next weekend! Xiao Qi has agreed, and I've bought two extra tickets. You could even invite your uncle, how about it?"

Zhang Yunya's voice wasn't quiet, and the mention of Ran Fenglin drew a crowd of students, all clamoring for tickets.

"Are those really Ran Fenglin's concert tickets? I stayed up all night before they went on sale and still couldn't get one!"

"Forget about it, I did the same and fell asleep half an hour before the sale started. By the time I woke up, they were all gone."

"Zhang Cui, no, Yunya, how did you manage to get them? Do you have any extra? I'll pay double the price for one."

Ran Fenglin, one of the most famous singers in the pop music scene, had won the title of "King of Songs" for three years in a row. His voice was said to be even more enchanting than a siren's. The news of his concert in Jiangcheng had sent fans into a frenzy, and tickets were sold out instantly. Zhang Yunya's ability to secure four tickets, even if they were just mid-row, spoke volumes of her financial capability, especially when the least desirable standing-room-only tickets were being scalped for as much as 30,000 yuan each.

Zhang Yunya, never before treated with such enthusiasm by her classmates, was at a loss, "I'm not selling the tickets; we're going to the concert next week."

Ling Chunann patted her shoulder, "Sell them. I've bought tickets too, I'll bring them to you in a few days."

"How could I?" Zhang Yunya hurriedly declined.

"Don't be polite; consider it a celebration of your narrow escape from disaster. Plus, Xiao Qi wanted to see the concert, right?"

"Sell it to me! I'll pay 50,000!" a wealthy male student shouted from the back of the classroom.

"I'll pay 55,000 for one! I'll take all four!"


Eventually, Zhang Yunya sold the tickets to the first bidder for 50,000 yuan each. At her insistence, she gave all the money to Ling Chunann.

After this incident, the class's perception of her improved significantly, and she was no longer referred to by her old nickname.

Once the tickets were sold, 098 couldn't help but interject, "Host, you haven't bought any tickets." Now that Zhang Yunya had sold hers, what if they couldn't get any in the future?

"There will be," assured Ling Chunann.

Soon, 098 realized its worries were unfounded, and on another note, admired its host's intelligence.

Upon Yuan Congshu and Ling Chunann's return to the estate, they saw a black minivan parked outside, with a man who had been waiting for some time standing at the door. It was none other than Ran Fenglin, the King of Songs who had risen to fame across the region in recent years, and also the fifth male lead of this story.

Ran Fenglin, with his perfect blend of Eastern and Western features, deep blue eyes as profound as the ocean, and a

 gaze filled with melancholy and affection, was a rare beauty that captivated Ling Chunann's attention for a moment longer than usual.

Noticing Ling Chunann's gaze, Yuan Congshu asked the uninvited guest, "What brings you here?"

"Your Majesty, Your Highness," Ran Fenglin greeted with an elegant bow, "please forgive my presumptuous visit." Handing a beautifully wrapped box to Yuan Qi, who was acting as a temporary butler, he continued, "This is a small token of my appreciation. I hope the emperor and the prince will accept it."

Yuan Qi looked to Yuan Congshu, who glanced at Ling Chunann. With a slight nod from Ling Chunann, Yuan Qi accepted the gift, and Ling Chunann thanked Ran Fenglin.

"Since the gift has been delivered, we won't see you out," Yuan Congshu stated.

"Yes, I'll take my leave now." Ran Fenglin bowed once more, about to speak to Ling Chunann when he suddenly felt a chill and instinctively closed his mouth, quickly retreating back to the car. Then, the nanny car sped off, trailing a long exhaust like a race car.

Only then did Yuan Congshu look away, satisfied. His expression instantly changed to one of aggrieved innocence, "Does my treasure like him?"

Ling Chunann, already accustomed to the man's rapidly changing expressions, broke into an excited smile, "Yes, he sings well and is exceptionally handsome. He's even more so in person than in photos!"

Your Highness, stop talking, the emperor is about to explode! Yuan Qi, not far away, wished he could bury himself in the ground the moment Ling Chunann spoke. He had never seen Yuan Congshu this angry before.

However, just when Yuan Qi thought Yuan Congshu would lash out, he spoke again, not as expected, "I sing well too. I'm more handsome than him, and I'm more capable."

Ling Chunann was amused to laughter, "Hahaha, just kidding, I don't really like others…"

Knowing he was being teased again, Yuan Congshu wasn't angry but relieved instead, and affectionately kissed Ling Chunann, who was laughing so hard he was bending over, "Alright, let's go home."

Yuan Qi was left standing there, dumbfounded.

That evening, Ling Chunann opened the gift box from Ran Fenglin.

Inside was a ping pong ball-sized blue gem, a crystal filled with energy. Ling Chunann set it aside, taking out something from underneath.

"What's this?" Yuan Congshu asked, looking at what Ling Chunann was holding.

Ling Chunann waved it in his hand, "Concert tickets."

Twenty VIP seat tickets. This vampire prince clearly valued Yuan Congshu, the Blood Emperor, and these seats were naturally vacated in the original text.

"Does my treasure want to go?" Yuan Congshu could always tell what Ling Chunann was thinking.

"Yeah, will you come with me?" Ling Chunann glanced at Yuan Congshu with a teasing smile.

Although not pleased with the vampire who had caught his treasure's attention, Yuan Congshu naturally didn't want to miss out on time with Ling Chunann, promptly adding it to his schedule, "Of course."

"Aren't you scheduled for a business trip to Country F next weekend?" Ling Chunann asked.

"Postponing it by two days is fine." Yuan Congshu wrapped an arm around Ling Chunann, asking softly, "How will my treasure reward me?"

According to the script, the protagonist should offer a shy kiss and then run away blushing. However, Ling Chunann was clearly not the character from the script. He flipped over, pinning Yuan Congshu beneath him, "How about I take the top today?"


As a result, Ling Chunann didn't come down from the bed for two whole days. On the third morning, he finally managed to kick the man out of bed, returning to school that afternoon to Yuan Congshu's eager smiles.

It was a public class, and Zhang Yunya and Su Zijing sat together. Seeing Ling Chunann, they both breathed a sigh of relief. When Ling Chunann sat down next to them, Su Zijing whispered, "Yiheng, where have you been these past two days? We couldn't reach you by phone; we almost called the police."

"Sorry, my phone was dead," Ling Chunann replied.

"Then you..."

Su Zijing was about to continue when Zhang Yunya interrupted, "It's okay, Xiao Qi, Yiheng is fine now." She leaned forward, past Su Zijing, towards Ling Chunann, "Yiheng, are you free tonight? Come have dinner at me and Xiao Qi's place. Oh, and if your uncle is available, invite him over too."

"Is there a special occasion?" Ling Chunann inquired.

"It's Yunya's birthday today," Su Zijing said.

"Yeah, Xiao Qi insisted on celebrating it." Zhang Yunya nodded, complaining but her eyes betrayed her happiness.

Su Zijing added, "It's once a year, and today is your twentieth birthday, so we have to celebrate properly. Yiheng, you must come."

"Alright," Ling Chunann agreed, causing the two girls to beam with joy, "Then let's go grocery shopping after class!"

After class that afternoon, Su Zijing and Zhang Yunya bought a heap of groceries. Just as they entered the neighborhood, Zhang Yunya suddenly paused.

"What's wrong?" Su Zijing asked.

Zhang Yunya smiled, "Nothing, let's hurry, it's getting late."

Upon returning home, Zhang Yunya immediately locked the door and peeked through the peephole. Seeing the hallway was empty, she finally relaxed.

"What's going on, Yunya?" Su Zijing asked again.

"I thought someone was following us," Zhang Yunya frowned, then smiled reassuringly, "It should be nothing, don't worry."

"I'm not afraid with you here," Su Zijing affectionately linked arms with Zhang Yunya, "Alright, let's start cooking, Yiheng will be here soon."

Unsure of what birthday gift to give to a girl, Ling Chunann arrived an hour later. Yuan Congshu, naturally concerned about his treasure visiting the home of a girl they once had a crush on, followed.

Upon entering the neighborhood, Ling Chunann detected the presence of other vampires. There were at least four or five vampires in the vicinity, including a prince. Their lurking here was obviously for a reason.

The aura emanating from the female lead was like opium to the vampires, a situation mitigated only by the protection of the Blood Emperor's power. Otherwise, in a city overrun by vampires like Jiangcheng, Su Zijing would have needed constant rescuing by the male lead, as described in the original text.

After driving the vampires away from the neighborhood, Ling Chunann turned to Yuan Congshu, "Is there a way to permanently change her physique?"

Understanding whom Ling Chunann referred to, Yuan Congshu thought about making things easier for Ling Chunann by altering Su Zijing's physique. His voice lightened, "Blood transfusion."


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