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Alright, so I've been working on some models lately, namely Scarlet (blessed we are by her existence) and Tifa

Mostly sculpting and fixing cloth stuff, so I can actually animate cloth without wanting to use my head as a hammer against a wall, nothing fancy tho, cuz you know, I'm self-taught, and my knowledge of stuff is limited by stackexchange discussions

Added some phys too, the version of phys I prefer, not the shitty cage stuff that's real annoying to setup and use, which looks absolutely weird even after spending a week fidgeting with it. I mean sure, it helps on collision stuff but yea, no.



Yeah I added hair, pubes more exactly. Now I'm screwed in the head so there is an extreme result. But I'm also clever, so I divided the hair into 3 versions.

Clean, Hairy and Nasty.

Clean is shaved. Hairy is pubes and some armpit hair, Nasty goes as far as some up the A-crack. Coulda gone even further and added tits hair (yeah those exist) but decided that'd be way more than just nasty, so decided to keep it to myself.

Now the reason for that addition, well, women have pubes, and they're hot, so I wanted to add some.

But that's not all.

I've made it pretty known, I'm not a big fan of alternate angles. I don't hate them, but I work on my posing, animating, lighting, framing and sculpting based on making it look good. What looks good under one angle, might not look good under another. I may not be the best, or even good at stuff, but I like making sure something satisfy me, and I release when I've either spent too much time on it, or when I think it looks good enough. Extra angles add a lot to that, I gotta be careful about things I move, add or remove. Sometimes animating something completely differently for one specific angle. Sometimes it's worth it. Some other times, not at all.

And so, this is where this cloth and hair update comes in, I want to avoid having to resort to an angle that sucks in some parts, because I did not work the project to function on this angle.

Doesn't mean I'll give up on alternate angles, but I want the angle to work because it naturally does, not because I need to justify the tier 2 pricing. It might help in the future if I want to get greedier and add a tier 3.

Mathematically, with one angle, imagining we've got a full naked, half naked, clothed versions on top of the 3 hair options, we've got 9 versions of the same angle.

But if you think that's lazy, bruh, I still got to render that stuff.

Anyway, still have to fix some stuff up, and Imma start the new project soon.

Love you all, over and out.



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