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Hi guys, I want to hear your opinions. Lately I've been thinking about charging patrons up front. As of now patrons are charged on the 1st of every month, and the past few months there are people who pledge and then back out before the time comes when they have to pay the pledge, by doing this they could grab all my contents then back out for free.

So I've been thinking about charging up front but I'm not really sure, there are pros and cons pro being what I said above and con, well, this could turn people off. If they pledge at the end of the month I guess they wouldn't want to be charged again the next week or so and so. So i'm conflicted on what I should do and want to hear some opinions. You don't have to comment if you don't want to but please vote on this. 

If you guys want me to charge up front, I'll change it at the beginning of next month though, so don't worry new patrons.



I'd say if you got probleme with people taking reward or just staying for content then yes. Also about end of month pledgers if you charge upfront you can use this as a way to look in their reward so you know where to go.


Oh yeah, that makes sense, thank you for your opinion. I'll wait for the vote result but I do agree with you. Worse comes to worse, I'll have to censor pictures I post here and send the uncensored as the reward only.


Thank you for your opinion. I also agree, as I've researched quite a bit and many creators are having this kinda problem too.