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Is it just me or is this year going so fast already?? I'm also in a phase of possibly changing my career/job, I don't know how I feel about the industry anymore and the lack of work that has been occurring around the world in the industry is concerning I know the industry can't be amazing all the time and there is bound to be dips and highs but I don't know if I want to dedicate 12+ hours a day of my life to the job. It is so physically, mentally and emotionally demanding and I still am haunted by the day I did a 17 hour day (others have done worse before...) lol T_T 

So I am kind of feeling a bit lost at the moment. I feel the need to talk to you lovelies about this because I hope this also helps those that have the same feeling about their career or job. And hopefully we can support eachother, so if there are anything you're struggling with please let me know and if you're comfortable commenting about it, our community is so special I really have so much respect for all of you because of the supportive vibe we all foster. Anyway, I am trying to figure myself out and hopefully come to some sort of resolution to where I should aim...

~~~~This Week's videos~~~~

✅- Suchwita x RM Ep 1


✅- TXT To Do 58

✅- Lee Mujin Service x I.N (stray kids)

✅- Stray Kids Behind LaLaLaLa MV (YT)

✅- Twice ' What is love?' MV (YT)

✅- Kard Guide (YT)

Mega Lovelies +

✅- Twinkling Watermelon Episode 9

✅- Twinkling Watermelon Episode 10

✅- My Demon Episode 9

✅- Marry My Husband Episode 8

*if a YT video is private it's because it's now scheduled for public release <3

key: [uploading ⬆️] [published ✅] [editing 🛠️] [Scheduled ⏰] [upload failed/content blocked so reupload/editing to occur 🚫] [cancelled for this week ❌]



Lots of people are leaving jobs/careers these days so you’re not alone in that. I think the pandemic and the cost of living especially has made people rethink what they’re doing. You may have studied for years and spent a lot of money doing it but if it doesn’t fulfil you or make you happy anymore, why continue doing it. I decided on a whim end of last year to enrol in tafe to study a course that will get me into the industry i really want to work in, so far studying has been fun and Im excited about my future rather than dreading it. I hope you find what you’re looking for! It’s scary to leave what you know/love but it can be healing also


I know what you feel huhu. I just recently pased my medical board exam and got my license to practice as a doctor but decided to take a year off before starting residency/specialization because of how burned out I am from the field. Having 48 hour duties then getting minimum wage is just awful really. I decided to take a year off and just enjoy my time with my family and build my mental and emotional health up.


congratulations on passing! I've been meaning to check in to see how you are doing. I completely understand, you deserve a break and focus on yourself. No point in burning out even more and hating your job you worked so hard for. I'm so happy that your family are supportive of your time off, being also part filipina I understand the pressure that asian parents can have so it's wonderful that they are helping you be healthy first. But yes, focus on you and some self care, there will always be positions for doctors waiting when you are ready <3


yesssssssssss queen, I love that you are taking your chance to be happy, finding what gets you excited to wake up in the morning and do a job for hours on end is the ultimate win in life. I'm excited to what you will get up to and I'm rooting for you! Thanks for the support, it's scary but I hope we will all find what we love

Brittney Danielle

I feel you, not sure what your industry is, but I work in healthcare vetting physicians at my community hospital. Am on my last class for my Masters and I’m also feeling lost…and weirdly lonely at work. I was at one point doing 120 hours every two weeks and have been able to pull back in my OT with the goal of work life balance….but work was my life for so long I’ve had to really find hobby’s to work on…


Thank you! Yes, I'm very lucky to have supportive parents. They are kinda unconventional asian/filipino parents. They initially doubted my choice because they feel im getting too old but they realized the amount of time we spent away from each other since I lived away from them my whole Med School life, they persuaded me to make my break longer. I initially planned a 3 month break which turned into a 1 year break! So I'm spending my year off traveling with them. I do hope we find happiness in what we do/going to do in the future.