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I actually hurt my throat laughing so hard! I am just so full of happiness and soft skin lol, I hope you guys got to do a mask with me as we just take some time to watch some of our faves but also look after ourself with some skincare. 

Thank you for spending some self care time with me and I am DEAD after watching that from laughter. 

Also I hope you're not too disappointed I didn't get to the TXT EN playground episode this week. But I'll film that monday. <3 I hope you still enjoy this video as much. 


MioneTwin (my-oh-nee Twin)

TXT Silence of Idol is always funny. 🤣The show has some promoted items such as the pillows (that's why they can bring home those pillows), the eye mask & medicated plaster. I dont what they call in English but in my country, those plaster they put on their leg we call it medicated plaster


You can trust TXT with the ads 😂 they are so good at promoting stuff