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omg this definitely is a new era of skz. the fact that we get to see them drink on camera now is going to open up so many more programs for them to be on and it definitely gives merit to my theory with the 5 stars trailer that they are known for one thing but are shaking things up a bit .. 😂😜

anyway we will see what this next era will bring and which shows they will be on! (lets hope suga's suchwita!) 



They have alluded to drinking before but this was the first time we actually got to see all of them drink together on camera and I'm so excited for what kind of opportunities this will open up for them. We've seen Lee Know drink as you mentioned and we also saw Han drink during a vlive after one of their concerts in the US back in like July or something. He never said it was alcohol tho, he said it was Iced americano mixed with water but he was drinking out of a wine glass and it looked like beer and he even smirked after putting the glass to his lips so it was clearly a lie lol. But other than that I don’t think any other member has had alcohol in front of a camera before. Now we just have to wait for them to finally curse in a song lol, we've gotten close in Cheese as well as Han's songs I GOT IT and Scissor but that’s it.

Marion Jones

Sorry to hear how sucky your health is being right now, I’ll cross my fingers that you get better quickly. This was just a nice ep, the debate was interesting haha. I hope they get to go on way more shows, surely they are in demand now that they are really popular and gaining more and more popularity in Korea. It would be nice to see how the different hosts bring out different parts of the kids. Not that I will ever be tired of the kids own content.