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Welcome to September!

This is a special month, as this campaign turns one year old this month! When I started this, I had no intent of making a huge amount of money or this becoming a full time thing - it was more an outlet for me to express my own ideas and stories after years of reading and being inspired by others. I wasn't even sure if I'd being able/willing to churn stuff out, or get any patrons - I just wanted to do some fun naughty art :-)

Now, a year later, I can say that in my mind things have been successful, and I'm still loving the work. I may not have a huge number of followers, but I still have a good number of stories to tell, so I'm looking forward to the next year's work.

But I want to show the small group of followers I have that I truly appreciate that you've stuck with me and continue to support my little art project. So, this September, the campaign birthday month, we're doing things a little different.

I'm wrapping up (rendering) the August bonus renders and wallpapers. But in September, I'm not going to be doing bonus renders. At least, I'm not going to be doing _normal_ ones.

Instead, I'm going to do a custom render for each of you. You tell me what you want, and I'll do my best to churn out the shot you want. Describe to me the characters, and what they're doing, and I'll put together a render. No matter how long you've been a subscriber - from the beginning, of even if you join this month - you get a custom render.

Now obviously, there are gonna be some rules/restrictions. It boils down to things I'm willing to do, and things I'm able to do:

  • 1. I'm a big believer in that an artist (if I can be bold enough to call myself that) can really only do good work if they are interested in it. So, there are some subjects that I won't touch: things that will get me in trouble with Patreon/SubscribeStar (Children, Incest, Brutal Violence); Watersports/Scat; Male-male sex; and I reserve the right to push back on any other request that doesn't sit well with me.
  • 2. I'm a 3D artist, which means that I use/morph/pose existing digital assets into scenes and then render them. So obviously, in order to make a scene, I have to have the necessary assets. So I am willing to put together anything you request - an existing character, or come up with a new character to your specification - but if I don't have the necessary asset(s), I'll either have to find a cheap/free asset to use - or it can't be done. I'll work with each of you to discuss what you want, and how we can do it. Obviously if its a character(s) that you've already seen from me, it's a no brainer - but by all means, if you want something new, lets talk about it, and maybe its something we can put together. If you want to see what is possible - you can go to the Daz store (https://www.daz3d.com/shop/) or Renderotica for the naughty stuff (https://www.renderotica.com/store.aspx - VERY NSFW). If there's something you want that these stores have that I don't (I have a fair amount) - if its something I may use in the future, we'll see :-)
  • 3. The scene can't be super-huge or complex, or my computer can't handle it. This one we'll have to play by ear. But for example, August's bonus renders ended up too complicated for my GPU to handle, so what would normally take less than an hour to render is taking nearly six hours. Someday, I plan on upgrading my GPU for more VRAM (right now its 8GB - I'd like at least 12, if not more)...
  • 4. I'm going to do the pieces in order of a) submissions and b) how long you've been a subscriber. Depending on the complexity of the ask, images might take a day, or might take longer. It's my goal to get them all done in September - but I can't guarantee that (especially if I get more signups). But I _will_ get them done.
  • 5. If any curveballs come up in this process, we'll work  it out :-)

So, if you have any questions, ask in this post so others can see - or shoot me a message. And once you're ready, shoot me a message with your request, and I'll get to it.

Oh, final note: this is _your_ personal render. If you're cool with me sharing with the rest of the group, I will - but if you want it solely for yourself... so be it!

Let me know of any comments, suggestions, or concerns. I truly appreciate the level of support I get from you guys.

The monthly reminder on my content "types" (plus a count of the number of images in that category):

Promos (168): These are images that are basically intended to be public, and advertise my work so that I can get more subscribers :-) While you can see this work on other sites like DeviantArt, E-Hentai, Renderotica... as subscribers you also get full access to these pics. These images are intended to be shared, so feel free to post/show anyone you like, all I ask is that you keep the links on the pics.

Notice that some of these pics also appear in the bonus folder(s) - but without branding. These are intended for subscribers only - the public ones should have the URLs.

Comics (233): These are the actual comic images, and as a subscriber, you get early access. Eventually, once an entire chapter is complete, I'll be releasing a branded version to the public. But for now, the individual unbranded versions can be only be found here. I would ask that you not share these, as eventually they will be made public. Comic images are released on every weekday.

Bonus Mini-Comics (72): Some months I release a short (10 to 20 pages) comic in its entirety. It's usually topical (like the Halloween comic in October), and is available to all Patreons in its unbranded form (a branded version is eventually released to public).

Raw Images (302): These are the renders for all the comics, without editing or text. There may be some small graphic glitches in these, that have not been corrected - but most of them are just the image only, without text (I do my best to make clean renders that don't have to be touched up). Note: As I start branching out and doing post-render effects, you might find some images in this directory that are components that are later merged in with the core render. This is common in the Transformation scenes. I've included all the images - but as they have not been merged, some of them may seem "incomplete".

Bonuses & Wallpapers (382): These are images that will never be made public and are intended for subscribers only. I plan on having at least one Bonus set and one Wallpaper set (the difference being resolutions, and voting - the group will get the opportunity to vote on bonuses) a month. Links for these will be shared in other posts (as different tiers have different access). As these are unique to the Patreon, I would ask you not to share them.

All of the above are posted both in the Patreon posts and stored in at Mega file storage (Except for Promos and Raw Renders - those are at Mega only). Links to the Mega storage rotate monthly, and will be posted separately.

Comics in active development (along with page counts):

Cursed By Love (0): No real work done in August.

Nanosexology (57): Chapter two getting close to done. Chapter three layout designed.

The Quintrell Legacy (0): No real work done in August.

The Things We Do (150): Chapter three going along. Chapter four modeling starting.

Comics that are being brainstormed:

Resurrection: Doing some research.

Ryder: Didn't work on it in August.

This month's pinup is the lady who started it all, the Davis family matriarch Carol. She's brought us a lovely birthday cake to celebrate our one year of naughty 3d art. 

Thanks you so much for all your support! And here's to another year!

~ Psyberskald



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