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Good Morning! I hope the last episode wasn't too much of a change. My son insisted on reading the Johto chapter. Next, we'll be leaving the Tohjo and heading Southeast to Hoenn. Hoenn is a tropical region known for its woods and water. In the shallow sea between Johto and Hoenn there are the remnants of the ancient landmass that once connected Tohjo, Hoenn, and Sinnoh, known as Decadia. As such, there are many overlaps in the species in these areas, but some major differences.

Hoenn is split into three main areas, all overseen by a different entity. There's South Hoenn, managed by Slateport and Rustboro and the Devon Corporation. There is the Greater Mauville area, or North Hoenn, watched over by the Mauville Collective, and finally, the Hoenn Ocean, run by the Hoenn Pokemon League. Unlike Kanto and Johto, there is less of a region-wide identity, as the terrain of Hoenn is both mountainous and hard to traverse, meaning communities are more close-knit. Still, there is significant development in the modern era, driven by the companies and collectives in the area, discussed shortly. In this episode, we'll cover South Hoenn and Greater Mauville, leaving the sea for later on. Off we go!

Let's begin in South Hoenn, in Littleroot Town, as it is home to the Hoenn Pokemon Lab satelite station. Aptly, this station is where much of the Pokemon Bestiary was compiled, as Hoenn's Pokemon Lab is responsible for researching Pokemon Habitats. Littleroot is in a wooded area, through which Route 101 cuts.

Route 101 is home to the typical terrestrial species in Hoenn, namely Poocheyena, Zigzagoon, and Wurmple. Unlike the greater Tohjo area, its species are less wary and more bold, Zigzagoon are known to enter urban areas to scavenge for garbage and Poocheyena attack travelers.


Poochyena evolve into Mightyena. They're dark-type and belong to the field egg group. They're common across terrestrial Hoenn.

There is a stark disconnect between docile Poochyena and wild ones. Domesticated ones are sweet pets and kind partners, but ones in the wild will bite. Do not approach ones without collars.

A similar story goes for Mightyena, but instead of a 30 pound canine, Mightyena is 80. On the bright side, domestic ones can carry riders on their backs.


Zigzagoon evolve into Linoone. They're normal type and belong to the field egg group. They have a galarian variant.

Zigzagoon are common in Hoenn, probably its most populous species. It roots around in garbage bins, so make sure to keep the lids tied down. They're unwary of people and since no large predators exist in Hoenn, they live uncontested. They run in a zigzag pattern to escape capture.

Linoone on the other hand, run quickly in straight lines. They're related to Furret. They're less common in the wild, but many new trainers keep them as partners. Hoenn's people carry pokemon more frequently on their person due to less established routes from town to town, so Linoone are common as personal protection.


Wurmple have two paths. They either evolve into Silcoon to Beautifly or Cascoon to Dustox. This evolution depends on environmental factors. They're bug type, and Beautifly are Flying Type and Dustox are poison.

Wurmple are small worms who feed on grass and bark sap. They're eaten by bird pokemon, primarily Taillow.

Cascoon and Silcoon are similar, they're round and don't move much. This is an interim stage, similar to Kakuna and Metapod.

Beautifly have gossamer wings and feelers. They feed on flower pollen. They evolve in low-conflict environments and bring food back to nests. 

Dustox on the other hand, evolve in more harsh environments. They spread poison dust from their wings like Butterfree and Venomoth and keep predators away from Wurmple nests.


Oldale Town is North on Route 101, part of Petalburg Township. To the North is Verdanturf, but there is no route between these. Instead, Route 102 leads to Petalburg City. Route 102 has several ponds and small lakes, so species like Surskit and Lotad are common here, as well as more woodland species such as Seedot and Ralts.


Lotad evolve into Lombre into Ludicolo. They're all water-grass and belong to the Water 1 and Grass egg groups.

Lotad swim under the surface of ponds, letting their backs float on the surface and photosynthesize. They're fed by townsfolk with bread crumbs.

Lombre become bipedal and use simple tools. They are carefree, but like to tease fishermen by tugging on line.

Ludicolo are large and jolly. Their head-lillypads grow a shoot and they grow downy feathers. They stand about five feet tall and love dancing. Across Hoenn, they're seen dancing and holding signs. Large groups of them come out when it rains to party.


Surskit evolve into Masquerain. They're part of the Water 1 and Bug egg groups. Surskit is Bug-Water type and Masquerain is Bug-Flying.

Surskit skims the freshwater lakes and ponds. It's fed on by birds and fish alike.

Masquerain are larger and more fearsome, their wings connecting to make an unsettling-looking eye shape. 


Ralts evolve into Kirlia into Gardevoir. Kirlia can also evolve into Gallade if they are male. They're all psychic-fairy type except Gallade who is Psychic-Fighting. Gallade and Gardevoir mega-evolve. They're in the human-like and amorphous egg groups.

Ralts have not yet developed eyes. Instead, they move about using their psychic abilities. They're incredibly rare in the wild due to being very timid. They're mistaken for kids.

Kirlia are less hard to find due to their love for dancing. They're serene and sweet.

Gardevoir are popular in the Hoenn league due to the powerful bonds they can form with their trainers. They will protect their trainers to the death. It's considered cruel to abandon them, so choose wisely, as they are lifetime partners. Mega gardevoir is a bog-standard mega evolution, powering up significantly.

Gallade, similarly, bond for life, but they are more active in protection and much better offensive partners in the League. Their limbs extend, allowing sword-like combat. Their mega form makes this appearance more stark.


Seedot evolve into Nuzleaf into Shiftry. Nuzleaf and Shiftry evolve into the dark type, but they're all grass-type. They belong to the field and grass egg groups.

Seedot are small and unassuming, burying themselves in nice dirt for nutrients. Watch your berry patches for these pests.

Nuzleaf are grown versions of Seedot, possessing a leaf on their heads. They enjoy playing pranks, but they're mostly harmless.

Shiftry develop a furry white coating and leaf-blades on its hands. They're often called forest guardians, but in reality, they're just territorial. Their fan blades can cut and blow in equally dangerous measure. If you spot a wild one, play dead.


Petalburg city is home of the first badge of the Hoenn Pokemon league, the Balance Badge. Unlike Tohjo, Hoenn's league is internally managed and is unrelated to their chapter of the PCS. As such, they are more competivie than other regions.

Before we head north towards Rustboro, let's explore the coast to the South. Routes 105 and 106 lead to Dewford Island, and contain common species of sea-Pokemon such as Wingull, Tentacool, Wailmer, and Magikarp. It's also the location of the Island Cave, a strange set of ruins of an ancient Hoennese civilization. Regice of the Regigigas family is said to dwell here, but evidence of this is tenuous.


Wingull evolve into Pelipper. They're both water-flying type and belong to the Water 1 and Flying egg groups.

Wingull have long powerful wings that can cross oceans. They prey on fish. A common sight in Hoenn.

Pelipper have massive mouths that can hold prey and objects safely. They are sometimes used to carry mail in Hoenn, as some areas aren't fit for Delibird.



Route 106 is the coastline of Dewford Island, which is where Granite Cave is located. Granite Cave used to be a mining operation, but it was abandoned half a century ago. Now Dewford island serves as a port city leading into greater Hoenn. In Granite Cave, many species live, such as the unique Nosepass, Makuhita, Aron, Sableye and Mawile. Other Pokemon that we've already discussed live here, like Geodude and Zubat.


Makuhita evolve into Hariyama. They're fighting type and belong to the Human-like egg group.

Makuhita have a lot of mass. They're just three feet tall but they weigh nearly two hundred pounts. As such they're hard to knock down and defeat. They won't stop until they're completely exhausted. They train on Dewford island.

Makuhita are everything Makuhita is but more. They fight mainly using open-handed techniques and strong stances. They also love helping with any task that requires heavy lifting. They're used as guides and bodyguards.


Aron evolve into Lairon into Aggron. Aggron mega-evolves. They're Steel-Rock type and belong to the monster egg group. Mega Aggron loses Rock type.

Aron is small and cute and unwary to humans. This is likely because they're strong and hard enough that humans pose no possible threat. Even so, they're preyed on by some unlikely foes- Sometimes even Sableye. They're mineralvores.

Lairon gain mass and armor. They chew out massive underground tunnels.

Aggron have massive steel plate armor and bones made entirely of stone and metal. They're incredibly tough and powerful, their claws are legendary. Their only downfall is their sluggish speed, weighing a half-ton. They slowly patrol their territory and defend it fiercely.

Mega Aggron gains more plate armor and a foot of height. They are hard to train but they are massively strong.


Nosepass evolves into Probopass. They're rock type and part of the mineral egg group. Probopass gains the steel type.

Nosepass, like Geodude, is a small organism in an outer shell of mobile stones. Unlike Geodude, they have poor eyesight and very strong noses which double as an organ that senses magnetic poles.

Probopass grow a tuft of metal filings under its nose and use them to sense things. They might not be mobile, but they are very perceptive, more so than some psychic-types.


Mawile are steel-fairy type. They belong to the field and fairy egg groups. They mega evolve.

Mawile live in caves across Hoenn and use their immense flytrap-like mouths to catch prey. They can crush even steel.

Mega Mawile gain a secondary mouth and more power. They don't lack in raw power.


Sableye are dark-ghost type. They belong to the human-like egg group and mega evolve.

Sableye are lovers of gems, as they eat and collect them. They even feast upon some rock-type Pokemon like Carbink. They live in caves and collect shiny objects, some stolen from humans. Other than their pranksterous thefts, they're friendly to people.

Mega-Sableye use massive gems to protect themselves and entrance foes. These gems have special properties and reflect damage.


Dewford sends ships to many towns all over Hoenn, but it's closest to Slateport, which lies east on the routes 107-109. Sea Mauville is also being constructed on this sea-route near the wreckage of an abandoned ship.

On the routes there are no unique undiscussed Pokemon, just more Wingull and Wailmer. In the abandoned ship, there are a great many species of this nature, too, and the construction site for Sea Mauville is off-limits, though it is affecting sea-habitats in the area.

Slateport City to the north on the Hoenn Southern Coast is a massive port city which most tourists see when entering the city at first. It's home to the PCS's Oceanic Museum, as Hoenn is home to the majority of Water-Type species. As many have noted, it has quite a bit of water! In a recent review of the Museum, one publication, IGN, the International Globetrotter's Notice, rated it 7/10, saying "Too Much Water."

North of Slateport, Routes 110 and 103 connect back to Oldale Township where we began. Quite a few Electric types live on Route 110 near Mauville City, which we'll discuss later. Electrike, Plusle, Minun, and Gulpin all live here, with Oddish and Zigzagoon also wandering about.


Electrike evolve into Manectric. Manectric mega evolves. They're electric type and belong to the field egg group.

Electrike conduct electricity by running, most of their abilities using static electricity. They store this in their heads.

Manectric do the same, but their electricity is stored in the organs in the joints of their back legs as well. They're hard to see in the wild because they run so quickly.

Mega Manectric are much the same, but even more fast and aerodynamic. Their manes are nigh-deadly to touch.


Plusle and Minun are electric type and part of the Fairy egg group.

It's surmised that Plusle and Minun were once a regional variant of Pikachu who developed over time into their present forms. They often travel in pairs and can be commonly seen in double battles across Hoenn. They aren't the same Pokemon, but there's little difference between them besides their appearance. Plusle has a positive charge and Minun has a negative one- Plusle stores energy, Minun absorbs.


Gulpin evolves into Swalot. They're poison type and belong to the Amorphous egg group.

Gulpin are small, their bodies mostly made of stomach. They can also open their mouths very wide. They're used by The Mauville Collective as waste disposal, as they eat anything and can metabolize it in their massively strong stomachs.

Swalot are similar, but they are more active and even eat prey. They sweat poison. There are competitions in Mauville City to see which Swalot can eat more trash. The winners get big prizes!


Route 103 leads back west and cuts across the Oldale River. A bridge used to connect these routes, but it since collapsed. Sharpedo are sometimes seen coming up-river.

Having covered South Hoenn, let's head north towards the Greater Mauville area, the landmass comprising most of Hoenn. In this region, two companies have been working hand-in-hand in cooperation to develop the area, leading to significant scientific and artistic advancements in Hoenn. The two enterprises are of course, the Devon Corporation, led by Steven Stone Sr. operating in Rustboro, and the second is the Mauville Collective, a science laboratory owned by the employees that operates throughout the region which was formerly known as Greater Mauville Holdings before dissolution into an employee-run collective.

First, let's head west to Rustboro. It can be reached by heading North from Petalburg on Route 104, a coastal route through Petalburg Woods. The woods contain a great many bug Pokemon and regional staples like Taillow, Slakoth, and Shroomish.


Shroomish evolve into Breloom. They're grass type and Breloom is fighting as well. They belong to the Fairy and Grass egg groups.

Watch out for Shroomish while hiking. They release spores when threatened which can cause problems from sleep to temporary paralysis. They cooperate with predators to incapacitate prey, but they are herbivores.

Breloom are quite different, growing arms and a more robust build. Its tail contains poison spores and its claws hide long, stretchy arms.


Taillow evolve into Swellow. They're normal-flying type and belong to the Flying egg group. They migrate 

Taillow are common in Hoenn, across the nation. They're small and prey on bugs, but are preyed on by Seviper and even Mightyena. They are thought to have developed from a regional variant of Pidgey.

Swellow are more robust and rarely preyed on. They're common on League teams because their ease of raising and ease of use. They're powerful and strong and fly as fast at Pidgeott.


Slakoth evolve into Vigoroth into Slaking. They're all normal type and belong to the Field egg group.

Slakoth are nearly the opposite of Mankey. Instead of truculent and angry, they're lax and slow. They eat berries off trees and sleep 20 hours a day.

Vigoroth are the opposite. They're vigorous and excitable. They barely sleep and help trainers in industry.

Slaking are the final evolution. They return to their lax natures, lazing about in forests and jungles. They even get other Pokemon like Vigoroth to collect berries for them. They make up for their inactivity by their truly massive power.


As stated, north is Rustboro City, home to the Stone Badge of the Hoenn League. Devon Co. has their HQ here, and while that is interesting, let's move on, as they aren't the natural habitat for any Pokemon.

East of Rustboro is Route 116 and the Rusturf Pass. Efforts have begun to attempt to connect Rustboro and Verdanturf through a tunnel, but for now the only passage that exists is over the mountains.

On 116 there are many Pokemon like Nincada, Skitty, and Whismur. Can't forget about Abra, either, who are actually a benign invasive species brought here by Kantonian tourists.


Skitty evolve into Delcatty. They're both normal-type and belong to the field and fairy egg groups. They're mostly female.

Skitty is small and cute, preyed upon in the wild by bird types. Luckily, most exist domestically, pets of suburbanites all over Hoenn.

Delcatty are common in the Hoennese contest circuit. They're elegant and regal, if picky. They're soft and sensitive, and it's considered cruel to keep them in dirty homes.


Whismur evolve into Loudred into Exploud. They're all normal type and belong to the field and monster egg groups.

Whismur have incredibly sentitive ears so they despise loud noises- However, they are very loud when enraged. Don't step on one.

Loudred are similarly sensitive, but loud noises no longer harm them. They love screaming, so they live far from Whismur, outside caves.

Exploud are even more massively loud, unnerving and upsetting foes with their incredible vocal flaps! 


Nincada evolve into both Ninjask and Shedinja. They're all bug-type, Nincada Ground, Ninjask Flying, and Shedinja Ghost.

Nincada are burrowers. They are preyed upon on the land so they dig under gardens and eat root plants.

Ninjask gain wings and lose their legs. They're quick and large so they're rarely preyed upon, instead making prey of other bugs- Even other Nincada.

Shedinja evolve from the discarded shells of Nincada who evolve into Ninjask- So in a way, Nincada evolve into two Pokemon. Shedinja are hollow and quiet. It's said if you look into the hole in Shedinja's back, you'll die- But in reality, it's just creepy.


Rusturf Pass contains more Whismur as well as Geodude. The pass leads to Verdanturf which is directly next to the mountain pass. Verdanturf is a famous tourist spot known for its flowers.

East of Verdanturf leads to 117 towards Mauville proper. This route is very flat and favored by several species that can be found only here, like Roselia, Illumise, and Volbeat.


Volbeat and Illumise are both bug-type. Volbeat are male and Illumise are female. Like Tauros and Miltank and the two Nido siblings, they are the same species but a different gender.

Volbeat, the male variant, have bright lights on their rear ends and light up the plains-areas at night time.

Ilumise, the female variant, don't have lights, but they smell exceptionally sweet. They prefer Volbeat with bright lights as Volbeat prefer sweet Illumise. 


Budew evolves into Roselia into Roserade. They're all Grass-Poison type and belong to the fairy and grass egg groups.

Budew are small and cute, but vulnerable to predation. They smell nice, too, so hiding is hard. As such, they remain underground until things are safe.

Roselia look serene, but when threatened, their flower-hands have massive thorns. Poisonous ones, too!

Roserade only evolve in captivity. They have hands under their rosy hands which they use to grab prey lured in by the sweet scent. They're deadly foes.


Mauville city is another stop which would make for a good entry in a tourist's guide, but since this is a bestiary, let's leave it at the overview. It's where the Mauville Collective operates and is home to the Dynamo Badge.

Continuing east, let's head down Routes 118 and 123. 118 leads through the Mauville Bay and contains many coastal species like Wingull, as well as Kecleon.


Kecleon don't evolve. They are normal-type and belong to the field egg group. They can change their typing, however.

Kecleon evade predators by turning their bodies invisible. They also have long tongues that catch bug pokemon from their invisible vantages. They're hard to find but a favorite among kids at zoos. Their skin can also change color and does so sometimes to reflect mood. They can't change their red stripe, however.


Route 123 is across the bay and is somewhat curious. At night, Shuppet and Duskull can be found here.


Shuppet evolve into Banette. Banette mega evolve. They're ghost type and belong to the amorphous egg group.

Shuppet have horns covered by their silken bodies. It's said they feed on malice, but this is a rumor. They dislike the sun.

Banette's bodies are still silken, but they grow into puppetlike appearances. They unzip their mouth-holes to shriek and consume energy.

Mega Banette release their energy through their skin, revealing part of their true forms. They're a rival of Gengar.


Duskull evolve into Dusclops into Dusknoir. They're all pure Ghost type and belong to the amorphous egg group.

Duskull have skull-like faces with a small light behind it. It is unnerving but it is friendly. If you see one at night, feel free to feed it some berries to use it as a lantern.

Dusclops are also unnerving, as they will grab people unexpectedly. They mean nothing like this. Its body is hollow and once they pass away they fall into a heap of cloth.

Dusknoir don't evolve in the wild. They evolve after exposure to an artifact known as the reaper cloth. The antenna on their heads can get radio signals! There is a lot of myth about Dusknoir, but they are kind, harmless, and gentle, but they do eat pokemon whole through the mouth in their stomachs.


North from 123 is Mt. Pyre, a large oceanic mountain rising in the middle of the bay. It's inert, but it contains a great many dangerous Pokemon. It has historically served as a Pokemon Gravesite, much like Lavender Town in Kanto. Inside reside several unique species like Chimeco, Meditite, and Vulpix as well as the aforementioned ghost pokemon Shuppet and Duskull. 


Chimecho evolve from Chingling. They're psychic type and belong to the Amorphous egg group.

Chingling are carefree and kind. They are the saviors of travelers in mountainous areas in Hoenn and Sinnoh. Their chimes bring relaxation.

Chimecho are also kind and sweet, floating about in mountainous regions. They're seen near temples and rest by attaching their head suckers to trees.


Meditite evolve into Medicham, who mega-evolves. They are both fighting-psychic type and belong to the human-like egg group.

Meditite meditate. They are seen with crossed legs engaged in intense focus, finally unleashing their power when it comes time to fight. They fight their parents and pack-mates for fun.

Medicham seek strong fighters. They have incredible balance and can't be knocked over. They are used as demonstrations in yoga instructions.

Mega Medicham have four extra arms they use to defeat opponents more easily. They can't be beaten with raw power alone.


North of Route 122 and Mt. Pyre is Lilycove City, another coastal town known for its ports. It's the second-largest city in Hoenn and contains the height of culture, with the contest hall and the Hoenn Mall, not to mention the Lilycove Museum.

Before we head into the Hoenn Ocean, let's head inland on Routes 121 and 120. These routes are known for their incredibly tall grass and thick foliage. It's a tropical area, meaning plants grow in droves. Absol can be found here as well as freshwater fish like Barboach and Feebas.


Absol are dark-type. They mega-evolve and belong to the Field egg group.

Absol can detect disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes. As such they were once thought to BRING disaster, but in reality, they try to warn people. They're kind and serene, Hoennese trainers like them but they're rare.

Mega Absol are more powerful in a generic sense- Their head crests get sharper and they become fast. 


A pair of ruins lie here, too, the Scorched Slab and the Ancient Tomb, said to be home to Heatran and Registeel respectively.

Further into the Hoenn Jungle, Fortree City can be found, home of the Feather Badge. It's a fascinating place, where people live in intricate systems of treehouses. Even the Gym is in a tree!

Route 119 leads southwest from Fortree. The PCS Weather Institute is found here, as weather is quite unique here. Feebas and Barboach live here, as well as tropical specimens like Tropius and Castform.


Tropius are grass-flying type. They belong to the monster and grass egg groups.

Tropius use massive fronds to fly around. They are lighter than they look- At six and a half feet tall they're only about two hundred pounds. The bananas they grow around their necks are edible and fall off every few weeks.


Castform come in a variety of types depending on the form. They come in normal form, Sunny Fire type form, Rainy water type form, and Snowy ice type form. They belong to the fairy and amorphous egg groups.

Castform is used by weathermen in conjunction with meteorology to predict the weather. It is somewhat mysterious and has very little battle use, but it's kept in Hoenn in many households to predict weather.


Mauville resides to the west of the institute, so let's head north from there on Route 111. 111 leads into higher altitudes towards Mt. Chimney. The high altitude makes it very dry and less wooded than the lower-altitude Fortree area, even containing a desert. This dry, sandy area makes it a wonderful environment for Sandshrew as well as Trapinch, Baltoy, and Cacnea.


Trapinch evolve into Vibrava into Flygon. The line is Ground type with Vibrava and Flygon gaining the dragon type. They belong to the bug and dragon egg groups.

Trapinch are small and have huge jaws. They burrow into the sand and swallow dirt to draw in prey. They don't evolve in the wild.

Vibrava is a somewhat alarming evolution. It has very little in common with Trapinch, from jaws to wings to coloration. They evolve only after training. Their wings vibrate quickly to allow them to float.

Flygon are similar. Their eyes have a red colored shield that allows them to withstand the dust they kick up. They're iconic of the Hoenn Pokemon League. 


Baltoy evolve into Claydol. They're both ground-psychic type and belong to the mineral egg group. They have no gender.

Baltoy are made of soft clay and spin about like tops through sandy areas using psycho-operation. They're harmless.

Claydol are similarly made of clay and float about using psycho-operation. They follow humans through areas they occupy, but they never bother people unless provoked. Even though they're unnerving, they're not dangerous.


Cacnea evolve into Cacturne. They're grass type, with Cacturne obtaining the dark type. They're related to both Carvine and Maractus. They belong to the Grass and Human Like egg groups.

Cacnea are small and round, their bodies able to store large amounts of water so they can survive in harsh climates. They shoot needles from their bodies at predators. Trapinch like to munch on them.

Cacturne are notoriously dangerous, standing still in desert areas waiting for prey or humans to jab with spikes.


There's also a mysterious pair of ruins, the Desert Ruins, said to be home to Regirock. Again- This is tenuous. Rumor also says that one can find the fabled Mirage Tower on this route. It's a popular route with the Pokemon Lab due to fossils being easy to find here.

Route 112 is an area between the Mt. Chimney Summit and Lavaridge Town nearby. It contains some Pokemon more common in hot areas like Machop and Numel.


Numel evolve into Camerupt, who has a mega-evolution. They're fire-ground type and are in the field egg group.

Numel have humps on their back which stores hot liquids. They're used in Hoenn to traverse dry and sandy areas and as livestock that produce milk- Though this milk is less rich than Miltank's.

Camerupt have rocks on their backs formed from cooled magma. The rocks are safe to ride on. They weigh nearly a quarter ton, so watch out for stampedes.

Mega Camerupt have active lava flows on their backs, their internal temperature liquefying their rocky bodies. Don't ride them.


Lavaridge Town lies in a lovely flat part of the Chimney Mountain Range and is famous for both its hot springs and the Heat Badge. It's powered, much like Mauville, on Geothermal Energy.

If one wanted to climb to the Chimney Summit instead of taking the cable cars, they'd have to pass through the Jagged Path, a mountain route known for its hikers. Since it's very craggy, Pokemon who can traverse the terrain thrive, like Numel, Machop, and uniquely, Spoink.


Spoink evolve into Grumpig. They're both psychic type and belong to the field egg group.

Spoink do not have legs, bouncing on their springlike tails. If this tail breaks, they become unable to move. The gem they hold on their heads amplifies psychic powers. If they stop bouncing, their hearts become unable to beat.

Grumpig retain the bouncy spring-tail but also gain legs, allowing it to bounce or walk. Like Spinda, they move about confusingly to make foes uneasy. Even so, they're popular pets in the mountains.


Further up is the Summit, which is where Lava Cookies can be bought. One can also stare into the lava of the mountain's volcano! Though it is hot, the volcano is inert. The next eruption is said to occur in one hundred years.

Back down the mountain, if one wants to go AROUND the Mt. Chimney summit, they'd have to pass Route 113, which is down-wind from the volcanic ash. Masks are suggested to traverse the area. The volcanic ash is made into unique glassware in this area. Pokemon like Slugma, Skarmory, and Spinda live here, who can withstand the ash.


Spinda are normal type pokemon who don't evolve. They belong to the field and human-like egg groups.

Spinda each possess unique spot patterns. At first glance, they appear almost drunk, but their movements are intentional and while they move erratically, it's a way to evade foes. Watching them for too long makes you confused.


West of 113 is Fallarbor Town, a farming village. The dirt here is particularly fertile due to the volcano.

There are also several meteor impact sites around the area and Route 114 to the West. South on 114 can be found Meteor Falls, a less elevated segment of the Chimney Range. Seviper and Zangoose reside here, locked in eternal combat.


Zangoose is the notorious enemy of Seviper. They are Normal type and belong to the Field egg group.

Zangoose are fascinating. They're highly resistant to poison and have been used for pest-control for years, both for smaller pests like Zangoose, but their arch-nemesis Seviper. Their tough claws and sharp teeth make toussling with the snakes easy, though they're herbivores.


Seviper is the notorious enemy of Zangoose. They're poison-type and belong to the Field and Dragon egg groups.

Not only do Seviper possess deadly poison fangs, but they have swordlike tails, too. They can grow to be eight feet long and when starved, can swallow a human being whole. Even still, they're used ocassionally by trainers. In the wild, they're pests and their numbers are kept close track of by the PCS to make sure they don't invade other ecosystems.


Meteor Falls actually resides in a large cave system, carved out by sea-water. It is the ancestral home to the ancient native Hoennite people, the Daconids. Oddly, meteors crash here unusually often. It's said Lunatone and Solrock came to this area on meteors. Deeper in the mountain are also the pokemon Bagon.


Lunatone and Solrock do not evolve, but they are considered in the same family of Pokemon. They're both Rock-Psychic type and belong to the Mineral egg group. They have no genders.

Lunatone and Solrock both use psycho-operation, an ability several Psychic Pokemon have where they have no muscle mass but move using psychokinesis. Other Pokemon who exibit this are Abra and Reuniclus. They both have no animated body parts.

Lunatone is nocturnal, having an affinity with the sun. They come out at night and appear to subsist on lunar waves.

Solrock, on the other hand, are diurnal, emerging to absorb solar power in the day time. They are warm to the touch.


Bagon evolve into Shelgon into Salamence. They belong to the dragon egg group and they're all dragon-type, with Salamence evolving into the flying type. Salamence mega-evolves.

Bagon live in the craggy, hot areas of Hoenn and can be seen throwing themselves off cliffs- Worry not. This does not hurt them, since their heads are made of massive bone protrusions.

Shelgon are cocoon-like Pokemon who grow even more prominent bone growths, covering their entire bodies. They ram foes aggressively and are very tough and indestructible.

Salamence break free of their cocoons into dragonhood. They are adept fliers, their wings good for gliding and their aerodynamic bodies allowing them to fly gracefully. They're a common sight with Hoennese trainers.

Mega Salamence's wings grow to envelop its body and can even float in the air while stationary. They're massively skilled fliers, able to slice through foes with their wings. They're banned in the Pokemon League due to being deadly. 

In the wild, Salamence are dangerous and should be avoided.


Finally, in the Greater Mauville, leading back to Rustboro, there is the coastal route of 115. Swablu live here, preferring the high elevation and sea air.


Swablu evolves into Altaria. Altaria mega-evolves. Swablu is normal-flying, Altaria is Dragon-flying, and Mega Altaria is dragon-fairy. They all belong to the flying and dragon egg groups.

Swablu are fascinating creatures. Their wings are very small and there are long hairs attached to attract lighter-than air gasses they use to fly. This is why their flight looks more like floating.

Altaria also fly using this downy gas, allowing them to fly even higher into the clouds. It can be heard singing on rainy days and overall they have a relaxed reputation.

Mega Altaria are popular with trainers as they're easy to train and quite powerful. Unlike their mundane evolutions, they are able to fly very quickly using their strong tails.


Sadly, that is the end of this episode, concluding the discussion about terrestrial Hoenn. In the next Episode, we'll discuss the sea life to the east in the vast network of sea-routes in the shallow areas of the Hoenn sea- As such I've held off on discussing some water-type Pokemon for now, even if they live inland. I for one, cannot wait. Some dislike Hoenn's large water population, but I for one love it! This has once again been Professor Redwood with the Pokemon Bestiary. Until next time!


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