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Hey lovely people, Ive had this on the back burner for a min. The house took me a while to decorate especially after having so many game updates. I hope you guys will love this story to play with. See Details below and also refer to pictures above:

Family Type : Single Parent (looool, Il make a family with both parents next time)

Members: Charlee Valencia (Mother), Margarita Correa (Child), Cade Messina (Toddler)

Backstory/Situation: Charlee is a single mom with 2 children, born of 2 separate fathers. I know what you might be thinking but it is certainly not what you think. 

As long as Charlee can remember, she has been obsessed with the perfect family and she had it for a while both times. What's the story? Well...Charlee met Mark Correa in high school and they were sweethearts! Nobody could hold a candle to this couple and everyone thought they would be together forever. They did everything together and as soon as they turned 18, they went to Del Sol Valley and eloped at a popular casino. 

Things were great for a while. Charlee did some modeling gigs on the side which was her passion and Mark had a job at a construction site. They were making good money and living happily as a couple.  Eventually she got pregnant and that's when the relationship went under. Truthfully, they had never discussed having kids but nothing prepared her for how withdrawn he was and neglectful. He started coming home late and soon Charlee started hearing stories of infidelities. When she addressed him, he vehemently denied them. She trusted him and stayed. 

When Maggy was 4, they came back one day to find all of Daddy's things gone. He didn't even bother too leave a letter or anything. When she spoke to his coworkers, she discovered he had gotten the opportunity to go overseas and they thought she had gone with him. 

After learning this , Charlee sold their house and moved to Strangerville. She had all but given up on men until she met this sweet man by the name of Cade Messina. He was a captain in the Military and after begging to date her for about 6 months, they eventually started dating and then 6 months later, they were married. Charlee was in love, like nothing she had experienced before. He loved Maggy as his own and was home every weekend, rain or shine.

Eventually, they were blessed with a beautiful baby boy who she gave his namesake. Everything was great for about 3 years until he was sent on a mission to a secret lab on the far side of town. When some men showed up on her doorstep with a flag and badge, she knew the worst had happened and he would never came back! She cried so much that day. She was told he died saving his country.

Charlee broken-hearted left again with her 2 babies and moved to Oasis Springs to start over for the 2nd time. She is convinced she has bad luck with men and has decided to try living single and raising her babies on her own.

Will you help Charlee raise her babies on her own and live the single life or will she try for love one final time?

Living Situation: 3 bedroom fully owned and furnished house

Starting funds: 100,000 simoleons (Death Gratuity from Military Husband's Death )

Get Family CC Folder (Tray and CC) HERE 

Get Lot HERE 

P.S Attached below are in-game photos and collage objects I made but completely forgot to add when building, feel free to add in build mode when you place the build. 



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