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They are in Sweden! what a way to kick off being in another country. I feel like if they weren't filming a show and maybe only had a limited budget things would have been very different for V lol

Also they are just all so hilarious in their approaches in a new situations and experiences I love it



The first time I watched this episode V stressed me out, but honestly it did not suprise me. In my opinion V is very whimsical and from all the members he has the most childlike innocence which is not a bad thing, I think more adults should be like that. That's why in situations like this, he knows how to have fun and not stress or worry 💜


hahahaha I was so stressed. but also I love his attitude and the way he was so optimistic and chill is so inspiring. he is goals lol..my anxiety could never (at the moment anyway...I'm working on it ) lol


Yeah lose people sometimes no biggie haha


I know you posted this awhile ago but I'm currently playing catch up on these episodes. I love Tae's attitude about being lost. Fun fact, there was an Army that lived in one of those house out in the middle of nowhere that had no idea that Tae was walking around lost in front of her house until the episode came out. She posted a photo of her in front of her house on Twitter after the fact. I can't imagine how that would feel. Haha.