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Kinda have a rough day today... Waking up reading all the hate comments from my previous artwork on Twitter... I deleted it though because they keeps saying underage girl shouldn't have this kinda artwork and also critizise me all day... So from now on I'll only post something like Loli or underage girl content on this Patreon and Pixiv only 😣😣



I’m sorry you went through that Twitter is cheeks


Hope you're feeling better :(


It was better back then... When only gts fan found my artwork... And then comes those people from anime Timeline


Don’t let them sway you from your passion


There just ungrateful


No they just clearly can’t see the beauty in your art as others do

Gabriel Aldama

People got to learn to back the hell off and let content creators do what they love too do sorry that you went through all the hate


Twitter idiots can fuck right off. The best approach is definitely to avoid posting that content on Twitter and leaving it for Patreon and Pixiv (do you have a Fanbox btw? Would love to support you there since Patreon sometimes screws over loli artists). Best wishes, and keep on rocking!

Christian dow

I'm sorry to hear that, some people can be just cruel, cant just let people like what they like. Well my best wishes to you and hope you feel better ^^


Oh my goodness... Y'all just too Kind 😭😭💕💕


We are here for you, your an amazing artist and all the stuff you do is cool


I really hope those sheepish, uptight brats on the internet don't stop you from drawing your usual characters and scenarios. (I really wanna see that Ueno thing too...) MUK recently got banned from Twitter for a similar reason. He wrote a long article in Fantia with justifications for why loli art should not be prohibited. Consider reading it if you have become hesitant about drawing. https://fantia.jp/posts/955758


You do not deserve this treatment. Your work is magnificent, it's stupid people who attack people just for bigotry shouldn't put on you. But they hear keyboard lions, judges, jury and executioner. People who spit sentence, without being able to distinguish fiction from reality. Imagination from true. If I followed their thoughts, I would have to be hospitalized because I wish to be crushed by a giant person and eaten. With the same level of danger as a person thinking of jumping out of a building. They are the problem. They who are not able to be consistent, to understand the difference. And let's face it, what are they doing in the community to get to see your work if they don't like this kind of thing? Hypocrisy You deserve all the appreciation and support in the world. Yours is a huge effort, your work is highly appreciated. And I and many others recognize it. Don't be snoodyed by the few who scream a lot just to get noticed, but look you have many who appreciate silently. We are always here for you.


*hugs* it's ok your community is here to back u up 🙂


hey, don't let them tell you who you are or what you think is acceptable on your own twitter page . only you can do that. also twitter is twitter. they'll judge you for not keeping your head up strait. let alone NSFW stuff


Thanks man.. But they not just that, they also harassing me in other ways like make the stuff go to their other followers... But overall I have you guys 😌💕


I know this one from twitter... I also liked he's tweet though.. But seeing him draw many underage girls artwork kinda make me think... 'will he get attack by those people?' and I read the comment... So many people love he's artworks including me 😌


Don't let the hate get to you, assholes on Twitter exist to make other people just as miserable and sad as they are. Your art is great and you deserve better than what Twitter can give.


Fuck those haters and all their followers we love the work and the dedication you put into every piece it’s shown every time and we love ya for it