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ummm ok so, I am broken and sad....



Doesn't your heart just break for them and yes, couldn't imagine the the group without them

Marion Jones

The thing that frustrates me about this is that every one of those mystery viewers were impressed and they mentioned several times that they were like a group that’s already promoting…. That means they are good enough in that team to debut! And who the heck cares what it’s like on the recording, the energy and the feeling the crowd had when watching should have been taken into consideration. Not to mention that the actual idols mentioned how the kids did better than they did the first time busking, that yes, they would be a little over excited because they are in front of people AND the idol from 2Pm (sorry I can’t remember his name off the top of my head) was super surprised that they were performing in front of their fans for the FIRST time! Plus praising Channie for his skills as a leader (and I couldn’t hear his ‘unstable vocals’ either) and yet JYP is telling him to do better in everything? YOU GAVE HIM THIS RESPONSIBILITY MATE! You gave the responsibility to a CHILD! Who is excelling at being a leader by the way! But also has the added responsibility of CREATING these musical MASTERPIECES! Of cause he isn’t going to be as brilliant as he usually is because he’s freakin taking on the world whilst trying not to loose his hold on his members, ya know the people he considers his family! Ok rant over. I remember Felix mentioning, I think in a 2kids room ep, that him and Channie spent the entire night just crying together at the dorm after this.


I know right!!!! All of them said that for a pre debut group they were like pros already!! That made me so mad, plus JYP just being drama over nothing and making up stuff, like chan has been nothing but stable and impressive, especially probably on little sleep he was having. He literally have it his all! Also I hate that Felix and chan had to go through that at the thought of losing eachother but im so glad they are who they are today. The next Skz ep will be out this week and I’m so excited to see what the go is! ❤️


Thank you for mentioning how Chan was also so young back than and he somehow managed to handle all the responsibility, the stress, the dancing, the singing, the producing, etc. And Ive seen the performance like 20 times, unstable vocals, what? Im really no expert but WHAT? Plus, as you said all the listeners were HIGHLY impressed and JYP doesnt even congratuate them. One of the most heartbreaking realizations upon rewatching this show was just how many firsts for the boys were destroyed by JYP or the company or whoever made the decisions. After their first time basking and doing so well they should be on cloud nine, go out for the night and celebrate together (including Minho). Same with their first song coming out so great and their first MV beeing finished, not to mention it crossing 10 mill, that a HUGE accomplishment. Instead they are in cold sweat about what unfair criticism theyll have to cope with this time You only get one life and they will never get this experience back. My theory for this show: they knew very well what they were doing. Every hero needs a villain and the show was even promoted as Skz vs JYP. They made JYP so overly harsh and unfair that the stray kids are instantly the underdogs and lovable. It worked like a charm cause this series honestly made my respect for them grow (in most parts). JYP knew their potential very well and wanted to give them that jump start so he was intentionally unfair so the viewer would side with SKZ, his ultimate goal beeing to promote them. Smart move but cruel and downright child abuse.