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One more month passed and the rewards were sent! ♥

TIER 5 usd: Feet content: They were without cosplay since this past month I was taking an exam from my university and I could only offer the professional session as Jill, I sent content without cosplay showing feet

If they continue for the month of JULY, 3 videos of my feet with the supergirl cosplay + selfies will be delivered ♥

Know how to apologize, only for this month that was how I wrote to you in the mail ♥


Un mes mas paso y las recompensas fueron enviadas! ♥

TIER 5 usd: Contenido de pies: Fueron sin cosplay ya que este mes pasado estuve con examen de mi universidad y solo pude ofrecer la sesion profesional como Jill, envie contenido sin cosplay mostrando pies

Si continuan por el mes de JULIO se entregaran 3 videos de mis pies con el cosplay de supergirl + selfies ♥

Sepan disculpar, solo por este mes fue asi como les escribi en el mail ♥
