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I am so overwhelmed by the fact that we have reached this milestone! I started this channel up again because I was lonely in my journey through kpop because I had no one to get excited with me on new MV content and just sharing the hilarious moments we get to witness when our fave groups get up to shenanigans!

I really wanted to find people that loved the same groups but were also some beautiful humans that we can have open conversations about what we love but also for what might not be on our vibe, and that’s fine. I have had such amazing conversations with people for them helping me find music that is more my taste within a group and I have found some absolute bangerz in songs I would have missed if it weren’t for you.

I wouldn’t be MOA if it weren’t for you Lovelies!

I love learning about these groups, sharing our love for them, laughing and crying with you when we have had some emotional moments. The fact I get to have an amazing community to share this with makes me so happy and grateful for you all being here.

Thank so much for being here, for being born and for being Lovely ❤️

Love you all and can’t wait for the future!

Xx T

P.S I’m also going to do a video but wanted to get this our whilst I could!




I’m so happy for you really you were always here even when u were sick and u so sweet and genuine💜 i have so much fun and tears with you i hope you will get bigger and get so much love u deserve so much🫶🏼I’m always gonna be here💜💜


congrats and thank you for your effort and your lovely videos!