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How is it going? Days here have been getting hotter and hotter here, imma melting HAAHHAAHHA. Here's a funsies idea i've doodled, a big tumbo girl looking for work, changing constantly

I've been working for a new job for a lotsa months, and since i still hasn't been accepted, i grabbed me frustrations and turned them into this! That's really sad when you think about it, but honestly, that'd be the first time i'd use my brain.

Anyway, hope you have a goode day




Well at least you have patreon for a little bit of extra cash. But I sincerely hope you find stable work Nasu! I know how unfun it is to struggle to look for a job. ):


Thankies boio :))) Yeee, it succs balls but we do what we can with what we have At least we get more pics in the end so that's something, yis yis