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these performances were really legendary! but also the results of round 2 were really surprising! did you guess that ranking at all??


Lunatic 370

Can't wait to watch this, I've just had surgery on my stomach to remove my gallbladder so I'm a bit sore rn. I will definitely watch this later when I'm not sore out if my mind.💜💜👍🏻

Marion Jones

I think it’s so interesting how ‘back door’ is about friends and fans, so btob changed it to a more romantic experience song. Whilst ‘I’love be your man’ wish about romantic love and Stray Kids changed it to friends and family. At the time I thought the judges voted skz so low because they either didn’t get the concept or that they didn’t change the song enough, like they thought it wasn’t skz title track style. That was my thought. Apparently (not entirely sure since I heard this from stay comments more recently) the judges thought they changed the song too much from the original! Which is total bs since that was the whole point of the round! Wth! And it had nothing to do with I.N, but mnets editing made it seem that way, plus the boys didn’t get the feedback about why they had such a low score until a week or two later so poor Innie must have been beating himself up so much during that time. They next episodes are so much fun.