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as someone who isn't interested in watching sports...I'd be very interested in watching skz play soccer more... lol It was so good to get to see them enjoy their time but also for us to get to see more interactions with staff and get to see how sweet they are to their team and camera crew.

We definitely need to see more staff interactions, I wish JYP would allow more content that involved their managers etc because I'd love to see more with their relationship with skzji anyway I wonder if there's any more episodes or this is it for now, seeing as comeback prep is probably in full force now! 



Where are skz code ep 1-17??😭 I can’t find them anywhere


lol don't worry you're not going crazy, it's because I haven't done reactions to them yet. I have watched them all before I started my channel so I've been waiting for my brain to forget most of what happens in them before watching them again with you lol


Oh got it! Thank you lol 🫶🏼