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He he he…so…. This morning i was minding my own business… cutting my bagel in half when the bread knife had the NERVE to continue further than the bagel and into my finger…

So cut ahead after bleeding out in the sink and almost fainting (yes i can look at other people’s injuries but apparently my own makes me wanna hurl).. I managed to stop the bleeding but simon insisted we go to the doctor to make sure it wasn’t horrendous.

So 1 doctor’s visit, 2 stitches and 1 tetanus shot later… I am home and sore and feeling sorry for myself 😂😂

Im most sad because i feel like i finally got into a routine for my workouts and now i can’t exercise for at least 5 days 😭😭

I’m going to film today so hopefully my tetanus shot doesnt make me feel worse because I always wanna uphold my video promises for you all. Anyway, life happens and i just hope you’re all having a better day than i am ❤️❤️




I hope you feel better ❤️‍🩹

Valerie Nina

Oh no get well soon ✨ and i hope the rest of the day is okay


thanks lovely! I didn't get all the videos I wanted filmed T_T my arm and finger started hurting too much