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omg the uploading for this was a nightmare! it took hourrrrsss then it failed -___- so I had to reupload it but it's finally up! I hope you enjoy! <3



im glad you able to get it uploaded even after all the trouble you went through😁 the performances are definitely insane and will continue to get even better in the upcoming episodes so make sure your ready lol , Bobby does catch your eye he was the original reason i became a fan of ikon years ago after i saw him in a show. to be honest I've never liked any of Mnets competition show ranking systems so i don't really pay attention to that part much but Ateez being 1st is what i wanted when i first watched it the performance just sticks on you mind . i cant wait for the next episode its been alot of fun rewatching this show with you😁


thanks for your understanding lovely, it's been a pain but oh well it's put now and later tonight the TXT 1n2d episode will be up <3 and yeah I agree, how they rank things are so shady especially in past shows etc. they are defs one of those companys you can't trust but have no choice to do stuff with because they're so big -_- oh well ateez getting 1st was one that was well deserved, they probs didn't wanna stuff up that ranking everyone people would know FOR SURE they rig a lot of scores lol


I will definitely be waiting to watch it once it s up i also hope they get do do more shows like it in the future 😁. that's definitely true they probably only got away with rigging/evil editing on past shows like produce survival shows with the participants not really having fans to back them up fully, if they tried to do it with this one all the fans from all the participating groups would probably come together and then they wouldn't be able to recover lol


Im a stay but honestly Ateez deserved the win, their performance was great. Im happy with Ateez in 1 and skz in 2.