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This album took me by surprise which I don't now why but maybe because they are just so dang talented and skilled that I am shocked at the perfection that is TXT. This album took me on a journey and I felt really had a woven story through the album which reminds me of minisode 2. 

I would love to know what your fave song on the album was and who you thought killed this era!



growing pain is a banger but yeah when we heard it in the highlight medley it was a surprise! For back for more, the version on the album is the txt only version which has a different part replacing anitta's part. It's a bit of a shame they didn't put the anitta version in the album as well, but you should check out the txt only version too! Dreamer is perfect name for the song, very vibey, dreamer, floaty, love it. For deep down, it was repetitive for me but perfect for workout/typing lol. The way they sing "more" has been noted by the members themselves to sound like "moa"! the lyrics has callbacks to their debut cuz the korean name is "The Horn that Grew from My Head was Actually My Crown" and TXT's debut Crown's korean name is "One day, a horn grew from my head". Crown concept was about how a boy was going through puberty and everything seemed strange and lonely suddenly, but he found friends (which could refer to the members or to moa themselves) Happily ever after is a fun song and the tik tok challenges are super cute! Should be noted that one part of the lyric video is incorrect: beomgyu sings the part after hyuka in the first verse, not taehyun! and also lol the "sound happy but lyrics are not happy" is the story of "bright" txt song lyrics in a nutshell skipping stones was an amazing vocal performance of a song with full korean lyrics, no english words. i felt so engrossed into the song, as it builds and builds. ending it with blue spring is great too (do it like that feels out of place at the end lol) and i like the adlibs they added to the song!


UGHHHH i had to wait like a week to watch this cause i wanted to watch it all at once, growing pain is sooooo good i can already imagine how hard it would hit live with a live band. For back for more i deffo agree with the whole 'txt collabing with female artists' i mean i was a moa in 2020 where soobin was the music bank mc with oh my girl arin, it was so cute seeing how moas sent her so much love and were calling her 'moa's princess' cause she looks like a princess, and although txt have never been "small artists" back then they only had about 2 million followers on weverse, twitter, tiktok etc... when you compare that to the 22.8 million followers on tiktok and 8.9 million on weverse which is their smallest platform if im correct, their are deffo more "toxic moa" now then their was before but overall ive found moa to be extremely sweet and accepting. all i say about dreamer is that its in my 'depressed slut' playlist..... completely agree bout deep down literally makes me so emotional when i listen to it, i love happily ever after so much the lyrics literally speak to my soul i just wished beomgyu had even just one line T_T. Skipping stones is my fav song on the entire album especially when its live. blue spring always makes me ball my eyes out like a baby i swear T_T