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These last set of performances before the finale were INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE! How can so many humans be so talented and perfect??????

I feel like all these guys are just so humble too about their skills it makes me love them all so much more. Who’s performance was your fave?? It’s so hard I don’t think I can choose a fave 😵‍💫😵‍💫 it made me feel so anxious the entire time because I hoped they all got to perform how they wanted too to the level they wanted without mistakes. I just can’t imagine trying to perform live to such a timed and choreographed way. I can’t lol…


Nanna olsen

I enjoyed this so much! also do you think you would ever consider checking out The Boyz outside of kingdom? they have a strong fanbase in Korea but are so underrated globally, which is such a shame their music is so good and they are really talented. Would love to see you get to know them more:)


I think I'll defs watch a few more things about them in the future, when I can get some other groups ticked off my list <3


Eunkwang always seems like just such a happy soul. <3 It's great to watch these again. Thanks Tracy!


And next time ATEEZ come to Oz, we totally have to go.


you can just tell he has such an playful personality but can be a hardass when he needs to be for the company...seeing him mad would be terrifying