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Hello how are you? ♥

I wanted to tell you something I've been thinking about lately and I'd love to know what you think about it.

As you well know, patreon is one of my works related to cosplay, although it is based on photographs as rewards and some videos, it sometimes makes me feel "in a hurry" by delivering everything in a timely manner.

I also wanted to highlight that those who help me from January to December are great lovers of my work and at the end of the year they will be rewarded for it.

I was thinking that maybe this is my last year in terms of patreon, I don't know how it will go until the end of the year (maybe everything will improve in terms of the economy in my country) and I can stay longer.

But I want you to know that lately I am generating more losses than gains in terms of sessions, makeup and editing. I don't even tell you the cosplays are super expensive xDU but nevertheless I keep trying to create new projects and in the best possible quality.

I repeat, it is not easy to make this content every month, so I am very grateful to those who really support me

Although in some month I will bring more natural photos, perhaps not hiring a photographer, you already know for what reason, perhaps to save a month of money and thus the other month to be able to do some incredible production.

For these reasons I was thinking of closing the page, although the truth is that I DON'T want to because beyond the time it takes me to create and I love cosplay, it's a source of work and allows me to continue with cosplays.

I want to know what you think about all this


Hola como estan? ♥

Queria comunicarles algo que estuve pensando ultimamente y me encantaria saber que piensan acerca de ello.

Como bien saben patreon es uno de mis trabajos relacionados al cosplay, si bien se basa en fotografias como recompensas y algunos videos me genera a veces estar media "apurada" al entregar todo en tiempo y forma.

Tambien queria destacar que quienes me ayudan desde enero a diciembre son grandes amantes de mis trabajos y a fin de año se les recompensara por ello.

Estuve pensando que quiza este sea mi ultimo año en cuanto a patreon, no se como ira hasta fin de año (quiza todo mejore en cuanto a economia en mi pais) y pueda quedarme mas tiempo.

Pero quiero que sepan que ultimamente estoy generando mas perdidas que ganancias en cuanto a sesiones, maquillaje y edicion. Ni les cuento los cosplays son super caros xDU pero sin embargo sigo intentando crear nuevos proyectos y en la mejor calidad posible. 

Repito, no es facil hacer este contenido todos los meses por eso agradezco de corazon a quienes realmente me apoyan

Si bien en algun mes traere fotos mas naturales, quiza no contratando un fotógrafo ya saben por que motivo es, quiza para salvar un mes de dinero y asi el otro mes poder hacer alguna produccion increible.

Por estos motivos estaba pensando en cerrar la pagina aunque la verdad es que NO quiero porque mas alla del tiempo que me toma crear y me encanta el cosplay es una fuente de trabajo y me permite continuar con los cosplays.

Quiero saber que piensan acerca de todo esto




Just an idea but if you teamed up with your sister and spent a lot of money buying some quality photographic and lighting equipment, then you could take each others photographs and save money by not having to hire professional photographers anymore. After photographing a few of each others cosplay shoots I reckon you will both quickly become very good at taking professional looking pictures of each other and your quality will be back to how it was when you did hire a photographer. Just because you are both models doesn't mean you can't both also learn to become photographers as well, and maybe even each others make-up artists too :-)


Hello! I am currently studying makeup =) We have bought a semi-professional camera but we don't have that much time to set up a scene and take photos. It is not of the same quality, but we will see what we can do: c


Brilliant, that sounds like a great plan Agustina :-) Try using it first for just selfies and casual photo's/video's and really get used to using it :-)


Quizá no sea necesario hacer tantos cosplays, si no amortizar los que ya tienes y hacer más contenido de ti misma. Hacer los cosplays nuevos sin pensar en plazos de tiempo. Y sobre la calidad de las fotos pienso que las que te hagas tú misma y los selfies tienen más valor, la calidad en si no importa tanto :)