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This show man....what a journey for all the groups and us the viewers! I feel so emotional after watching all the teams and how they all put up and endured so much pressure and sleepless nights. It would have been such an immense amount of also company pressure for some, it's not too much of a stretch that some companies would have been putting some added stress on the groups about winning. But overall, they did such an amazing job, delivering such powerful performances not just in the finale but throughout the show. 

We saw so much emotion, the good and bad but also how they have all grown as performers, people, between their members and as friends with other groups and I'm here for it all! especially how supportive they all are of other teams and just the party vibes they were giving as different groups performed. 

Thank you so much for coming on this Kingdom Journey with me Lovelies! It's been a wild ride! Is that who you expected to win?? did you think someone else was worthy of the title?? or would you just simply have rather a different group win because they are your ult ult group?? no shame in that, everyone has different faves. 

Kingdom the show may be over but Kingdom Week is still to come so look forward to some super fun content and videos from that!! <3



From what I know, IKON members live separately. But it's interesting, what happens to the group that's young when they leave and sign to another company? I would guess they move to another dorm, under new company's management.

Nanna olsen

Hi regarding the boyz being rude to staff I just wanted to explain it! having been a fan of someone since 2019 you’ll know their behavior and characters so when they got those claims I obviously didn’t believe it. before I explain it I want to express that it was firstly brought up by “pannchoa” on twt which is already kinda ehhh (If you’re in twt you’ll know) I’ll kinda go into detail if you don’t mind since I don’t think a lot of people watching are fans of tbz and I don’t want anyone believing those things😅 she claimed every member was rude except one and how handsome he was which is already very odd considering they are so many members and the repeating mentions of his good looks is also kinda questionable. she basically said they were acting rude and being b*tches and that they showed that they were tired. another staff wrote another post refuting the claim. too summarize it they basically said that they have been worked with many idols for concerts, fan meetings, music shows, etc. they've been watching over tbz for a long time and said that you won't hear these kind of bad attitude comments when it's about tbz. they described that in their workplace, you can't expect a unicorn-like environment where you'd expect idols to smile all the time without showing any hints of tiredness. Nevertheless, they said that tbz has received praises from directors and staff saying how good attitude they have during shootings and with their greetings too which we also saw a glimpse of in the last episode of kingdom. they also said that it’s nothing that fans should be worried about but ofc pannchoa won’t translate that. also I’m quite shocked you even heard this considering it’s nothing people believed in and how many people refuted the person😅

Nanna olsen

also for their performance I know they weren't satisfied with a lot of their other stuff in the show so they wanted something different and something speciel to look back on. I know it's not everyones taste but since I already know their abilities with live performances I didn't mind but I can see how that can throw people off the performance☺️


thank you so much for explaining everything! it's kinda why i don't really go on twt its to toxic and full of hate and negativity. it's so good to hear that they are genuine people but it sucks that they have someone spreading lies and rumour, and even just taking someone at a time and day maybe they weren't feeling the best and then blasting them like they are always bad to work with. It's good to hear from someone who knows them well to speak about it.